Xiao Naihe and Bei Qiong sat in front of the two Buddha and magic stone statues, and the spiritual light shone on them.

In front of them, jingmang flashed, showing a mysterious picture and text.

These pictures and texts seem to be engraved with some very strange words. Each word has a certain power, which seems to show its own mystery.

The strange radiance shrouded Xiao Naihe, and the light shown in the pictures and texts in the air seemed to be paved into a road, shining around them.

"He is as motionless as a mountain and as calm as a heart. That's him."

Beiqiong glanced at Xiao Naihe and couldn't help admiring him. In such a place, there are many crises, but she can remain sincere.

She really couldn't see through Xiao Naihe more and more. She felt that Xiao Naihe now seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious aura.

If it were her, she would certainly not be able to do the same as Xiao Naihe, as if nothing could affect her.


Beiqiong sighed gently. She was not that sentimental person, but at this time, she was a little restless in her heart.

Looking at Xiao sitting so quietly, even beiqiong was vaguely infected and set his eyes on the floating pictures and texts in the air.

Those pictures swam like tadpoles, shaking constantly.

With a fierce grasp, Xiao Naihe grabbed one of the tadpoles in the palm of his hand.

Even beiqiong couldn't help looking at the tadpole text shaking in Xiao Naihe's hand, as if it was really alive and conscious.

"What is this?"

"This is a psychic text. Once everything in heaven and earth has spirituality, it will produce independent consciousness, as if it has given life."

"You mean, these words have their own life?"

Beiqiong was slightly surprised. She had never heard of such a thing.

She has only heard that animals, plants and trees can be cultivated into spirits, and even stones can give life, but she has never heard that even words can become life.

Giving life is what God is doing.

Even if the intercourse of yin and Yang is between men and women, that is not to create life, but to integrate their essence and survive in another form of life.

If words can turn into life, it's amazing.

"It's not life, it's just a kind of spirituality. Spirituality is not life. Everything has spirit. The word spirit is the most wonderful, but if you misunderstand this word as a symbol of life, it's very wrong."

Xiao Naihe put the tadpole text in his hand into the air, re integrated it into the pictures and slowly said, "if a person reaches the passive peak, he will be reborn, go beyond the law of the eternal world, jump out of the plane and not be suppressed by the plane. In this case, the strong at the holy level can even do something that the will of the eternal world can do."

"Is this picture and text created by the saint and the strong?"

"Well, the Buddha and devil mind method, one Buddha and one devil, at the beginning, the two masters in the Buddha and devil country once fought each other for half a year and seven days, but they couldn't do anything about each other. Finally, the two people abandoned their past grievances, but united to create a mind method. The Buddha and devil mind method became Buddha and devil."

Xiao could not help but keep his palms together. At that time, the golden light shrouded him like a cassock, setting him off as bright as fire and holy as God.

"A person can have a Buddha or a devil in his heart. The way of Buddha and devil lies in his mind. When he understands the Tao, people's good and evil are born from his heart. A good heart becomes a Buddha, and a bad heart becomes a devil. The good and evil in the world depend on his own Tao heart. Who can say that his Tao heart is invincible, even the Buddha and the devil don't dare to say that his Tao heart is invincible. But if he sticks to his original heart and doesn't move like a mountain, even if the sky collapses and the earth breaks, he will be born Old illness and death can't affect your mind at all. "

Listening to Xiao Naihe's words, beiqiong was like listening to a Zen study.

She clearly could not understand the words in the air, but at this time, under the guidance of Xiao Naihe's words, it seemed that she could understand them.

Beiqiong closed her eyes. At this time, she unloaded all the burdens in her heart and threw away all the negative thoughts. It seems that only herself and Xiao Naihe are left in the whole world.


Outside, "gaozang Buddhism and magic building? Is it the top sect among the Terrans that claims to be comparable to the top ten aristocratic families?"

"It's them. The two main sects were always fighting for opportunities in the money road of heaven and earth, and the two sects were still feuds. From the last era to now, the contradiction has not been solved. However, under the mediation of the Terran alliance, the two main sects stopped large-scale fighting, and finally agreed on three chapters and a truce. In order to prevent the speed of each other's development, they agreed not to fight for 900 years You have to get into heaven and earth. "

"However, since gaozang Buddha appeared here, the 900 year agreement should have expired."

While everyone was talking, pieces of golden light floated in the sky. These golden lights seemed to be paved into a BRICs Avenue, which came here from a distance.

The crowd could not help but take a step backward.

This golden light Avenue is outside the cave. When those people outside saw a figure on the golden light, suddenly a large sect leader couldn't help saying, "it's really gaozang Buddha. He finally appeared."

"Master, who is gaozang Buddha?"

"Gaozang Buddhism is different from other sects. Their descendants are a new born baby in the Buddha Tibet plateau after the death of the old abbot's Avenue. This baby will become the heir of their gaozang Buddhism."

"No, if it's the abbot of gaozang Buddhism, I'm afraid he has great strength and long life. How can he die easily."

There are tens of thousands of life-saving practitioners. The strong in the later stage may even survive for several times.

It's hard to die without accidents.

If he was an expert of gaozang Buddhism, how could he die casually.

"Gaozang Buddhism is different from our sects. They also want to cultivate strong saints, but they have another more radical approach. If the abbot of gaozang Buddhism runs out of potential, there is no possibility of stepping into saints. Even semi saints will automatically step down and pass on their own Dharma to the next generation."

The sect leader's expression moved and his eyes showed a deep feeling: "the abbot of gaozang Buddhism voluntarily passed away and came to the Buddha light. He integrated all the Buddha Dharma into the Buddha light and passed it on to the next generation by the method of Buddha light enlightenment. As long as the successors of this generation practice smoothly, he will continue to activate the Abbot's Buddhist memory."

"What? It's not out of thin air that a strong man has gained many years of monastic experience."

"What's more, every generation of abbots of gaozang Buddhism do this. If they can't get to the saint, their Dharma will be passed on automatically. There hasn't been a saint in gaozang Buddhism for so many years, but there are several semi Saint experts, and the Dharma passed on by these people will be accumulated. You say that this gaozang Buddha has received the Dharma of several generations of abbots of Buddhism, once he has all the Dharma How powerful will memory be when activated? "

At this point, the patriarch's eyes could not help showing a sense of horror.

Gaozang Buddhism is definitely one of the most peculiar sects among the human race. Many people would rather provoke the top ten aristocratic families than offend the people of gaozang Buddhism.

Because gaozang Buddhism has inherited two times, no one knows how terrible their details are.

It is said that although the abbot of gaozang Buddhism has passed away, there are two and a half holy Dharma protectors to protect gaozang Buddhism.

"It is said that this generation of gaozang Buddha is the most likely person to become a saint. Although he has not fully activated his Buddhist memory, his strength is also very strong. When he comes to the money road of heaven and earth, he is likely to get a great opportunity in the money road of heaven and earth."

With that, the leader looked sorry.

This also means that their opportunities will be reduced more.

The way of heaven, earth and money can only come once in a lifetime. Even if you lose your life, you can't jump out of this limit.

In other words, after they came this time, they had no way to come in again.

Now I still meet such rebellious figures as gaozang Buddha and rob them of opportunities. These people are going to curse their mother in their hearts.

But they can't help it.

At this time, another sharp voice came, and a thick black fog appeared in the void. The space shrouded by the black fog seemed to become night.

The whole space outside the cave seems to have become a dark world, and half of the sky has become extremely dark.

"This is... Did the woman from the magic building also come." the leader's voice suddenly trembled.