Xiao Naihe's such a means can't be called the level of the creator, but the eight levels of the supreme realm. Only experts who have passed nine lightning robbers and controlled nine lightning robbers can show it.

At the same time, they displayed "the great divine wheel of the heavens", "the great torrent of the heavens", "the handprint of the Tathagata of the sun" and "the essence of humanity".

At this time, Xiao Naihe's strength has reached an inevitable extreme state.

If he hadn't moved his mind to kill now, otherwise he would display "limitless countercurrent" and suddenly increase his mind. I'm afraid that even if Lin Tianfeng was powerful enough to be hit by Xiao, even if a slight breath of Dharma seal swept over, Lin Tianfeng would surely die.

"Hmm? This is..."

Who is Lin Tianfeng? He is a person who has reached the seven peaks of the supreme realm and began to understand the eight fold implication. One foot has stepped into the eight fold realm and passed the nine robberies.

It can be said that without Xiao Nai, Lin Tianfeng could have hurt the creator. It has to be said that Xiao Nai's deceptive Kung Fu is really first-class. He has achieved a seamless and flawless means in expression, tone, attitude and performance.

Even the two masters, yuhuqing and Lin Tianfeng, didn't realize why Xiao Nai was cheating them.

"Was picked up? Didn't the super Saint have a companion?"

Sister Huang couldn't help shouting.

Lin Tianfeng nodded and his face became more and more dignified: "it's very possible that the super heavenly saint was brave enough to attack our chamber of Commerce and fight with our senior brother. Naturally, he has a back hand. I don't believe he will be unprepared. Unless someone meets him outside, he can't or leave the surrounding area of Nantang mainland a million miles."

"I don't know who Xiao Shengzi saw the person who answered him?"

Why did Xiao Nai make a look of memory: "I remember two people coming, one of whom is very young and called... Tan Mo ran!"