At least, I don't break the law. Even if I have to bear the responsibility for some traffic accidents, I'm not the main one. I'll be fined at most. If I spend a little money, I can kill these two arrogant little Oriental countries. I think it's worth the money.

When I heard the roaring sound of the motor, I saw that the eyes of the two guys suddenly became bigger and bigger. I could see that they were also very scared. The car was getting closer and closer, and the two tortoise sons finally counseled and hid on both sides? My car whizzed between them.

When I think I can get away.

At this time, a bullet hit my tire, and suddenly I just felt that my car lost control, and the rear wheels of the car began to swing.

Then I saw a turn in front of me.

I immediately yelled at him, fucked TMD.

My car was out of control. I drove straight ahead. I quickly stepped on the brake. With a bang, the bumper of the car hit the guardrail heavily. My body rushed forward quickly. Fortunately, the airbag saved me.

But I didn't have time to catch my breath. At this time, I found the two men with Oriental knives and quickly caught up with them.

I secretly scold in my heart, NIMA just got rid of Wei Guodong, and there are three such hateful guys. I don't know if there is anyone else in front of him.

I didn't dare to think about it. I took the three throwing knives Ouyang gave me.

Running towards the woods, I was just about to get out of the door when a bullet hit directly in front of me.

At that time, I felt a little pain and tight, and even felt that the urine in my bladder almost came out. There was no time to be afraid, so I jumped off the cliff.

In this way, the sniper in the distance will not be able to aim again.

But the two with the Oriental knife were still reluctant, and they jumped down the cliff with me.

I kept running, black and dark around, steep cliffs, I fell several times, but the foot did not dare to stop half a second.

Because as soon as they stop, they will catch up, a lot.

Fortunately, I often exercise and learn a lot from Zou Li.

Now the physical strength is quite good, fell to the ground, although suffered a lot of injuries, but did not feel particularly tired or shortness of breath.

I immediately began to run towards the distance. After pulling away the distance, I found a bush to hide.

Then took out a dagger, this dagger is carbonized, the blade of the whole dagger is black, so it will not reflect any light in the night, very hidden.

Now our roles seem to have changed from hunter to prey.

But in fact, I didn't plan to attack. I just took out the dagger just in case. It's better for them to think that I'm still running in front of me and they'll chase me.

But these guys are very cunning, probably because they didn't hear my footsteps, so they stood in the same place and searched around.

Seeing this scene, I secretly scold the dog force in my heart. These guys seem to have been trained professionally.

From the weapons they use, I don't think they are local gangs.

However, if they are mercenaries, why do they use weapons like Oriental knives? This is very rare among mercenaries.

There is only one possibility. They are originally from the Oriental countries, so they have a special preference for such weapons.

Or they are sent into China by some gangs of the Oriental countries specially for this U disk.

I touched the U disk again and thought that up to now, although I don't know who the U disk is given to, it must be very important. You can't let foreigners get it.

At this time, I held my breath. These two guys have very good hearing, which makes me believe that as soon as I move, they will come after me. Even I dare not breathe, for fear that the gasp will attract these two guys. However, even so, I am not so lucky. These two guys are chasing me in the direction of horns.

I vaguely heard one of them say that it was the last place where the footsteps came out.

And I looked in the dark, and his finger pointed to the Bush where I was hiding.

In my heart, I said hello to this guy's ancestors for 18 generations.

He slowly approached another person, and seemed to feel my danger. Toyo Dao was ready to go, and the other person even kept waving it to hide any suspicious bush.

Seeing the scene, this kind of feeling reminds me of my grandfather. When he met GUI Zi Tu village, he hid in the haystack, but the devil still didn't let it go. He stabbed me a few more times in the haystack, and my grandfather was almost stabbed to death.

In my heart, I secretly scold him. What's the age of these Japanese devils? They dare to be so arrogant. Today I have to show them some color.

When one of them came near, I threw a dagger in my hand.

The dagger was silent in the dark, until it was stuck on the neck of the Japanese devil with excellent hearing. He yelled, and then covered the dagger with his hand, but it was useless. The dagger was just stuck on the artery of his neck. If he wanted to pull out the dagger, it would only accelerate its death.

At this time, another Oriental didn't seem to have time to react. I immediately put my foot to work and rushed up. I punched the injured Oriental in the neck. Then I slashed his hand with a dagger. His Oriental knife fell to the ground. I immediately took it and kicked an injured Oriental to one side with a sharp foot.

I have a one-on-one situation with a Toyo knife in my hand.

At this time, many readers may think that when I get here, I can compete with a Japanese devil.

But in fact, my heart is very clear, at this time I still do not have the advantage, because this is my first time to play with Toyo Dao, and the other side is definitely a master with Toyo Dao.

If I foolishly take a Toyo knife to chop with him, I will probably be the one who died.

At this time, my mind quickly thinking about countermeasures, I have to find a way to let him show a flaw, and then use a flying knife to solve it.

Fortunately, all along, I have been fighting with the enemy with my brain.

Even in such a state, I didn't get carried away by a short victory.

At this time, the remaining Oriental devil has returned to his senses. He saw his companion fall to the ground and shed a lot of blood. When he saw the position of his companion's knife, he knew that although his companion was still alive, it was no different from death.

His face immediately flashed a trace of ferocious color, yelled, eight ah road.

Then he rushed to me. When he got close to me, a wave of the Oriental sword immediately brought out a white light and made a whirring sound.

Oriental Kendo stresses momentum.

At this moment, I deeply felt the overwhelming feeling. Although I blocked it several times with a knife, the sparks from every block made me feel dazzling, and the force I sent out shocked me.