"That's Wang zhanchong, a master of Xinshan world. He was the level of Creator three hundred years ago. I heard that he is now close to the eight levels."

"Li Jianjin was in the early stage of the eightfold. I thought he would not leave the customs in less than 300 years after he closed the customs ten years ago. I didn't expect to leave the customs in advance for the duel between zhengjunzi and mantianlong."

"Emperor ning'ang, Emperor Shenzhou, this guy, he actually broke through the middle of the eightfold. How is it possible that this old immortal has practiced for 5000 years. Has he practiced all the immortal Dharma Seals to the thirteen heaven flushing realm?"

At this time, Mu Han looked at those people in the distance and pointed them out one by one.

Xiao Naihe didn't know the identity of these people. Most of them didn't know the origin. On the contrary, Mu Han said that Xiao Naihe had some understanding of the identity of these people.

"Creator, there are eight realms. Unexpectedly, there are so many masters in our 3300 world. I'm afraid it's not much worse than the nine heaven realm. Besides, it should be only a small part here. Our humanity may not be declining."

At this time, Li couldn't help saying.

Xiao smiled: "Yes, although this is only a small part of our 3300 world, there are at least 3000 creators in the nine heaven God domain, and there are no less than 20 in the 38th realm. Not to mention there are masters of the unity of origin in the nine heaven God domain, and it is not a problem. For our human world, the inside information is still inferior 。”

Although the creator here is close to 100, the duel between zhengjunzi and Manman Tianlong has attracted at least one fifth of the top experts in the 3300 world.

In terms of quantity, it is estimated that the inside information of the 3300 world is still a little worse than that of the divine world.

Needless to say, the Jiutian divine realm has also absorbed many experts from the 3300 world. This force is definitely much more terrible than Li Wen thought.

"Hmm? Xiao Shengzi, you did come."

Yuhuqing and elder sister Huang rushed over from another direction. When they saw how Xiao could do, they came close.

"Nantang yuhuqing? Are you here?"

"It's Mu Han Taoist friend. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Mu Han and Yu Huqing had obviously seen them, and Xiao Naihe didn't introduce them.

After guessing some means and background of Xiao Naihe, yuhuqing has already moved his mind. If he wants to make friends with Xiao Naihe, he will pay attention to Xiao Naihe.

"Yuhuqing, you said Xiao Shengzi just now. What does this have to do with Xiao Daoyou?"

"Ha ha, don't you know, Taoist Mu Han? Xiao Shengzi, he is the second third holy son after the ancient 'holy'."


Mu Han immediately took a cold breath. Although he had guessed Xiao Naihe's identity before, he also estimated Xiao Naihe's strength, which should be around the middle of the eightfold period.

But now from the voice of yuhuqing, this son is actually the legendary son of three practices.

"I remember, the son of Yantian Pavilion. But my family spies told me that there is a second son in the unparalleled world. It's true that the talent of the son has been derived from the sitting of the ancient saint."

Mu Han looked at Xiao, but the shock in his eyes still didn't decrease.

Mu Han's voice should be a little loud, and just now it didn't spread directly with Tao sound, but was heard by some people.

Which of the people present is not an expert? Mu Han's behavior here was found by interested people at once.

When those people looked over, they brushed one after another and moved from Xiao Naihe.

All kinds of eyes, all kinds of looks.

Mu Han looked a little embarrassed, "Xiao Daoyou, don't be surprised."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

Xiao Naihe really didn't mind, because at this time, from above the mountains, a sudden Aurora directly fell down.

The aurora is constantly surrounded, like a huge heavenly palace, expanding into a thousand miles and occupying all the space.

It was also after the mysterious heavenly palace appeared that the others who had originally focused on Xiao Naihe immediately moved their eyes.

There was a trace of surprise on everyone's face.

Because the beacon fire flows in the heavenly palace, as if the whole heaven and earth are really controlled by the heavenly palace at this time.

From the heavenly palace, a figure suddenly came out.

"The Taoist Scripture Tiangong is a nine grade Taoist instrument. It's true. The Taoist instrument zhengjunzi is really a Taoist instrument refined from the legendary 'Tao', the nine grade level."

The jade pot said quietly.

The heavenly palace is obviously a Taoist instrument. As soon as it appears, everyone feels how small they are.

Even after Xiao Naihe saw the heavenly palace, his heart moved slightly.

"It was actually refined by the 'Tao'. I heard that after refining a nine grade Taoist instrument, my efforts were exhausted, and finally the soul sat down, and it was too late to reincarnate. If I guessed correctly, this heavenly palace Taoist instrument should be the last refined Taoist instrument by the 'Tao'."

Xiao's eyes brightened. If he had no other thoughts about the heavenly palace, it would be too false.

Once the heavenly palace integrates the ancient thunder pool and the river of time, it is possible to surpass the nine grade level and reach the holy and passive level at any time.

"A gentleman!"

The man was a gentleman. As soon as the gentleman appeared, the great heavenly palace suddenly changed and all converged to his eyebrows.

Then there was a streamer in the void. I only saw the gentleman's body nodding slightly and stopping at the top of Jinshan mountain.

Thousands of miles high!

"The gentleman has appeared. What about the long sky?"

"Zhengjunzi was an expert at the eight fold peak ten years ago. I said he was the most likely to become the nine fold realm and the first expert in our human world to surpass the eight fold in a hundred years. I'm afraid that long Tianlong is not an opponent."

"Who is man Tianlong? I heard that he came out of a small world of Wanqing. I'm afraid he's not as powerful as he is."

"Hehe, if mantianlong has no means, how can he challenge Zhengjun? Even Zhengjun attaches importance to this war and claims to fight mantianlong and strive to break through to the nine levels."

"Ha ha, Zhang Yihai, you talk like farting. You haven't even reached the eightfold realm. If you want to discuss the duel between the two eightfold masters, you'd better wash and sleep!"

These people, in twos and threes, have been discussing since the appearance of zhengjunzi.

Xiao Naihe is also very calm, no matter what these people say.

But at this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared from the sky and landed in front of the gentleman.