"Yes, chairman Zhan, I'm Wang Fei. You see, I didn't expect such a thing to disturb you. The local dog used to have a good relationship with me, so I --"

I pretend to be difficult and say that I have to save the local dog. There is no suspense. Even if I will be punished for this, I can't help it.

"Well, I understand. I've long heard that you value love and righteousness. Don't worry. I won't care about a dead man."

Chairman Zhan raised his lips and said, "I'm very glad after hearing this. Chairman Zhan is very generous, but he is the enemy of my father-in-law's death. I won't accept his affection.".

"Thank you, chairman Zhan. Thank you, chairman Zhan."

I thank Chairman Zhan again and again. I still have to thank you for that. On the face of it, don't you?

Then chairman Zhan nodded with a smile and said nothing. He watched me choose a graveyard for the local dog and put in the ashes box of the local dog. The funeral of the fake local dog was simple, without any ceremony, and was buried directly.

But to my surprise, chairman Zhan found me and said to me after it was over.

"Wang Fei, your ability is very good. It happens that I have an assistant's position vacant. Are you willing to do it?"

Chairman Zhan said to me, I was stunned and asked me to be an assistant? And an assistant to the chairman? What is this for? Test me!

I want to understand, chairman Zhan is 100% to test me! As his assistant, I will naturally come into contact with some secret intelligence, but it may also be the bait that he released to lure me to take the bait!

"Yes? It's such an honor. Of course I would. "

I told chairman Zhan that in fact I can refuse. After I refuse, although chairman Zhan and Zhan Minghai will still have a suspicious attitude towards me, my life will be carefree.

But in that case, I will never have access to the confidential information of tishan group. So, although it is dangerous to be the assistant of chairman Zhan, it is my only chance!

Whether it's for Zou Li, or for the two injuries, now the life and death of the local dog, this opportunity I must firmly seize! Fighting with the Jans!

"Well, you'll come to the company headquarters tomorrow to report."

With a smile, chairman Zhan left with Zhan Minghai and Wei Guodong. At this time, Ouyang Xiaoxiao found me and said to me, "Chairman Zhan, why do you want to be an assistant? You should be clear in your heart. Don't let me down."

Ouyang Xiaoxiao looked at me with a smile. After listening, I nodded with a smile and said how could I disappoint you?

But in fact, I said a lie. Even if Ouyang Xiaoxiao treated me well, I would not be able to destroy the underworld forces of Tishang group! No choice!

After Ouyang Xiaoxiao gave me advice, she also left, and then left me and Zhang Gang, as well as Xiao Yu and others. When Xiao Yu came, Zhang Gang had secretly told them that it was a fake funeral for local dogs.

"Feige, it's not easy for chairman Zhan to make you an assistant this time. You can't act rashly."

Xiao Yu understood my character and immediately saw my thoughts. He said to me with some worries. After listening to this, I laughed and said nothing about it. In fact, the reality left me few choices.

"Zhang Gang, how is the local dog now?"

I asked Zhang Gang, I see Zhang Gang just received a text message, relieved look, I guess the dog should be rescued successfully.

"No life is in danger, Feige. The doctor said that thanks to the timely delivery, otherwise he would die."

Zhang Gang answered me with a little relief on his face. I was also relieved after hearing this and felt very relieved. At that time, I was afraid that Zhan Minghai would think more about it. Seeing that the local dog was not dead, he continued to mend the knife, so the knife was not particularly shallow, but it was not particularly deep. The local dog's heart was on the right side, and the knife must have hurt his lung.

"Well, no one is allowed to see the local dog these days. Zhang Gang, you ask your superior leader to transfer the local dog to another hospital. Don't let him stay in Kyoto."

Zhang Gang said that after hearing this, Zhang Gang nodded his head. It should be that local dogs are very dangerous for all of us in Kyoto. Once local dogs are found, they will die, and so will I, so it's better to let them go.

After the fake funeral, I went home. Today is not the same as usual. Zou Li came back. She really knows where I bought my villa and even the key I put under the carpet.

It can be seen that although Zou Li ran away from home, in fact, she never left me and has been observing me.

"I'm back."

Zou Li, I came back and answered with a smile. It was just like before. She didn't mention her leaving this time, and I didn't mention it, so I let it all go back to the past.

"Well, I'm back."

I laughed and said, the local dog is OK, my nervous heart relaxed down, at this time my heart is full of joy because Zou Li came back, I am really happy.

"How's the dog“

Zou Li asked me about my relationship with the local dog. Others don't know about it. Zou Li knows it best. If we succeed in destroying the triad forces of the Tishang group and helping Zou Li recapture the Tishang group, then the local dog is our greatest hero.

"The rescue is coming. It's all right."

I said with a smile that the injury of the local dog is the lung. Once rescued, it should not leave any sequelae. Zou Li nodded after listening to it. I can see that she was also relieved.

Looking at the scene a little embarrassed, Zou Li didn't know what to say. I told Zou Li with a smile that I was hungry and wanted Zou Li to cook some food for me. To be honest, I miss Zou Li's dark food.

Zou Li naturally didn't refuse and went to cook. We didn't mention the past things, and we didn't need to mention them. I didn't tell Zou Li about chairman Zhan's asking me to be his assistant. First, I was afraid of her worry. Second, I also enjoyed the quiet life with Zou Li. I didn't want to discuss these things with her, It's up to me to decide these things.