Baili Gaogao was shocked. Even the high-level of Mingyue sect behind him looked at each other, and all kinds of miracles in his eyes. "You said Xiao... Mr. Xiao is the legendary son of the third cultivation of the avenue?"

Baili's superb eyes were once again outside the space, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes. Xiao stood in the space. At this time, the breath around him was closed. His mind was wrapped together, and he didn't use any magic powers and methods.

Because the old man in front of him, although he is a witch, seems to have reached the four levels of the supreme realm of epic achievement, which is far from threatening himself.

However, Xiao was a little interested in the old man and immediately asked, "old Sir, are you from the witch family?"

Wen Shiyi was shocked and looked at Xiao Naihe, "is the childe also the descendant of the witch family?"

"Me? I'm not, but I'm just a little related to the witch clan. It's old Sir. The witch clan has been extinct after the six world jihad. I didn't expect that there are descendants of the witch clan in future generations. It's amazing to me."

Xiao Naihe sighed.

However, as soon as the voice fell, Wen Shiyi's tone became very sad: "six world Jihad, six world Jihad? The witch clan was destroyed not because of six world Jihad!"

"Oh?" Xiao Naihe was a little stunned, and then said, "in those days, the Six Worlds of Jihad, the human world, the demon world, the divine world and the witch world, fought against each other, but he never heard that two people could inherit the power of the origin of the two roads at the same time, just like Bai inorganic. He only inherited the origin of the divine way.

Xiao Naihe inherited the evil way and the origin of witchcraft, not to mention the origin of Buddhism and Taoism, because the origin of Buddhism and Taoism has lost its original face.

Even if Xiao inherited the power of the two origins, it has not appeared since the birth of the era of heaven and earth.

"What's the matter? What's the connection between the destruction of the witch clan and the dust control witch book on me?"

Xiao Naihe tightly locked his eyebrows together, and then turned his head, "so, is it humanity, evil or Shinto and evil that killed the witch clan?"

"Well... I don't know. I heard my father mention it at the beginning. After my father participated in the six world Jihad, he escaped before the witch clan was destroyed, but he kept silent about the destruction of the witch clan."


Such an important clue was cut off. Xiao couldn't help sighing.

"But the idea of my father was obtained by the demon star. If I could get the idea of my father, I might be able to regain it, gather the spirits and know everything."

"Day demon star, is that day demon star again?"

Xiao shook his head. Before, he was misunderstood by the people of Mingyue sect. Who was it?

"Who was the demon star that day? I heard it more than once after I came to mingyuezong."