Chapter 726

The eldest prince and Ruan Susheng left the capital all the way to the warm place. The eldest prince was wearing silver armor, and the sun was shining on his armor. Naturally, Ruan Susheng was very anxious, and he did not know how Ruan Tianqi was doing now. His heart was very worried, and he was still frightened. Several people are on their way, suddenly heard a scream from the crowd. The prince looked back and saw that one of the people was struck by an arrow and fell down.

Just then, a few flying arrows were forced towards the direction of the prince. The prince dodged and looked at the direction of the flying arrow with fright. On one side, Ruan Susheng escorts the driver, while Liu Qinghe calls a group of soldiers to resist with armor. The enemy seemed to have shot the arrow, and came out of the forest in unison, and forced him towards the prince. The great prince Ruan Susheng and Liu Qinghe pulled out their swords to resist.

Finally killed all the enemy, people's physical strength is not support, can only set up a tent in situ. The eldest prince and Ruan Susheng investigated the corpses. They were all dressed in black and covered. Although there are many people in this group, they are not good at martial arts. It seems that they have just started. The eldest prince pulled down his veil, and the man lying in front of him was only a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, not as good as a hairpin.

The eldest prince was startled. He took off his veil and saw that he was no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. It seems that these people are just teenagers. They just joined the army.

"Ruan Er ye, who do you think they are?" The eldest prince asked, he had a hunch that these people might have come for him. Ruan Susheng's face was heavy. Although he was the one who came to assassinate them, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He was in the beautiful youth season and suddenly lost his life. It must be hard for their relatives.

Ruan Susheng looked at the number. Except for the ten or so people who had just escaped, there were thirty or so people in total. Ruan Susheng had an answer in his mind. He said, "maybe they are from Ruan family army."

"Ruan army?" The eldest prince was surprised. He once heard Ruan Tianqi talk about it. Now general Ruan is training in the general's mansion. Even they have brought a lot of Ruan troops on this trip. How can there be another team.

"You don't know. When Xiushu took Ruan's army away, the third young master of Ruan's house organized a team of Ruan's army, all of them were 14-year-old and 5-year-old. Look at this, it should be them. " Ruan Susheng opened his mouth and said that if he didn't judge from his age, maybe he couldn't figure out why they came from.

Hearing this, the prince shivered in his heart. Ruan sushengruo is right. This group of people are really Ruan Jiajun, which means that Pingnan Marquis's house has now been subordinated to the fourth prince. Naturally, the Grand Prince knew who was watching them. Now that the fourth Prince has known about Ruan Tianqi's serious illness, he must know that Ruan Susheng and others will go to collect the medicine, and he will send someone to intercept it, which is also expected by the eldest prince.

But he didn't expect that the fourth Prince's heart was so vicious. He has heard about Wang Xiushu's friendship. After all, the fourth Prince did not hide his love for Wang Xiushu. Since he is fond of Ruan Tianqi, he must not be able to accommodate him. If Ruan Tianqi died, Wang Xiushu would become a widow, and she could remarry even without a divorce.

When the prince thought of this place, he felt cold.

What's more, he is also in the team, and the fourth Prince may have his own purpose. The big prince thinks so, suddenly realizes what, opens a mouth to ask: "Pingnan Hou mansion's old lady and Hou Ye two people know this matter?"

Ruan Susheng shook his head: "the old lady should not know, but the Marquis may not. When I look at the battle, I think the Lord knows something about it. He doesn't like Tianqi. Although Tianqi is the son of the Lord, his life in the house is not as good as a humble farm. The Marquis had never looked at Ruan Tianqi with a good eye. Even if he knew about it, he would not stop Ruan Jiajun. "

Ruan Susheng sighed. Although these were only his personal guesses, he also had a hunch that his guesses were very close. Pingnan Marquis house, in addition to the old lady, who will really take Ruan Tianqi in mind? They were afraid that Ruan Tianqi would suddenly come back and take their son's place.

What's more, how can he give Ruan Tianqi the position of son of the world. Although Ruan Tianqi was his son, he never became his son. At the beginning, if Ruan Susheng was not just an adopted son, the person who should have married Zhao Yumin would have been himself. How could Ruan Juan's misfortune have been tolerated. It is because of this that Ruan Juan disdains Ruan Tianqi. He suspects that Ruan Tianqi is the child of Zhao Yumin and him.

Ruan Susheng thought so, his heart couldn't help sighing. Seeing this, the prince said softly, "Ruan Er ye, what are you sighing for?"

"It's just a sigh that Tianqi's life is not good." Ruan ju'an said with a smile.

"Ruan Er ye, I don't know if the prince has a plan." The great prince said.

"Say it, Prince." Ruan Susheng nodded and said.

"We are divided into two ways. I'll take the Ming Road. Mr. Ruan, you'll take the dark road with liuqinghe to avoid people's attention. Now that our destination and itinerary have been exposed to the prince, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid he will come again. "

"No, you are the eldest prince. How can you get into a dangerous situation? The fourth Prince's purpose is not only for you, but also for us. If you really go on the road of Ming Dynasty, the fourth prince will kill you. "

"Ruan Er ye, listen to me and explain to you," the eldest prince said after a pause. "Let's make a decision first. I know what you are worried about. But if not, we will be harassed by the fourth prince all the time. If he harasses us like this, we will be delayed, even for Tianqi, We can't let him harass us all the time. We can't wait to die. "

There is a certain truth in the words of the great prince, but he valued himself as the prince. What he just said was that he obviously regarded himself as a target and let the fourth prince do whatever he wanted. The danger of this is clear to Ruan Susheng.

"Ruan Er ye, for Tianqi's sake, we have to do the same," said the eldest prince. "Besides, our prince is not so easy to be killed. Don't worry."

"If it's a target, I'll do it." Ruan Susheng road.

"Ruan Er ye, people in the capital are familiar with me most. If you do this target, they will know our purpose. Absolutely not." The great prince said that although he knew the risks of the journey, he was the most suitable choice as a target.