"This thing..." Su Jian'an hesitated. If it were someone else, he might have agreed.

However, Xiao Naihe seems to be only the most important thing in the supreme realm. There are many choices to choose more excellent disciples in the sect for these 100 places.

"Lord, I remember that younger martial brother Xiao should only focus on the supreme realm. Although I don't deny his talent, it's too inappropriate. We've already set the quota."

Longya slowly opened his mouth. Although his tone was deliberately thoughtful, Xiao Naihe could feel that the Longya was aiming at himself.

"Indeed... Bingyun, these 100 places have been set. It's inappropriate to change them now. If you have a chance next time..."

"The next time? The Phoenix derby will be held every three thousand years. There is only one chance for us. In that case, let's give my qualification to younger martial brother Xiao."


Su Jian'an immediately denied that if Su Bingyun's quota was given to Xiao, it would be an extremely unfavorable thing for Su Jian'an and zongmen.

At this time, Su Jian'an was also dissatisfied with Xiao Naihe. He didn't know how the boy persuaded his daughter to do this for Xiao Naihe.

At the thought of Su Bingyun's look at Xiao Naihe just now, Su Jian'an's face is not very good.

"Well, Xiao can have a place, but Bingyun, you must have a place."

"Shifu, who should I give him the quota? It seems unfair to others."

With that, Longya also glanced at Xiao Naihe gently, but Xiao Naihe was not moved at all, just a faint look.

"Take Zhang Huizhi's. He is the 100th one. Zhang Huizhi just stepped into the second level of supremacy this year. Since Bing Yun attaches so much importance to Xiao, I believe he does have some skills, that's it."

Su Jian'an waved. Although a place at the end is also very important, it's nothing compared with Su Bingyun's.

So Su Jian'an would rather give Xiao Naihe a qualification than let Su Bingyun quit.

Besides, there must be no hope for the 100th place. I'm afraid that Xiao will only be the bottom in the supreme realm. However, compared with Su Bingyun, it's worth it.

Because of this, Su Jianan's to Xiao Naihe also fell to the bottom of the ice, but Xiao Naihe didn't care. Since you can enter the Phoenix zongzong through this big competition, you can save him a lot of trouble.

"Let's go. Don't disturb the cleaning of ice clouds."

Su Jianan was the first to leave. Haotian smiled and said, "boy, don't let your master down."

Su Bingyun, who had already calmed down, couldn't help but regenerate a blush on his face after hearing Haotian's words, and was embarrassed in his heart.

Longya took a deep look at Su Bingyun. Su Bingyun looked blurred and incomparably gorgeous, which made Longya want Su Bingyun. But the thought that Su Bingyun actually looked at a little disciple made Longya very unhappy.


Lengleng hum, the Dragon teeth also brushed their sleeves and left. Before leaving, they took a cold look at Xiao Naihe.

However, Xiao Naihe has made a decision in his heart. He must find an opportunity to kill the Dragon tooth. Xiao Naihe will never leave any threat to himself.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to want a place this time. It took so much effort."

Su Bingyun was really embarrassed. Xiao Naihe gave her such a great opportunity, but he actually spent so much effort to win a place for Xiao Naihe, and it was still the last place, which made Su Bingyun very embarrassed.

"It's all right. I don't really want to participate in the Dabi. If I show some skills in the Dabi at that time, attract the attention of the Phoenix zongzong and join the zongzong, I will be qualified to stay in the zongzongzong at that time, which can be regarded as completing my goal."

Xiao Naihe originally wanted to absorb the great fortune of heaven and earth in the Phoenix zongzong.

After absorbing the power of Qi and fortune in Xingyuan Xuanshi, Xiao Naihe's own power of Qi and fortune has accumulated a lot. For example, the power of Qi and fortune in the small clan door of Huofeng division is of little use to Xiao Naihe.

Only those super sect forces in the nine divine realms can satisfy Xiao Naihe.

"Phoenix zongzong has a history of more than 80000 years. Phoenix zongzong even controls 30 big worlds and 200 small worlds in the lower world. Naturally, there are many nine masters. I want to go in and absorb the great luck of heaven and earth. Naturally, I can't attract too many people's attention."

Xiao Naihe thought, and then his eyes turned.

The accumulation of Fenghuang zongzongzong for 80000 years, I'm afraid that the Qi power in the Zong door has been deep to a very high level, even more than the accumulation in the Xingyuan Xuanshi of the blood gentleman.

