However, the other provincial helmsman of Tishang group all have a general helm, including the local dogs in the northeast, but they just don't have the prosperity of Hebei.

But I'm not interested in this prosperous and beautiful helm at all, because I know that this is not my territory. In a short time, the organizational system of Tishang group will disappear, and all of them will go to prison!

"Helmsman Wang, the call is over. They'll be there in a minute."

Li Zhen stood in front of me after the call and said that although the words were still respectful, he was reluctant. After all, I occupied other people's territory now.

"Well, OK, I see. Now I'm a little thirsty. Go and make us some tea."

I sit on the sofa in the office with my legs crossed and said to Li Zhen that the name of this office is the general manager's office, which is actually the helmsman's office. Now Xiaoyu, Zhang Gang and Li Zhen are sitting in this office waiting. Other people, such as the three brothers of the Wang family, have asked me to send them to the meeting room to wait.

Because of Zhan Minghai's order, I can't kill this traitor who betrayed my father-in-law and killed Zhongliang, my father-in-law. Naturally, I have nothing to do. I have to fight him and let him be frustrated.

"Make tea?"

Li Zhen suddenly a Leng, he mixed society to mix how many years, presumably also should be a long time did not give people tea, right?

"Well, are you deaf?"

I nodded and said again with a straight face. These two goods have long known that they would not have a good life in my hands. Now they still have an unexpected expression? So unconscious?

"Good, good!"

Li Zhen nodded and turned to leave to make tea. I looked at his back with a sneer. In fact, I just wanted to let him go to make tea. After all, I can only say something in front of my brother.

After Li Zhen left, I said to Zhang Gang and Xiao Yu.

"In a moment, I will withdraw some of the former people just like the scene. You take over, but you don't have to pay more attention after taking over, because we are about to end."

"It's over?"

When I finish, Xiaoyu is stunned, but Zhang Gang is happy. I know Xiaoyu likes this kind of life, but Zhang Gang doesn't like it. The end proves that Zhang Gang's undercover operation is coming to an end, and he can live a aboveboard life.

"Yes, I became the helmsman this time. I have the evidence of drug-related activities of the Tishang group, which can make most of the Tishang group go to prison, and the gangs of the Tishang group will soon come to an end."

I told Xiao Yu that although there was a lot of evidence in the past, it didn't involve many people. This drug incident should at least lead to the arrest of more than half of the top management of Tishang group. Among them, Zhan Minghai and other leaders had no way to escape. Of course, my undercover operations were ended.


Xiaoyu Ao nodded and said nothing. I patted Xiaoyu's shoulder with a smile. After a while, Li Zhen also made tea and came back.

"Master Wang, you have tea."

Li Zhen respectfully said to me, I glanced at him, nodded, and then said: "let my brothers drink first."

Li Zhen was stunned. Of course he understood what I meant. I asked him to offer tea to my brothers. That's right. I just insulted him. I can't kill him. Can't I be angry? God knows how much I hate this man. God knows how much my daughter-in-law Zou Li would hate him if she knew about this!


Li Zhen thinks that he also wants to understand his current situation, so he says "yes" and turns around to offer tea to Xiao Yu and Zhang Gang. Xiao Yu and Zhang Gang are not used to him, so they accept his offer.

About five minutes later, Li Zhen's men arrived and were waiting in the conference room. Now they should not know that they have changed the helmsman again. Accompanied by Li Zhen and Xiao Yu Zhang Gang, I went into the conference room and saw that the conference room was obviously divided into two groups, one of whom I brought and the other of Li Zhen's men.

"Helmsman Wang, these are the people above the hall leaders of our Tishang group and North Branch."

Li Zhen said a word to me, I listened to a grace, look at Li Zhen that group can have about 40 people.

Hebei is much bigger than Kyoto, so it has more people than Kyoto. At this time, these people looked at their helmsman Li Zhen's respectful attitude towards me. They were all muddled and didn't know what it was.

"Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Wang Fei. I'm your new helmsman!"

I stirred up a thousand waves, I said, immediately the people under the mess into a pot of porridge, everyone is extremely surprised, only I brought the younger brother calm, a calm face, I brought a lot of people know what I'm doing today.

"Be quiet! Now, from big to small, introduce yourself to me one by one

I gave a cry, and the scene suddenly quieted down. The underworld forces are so good. It's absolutely easy for leaders to speak, and no one dares to listen.

And they have nothing to doubt. After all, Li Zhen, the former helmsman, stood respectfully beside me, which shows everything.

"Report to helmsman Wang. My name is Xiong Bei. I'm in charge of Qinhuangdao!"

"Report to helmsman Wang. My name is Liu Qiang. I'm in charge of Baoding!"

Next, they began to introduce themselves one by one. What they said about the person in charge is the so-called regional boss.

I've heard about it. Hebei has seven regional leaders. Many regional leaders manage several cities. Local leaders are powerful. Although Hebei's status is not better than that of Kyoto, its overall strength is much stronger than that of Tishang group's branch in Kyoto.

Then I only paid attention to a few people who managed the most territory. The more powerful they were, the more they should be Li Zhen's confidants. But I didn't withdraw them. Just after I was in the top position, I replaced the important people without any excuse. This time, it caused a lot of trouble. When I handed over the drugs, my life would be over, I don't have to deal with these useless things.

"Well, I just came here, and I know a lot of things. But as the old saying goes, once the emperor and the courtiers are in charge, I will naturally use some people who I am used to. Now I need several responsible persons, but I don't know who to remove. What do you say?"

I sat at the head and looked at the people asking. At this time, they were all in a daze. Everyone knew the truth of one emperor and one courtier. When I announced that I had changed the helmsman again, they should have known it.