As soon as he finished, there was a random gunshot outside, and the bullets roared in, just to set off the atmosphere of Feng Xiaotie's speech.

These bullets hit the wall, splashing our heads full of debris, from all of us to suppress other people, no one dares to be so overbearing in front of us, all the people behind me immediately started a fire, shouting and fighting back to the outside, suddenly the two sides were in a hot fight, but the wind was loud and the rain was small, so there were no casualties on both sides.

After a while, both sides stopped shooting. I was relieved that they couldn't rush in for a while. When the reinforcements came, they would really shut the door and beat the dogs. At that time, I would surround and kill all the people on the scene and get justice for those who died!

As soon as I was relieved, Feng Xiaotie's speech came from outside.

"Mr. Ouyang, these guys are stubborn. Don't leave them alive. Please give us a hand to win Dongcheng again. That's a great achievement."

"Well." Mr. Ouyang, who was called by Feng Xiaotie, gave a cold hum. My face suddenly changed. It seems that I have heard it! I frowned. I just thought about it for a second. Then I thought about who it was. My face suddenly changed!

It's him!

The guy Lang Shanqiang met in Dali tourist arts and crafts store!

I doubted immediately. I watched him take poison and kill himself with my own eyes.

I met them by chance, and then he noticed that they had found me by any means. They wanted to kill me for a long time, but they were beaten by me and sister Rong. Now I'm back from the dead.

After a little meditation, I immediately thought of the old man in the three of them.

If he comes, it will be very difficult.

All of a sudden, there was a whistle outside, and then an incredible scene happened.

Dozens of black bugs flew in from the outside. After searching for a moment in the lobby, they stared at us and then quickly flew to us.

"Brother Fei, be careful. This insect is poisonous. Many brothers can't get up after being bitten by this little guy! ", I don't understand looking at the insects in the air. At this time, Zhang Kangjian's face changed and showed his teeth.

I was so surprised that I had never seen such a strange thing before. I saw two insects flying in front of me.

Take a deep breath, I quickly throw out two daggers, they quickly dodged

There was a flash of light in my eyes, and two daggers flew out. Fortunately, my flying dagger was very accurate. Hit two.

The sound of insects has already sounded in my ears. I shot it straight to hell. Seeing the people behind me with a trace of fear in their eyes, I quickly reminded him, "malegobi, Zhang Kangjian, shoot!"

If we get close to this kind of thing, we'll be through.

At this time, the brothers woke up and quickly pulled the trigger, but in a panic, there was almost no accurate head. A wave of shooting killed only three or four insects!

At this moment, the three insects had already jumped on the brothers behind them and immediately bit them. Suddenly, four or five brothers fell to the ground like sawed stumps. Foaming in his mouth, shivering all over, very critical.

I suddenly got angry. This kind of ordinary little thing seems to have a very high IQ. It's very difficult for me to deal with it, but it didn't bite me. If you choose the men behind me to attack, if you go on like this, the hundreds of people behind me will be finished.

I flew out two daggers again. They didn't hit the strange insects, but they disturbed their formation. During this period of time, I asked, "Zhang Kangjian, have you found a way to restrain them?" Zhang Kangjian's whole body was soaked with sweat. He was out of breath and said, "No. But these things are all under the command of a man in a long shirt in Shangfeng group. He can call these little things by whistling! "

I adjusted my breath. Lang Shanqiang has gradually become so abnormal. I suddenly realized that as long as Lang Shanqiang is dead, these strange insects will not threaten us.

I suddenly thought of a way. No matter how powerful these little guys are, they are just flesh. They can be killed by fire!

"Burn with fire!" I yelled at the top of my voice and ordered everyone to make a fire quickly. At this moment, the strange insects rushed up again. I quickly took off my coat and swung it like a soft whip. The huge wind finally beat the insects back again.

At this moment, Zhang Kangjian lit his coat. The fire was getting bigger and bigger. He threw it into the air and threw it in front of the strange insects who had assembled again. The fire scared the strange insects to fly.

"Pa Pa!" A few sounds, many strange insects will turn to ashes.

I said ecstatically, this method is really useful, "brothers, keep burning!"

They moved in to Baijiu, threw them in the air, and pulled the trigger. The high temperature of the bullet ignited the Baijiu and burned it up.

Just now the bully flies away.

"Throw it out the door!" I yelled at the top of my voice. The fire is not powerful, but it can cause some panic to the Shangfeng group outside. You can buy us time!

Zhang Kangjian immediately understood what I meant. He was very energetic. He picked it up and threw it out of the door, losing more than ten bottles in a row.

Brothers also yelled to throw wine bottles out, and soon the fire outside became more and more fierce. I saw the people of Shangfeng group retreating behind, and I was ecstatic.

"Now, run out and kill them!", I yelled at the top of my voice and rushed to the door of the hotel first. Under my leadership, my brothers' courage increased greatly and all rushed out with swords.

I rushed to the door, a few bullets hit, I easily dodge, continuous shooting, now my shooting has been very accurate, all of a sudden have eliminated several enemies.

When the gunshot died down, I quickly rolled on the ground and finally got out of the hotel.

I quickly looked around and saw Lang Shanqiang standing in the middle of the crowd. He was hiding behind a big man. It was Feng Xiaotie, the leader of Shangfeng group.

A light flashed in my eyes, and my mind turned: "kill Lang Shanqiang who is haunted. Even if the people of Shangfeng group and Hong'an group are bullied, they can't be brave under my hands!

I smile and the fire makes them confused. I haven't noticed yet that I have already run out and the people behind me have already fought with them. Seeing their people falling down, I am finally relieved.

I'm their belief. As long as I'm still fighting with them, they can burst out with amazing combat effectiveness and irresistible!

Lang Shanqiang stepped back and looked around.

He saw me, a pair of eyes suddenly gradually become cold, eyes still have the color of accident, seems unexpected.