After all, there is only one blood gentleman, but there are too many people in Phoenix zongzong. They continuously refine several Dharma arrays to converge the Qi of the whole Phoenix divine domain.

Even if it takes 20000 years to set up a Dharma array, there is at least 60000 years of accumulation.

"It's still too early to think about these. First find a way to enter the Phoenix zongzong!"


The next day, Su Bingyun began to stabilize her cultivation, but she wanted to send Xiao Naihe to her Qinglian peak. After all, the Qi on Qinglian peak was more powerful.

But now for Xiao Naihe, let alone Qinglian peak, there is not much heaven and earth atmosphere in the whole Huofeng sub clan.

Therefore, Xiao still stays in the former cave. He wants to digest all the news and memories he and the blood gentleman and greedy wolf have got.

"Since the star family comes from other planes in the depths of the universe, if I really don't believe this plane in the future, I can use this warship to directly cross the galaxy, enter the depths of the universe and look for other planes."

Xiao couldn't help thinking about it, but he also had other ideas in his mind: "From the blood gentleman, the moonlight warship doesn't seem to have much energy, and it seems that the heaven and earth aura in the Cambrian era can promote this energy. But now there is no heaven and earth aura in this era. If you want the moonlight warship to cross the galaxy, you need a lot of energy."

In fact, it is not necessary to use the heaven and earth aura of the Cambrian era to urge the moonlight warship, even crystal stones or some aura stones.

But for the super Taoist weapon like the moonlight warship, I'm afraid the crystal stone needed can't be solved by a simple number.

Xiao Naihe knew that although he had a lot of crystal stones, he was not arrogant enough to think that his crystal stones could be enough for the moonlight warship to cross the star river.

"Unless a higher purity crystal stone or other spirit stone is found, it will be a problem for the moonlight warship to urge."

After thinking for a while, Xiao didn't want to be distressed, but walked out of the cave.

Xiao Naihe himself flew out of the cave and directly into the sky.

Xiao Naihe just stood in the sky and looked at the sea of people below.

At this time, the breath in the whole Huofeng division appeared in Xiao Naihe's mind.

The power of Qi and blood formed by tens of millions of disciples of Huofeng sect is directly integrated.

This power of Qi and blood rises to the sky invisibly. If any evil devil approaches, I'm afraid it will be melted by this blood.

"Over the past ten thousand years, the disciples of Huofeng sect have not absorbed much great Qi of heaven and earth. Now there is too little atmosphere of heaven and earth in the sect. Only when I go to the divine realm can I hope to get more Qi. But this time, the blood gentleman still appears in the divine realm, and the nine celestial divine realms don't look very peaceful."

To be honest, the structure in the divine world may be more complex.

The nine celestial realms, each of which has a region of 33 days, add up to at least the size of hundreds of worlds in the lower boundary.

Xiao Naihe thought of meeting the people of the star family in the divine world, and also thought of the people about Huaxiang and baiinorganic. His head also hurt. It seems that he still has a long way to go in the future.

When the thought moved, Xiao landed directly and stopped in a quiet yard.

"Is that you, younger martial brother Xiao?"

At this point, a familiar voice sounded.

Xiao Naihe looked at it and it was Tianxiang who called him.

Tianxiang is Su Bingyun's junior sister. Her strength has reached the four levels of supremacy.

After su Bingyun stepped into the creator, Tianxiang's status has also been improved in the sect. Everyone knows that Tianxiang is the most trusted person around Su Bingyun.

Naturally, through this thing, the water rises.

"It's you, elder martial sister Tianxiang."

"Xiao Naihe, I've heard about you. I didn't expect that elder martial sister would ask for a place with the patriarch for you. Even in the end, she didn't hesitate to give you her place. What did you do?"

Xiao was so stunned that he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "I may be valued by elder martial sister."

"Really, I haven't been treated like this for so many years with elder martial sister. You've only been with him for a few days. It's really more popular than people. Can't you say that elder martial sister has other ideas?"

Like Su Jian'an, Tianxiang also thinks that Su Bingyun may have other ideas about Xiao Naihe. Otherwise, how could she give her place to Xiao Naihe.

When Xiao Naihe was thinking about how to explain, suddenly, he heard only a roaring sound, as if some heavy object had hit, and as if thunder burst out, producing a strong thunder sound.

"What is this?"

"Are you Xiao Nai?" at this time, a man suddenly came over with great momentum.