Two years ago, Xiao Naihe also practiced in the Linyan Pavilion for a period of time, and was very familiar with some people on the Danyue peak above.

LV Shiyue, Zhou Yin, Gong Wanqing and others, Xiao can name them one by one, but now is not the time to meet them.

Because in Xiao Naihe's heart, only Yun Weixue is the most important.

"It's too troublesome to find people like this."

Xiao was too lazy to look for it one by one. With his speed, nearly 100 billion ideas were integrated, which was definitely the speed of the creator.

Compared with the existence of such an empty creation as magic bone scholar, it must be much faster.

If Xiao Naihe didn't guess wrong, the other two people must be equivalent to the realm of magic bone scholar. They are also in the stage of five and six aspects of the supreme realm, and they must not have reached the seven aspects of the creator realm.

However, even if he meets the seven creator, with Xiao's current strength, he won't have much pressure to compete with the creator.

"Endless truth! Search!"

Xiao Naihe trembled slightly. Suddenly, the power of the soul was released. A huge light net changed in the void and was released constantly.

Within a few thousand miles of Linyan Pavilion, all of them are under the control of Xiao Naihe's mind.

No matter the every move of any animal, as well as sand and dust, Shi Shuo can be shown in Xiao Naihe's mind.

At this time, Xueying just stepped into this place, only thousands of miles away from Linyan Pavilion. Then a burst of thoughts were released, ready to move and spread out.

After her mind touched Xiao Naihe's thought slightly, it suddenly seemed that mars hit the earth and produced a huge wave.

It seems that the two sides have thousands of troops and horses. In an instant, they clashed and created countless sensations.

Wow, wow

The spirits of the two people collided, and Xueying's throat suddenly made a sound. For a moment, it seemed that there was a huge fire wheel among the spirits. Now it was rolling around and getting hotter and hotter.

"The spirit resonates with the stars? There are giant owls in the supreme realm in this place. Are they the people in Linyan pavilion?"

After the idea of Xueying was derived, she immediately felt very surprised, shook her head and immediately said: "it's impossible. Even in such a small world, there must be no supreme realm... But when Wanqing small world was in, the mysterious giant owl idea in the Tianshu palace came very strange."

Originally, there were few practitioners of Shinto in these ten small worlds, but there were two giant owls in the supreme realm at the same time. Even Xueying felt extremely strange.

Rao is a giant owl in the supreme realm that can not be met at any time in the big world.

Just like on the unparalleled continent, there are many Shinto practitioners, but the giant owls in the supreme realm can't be met casually.

Now there are two in a small world at the same time. Xueying immediately feels the connection.

"Hmm? I came here..."

Just when Xueying's voice came, a huge thought surged over, and the storm suddenly appeared with infinite power.

Hoo Hoo

When a long strong wind blew, Xiao Naihe's body had torn the space and appeared on this side.

After feeling Xueying, his idea immediately locked his mind.

With his current means, even if he locked the creator, he was afraid that the other party could not get rid of Xiao Naihe's tracking.

Xiao stood in the void and appeared as a God King coming to heaven and earth.

"Are you the companion of the magic bone scholar?"

Xueying's body trembled for a moment. A trace of surprise showed on her beautiful face and said, "who are you? Can't you be the giant owl spirit felt in Wanqing small world not long ago?"

"Yes, I won't hide it from you. A woman you caught is Yun Weixue. She is my Taoist companion. Since you caught her, either hand it in obediently, or I beat you to hand it in!"

In Xiao Naihe's voice, bursts of murderous spirit appeared undoubtedly, and the pure light in his eyes seemed to be the Supreme God in the heavens.

At this time, Xiao seemed to have turned into an invincible murderous God, and the essence of a murderous spirit suddenly rushed in front of Xueying.

Xueying smiled: "that woman is a Taoist companion, but we have caught so many people and don't know where she has gone? How can you find you?"

"Nonsense, where's your other companion? Where's Mr. Zheng?"

"How dare you know Zhengyi? It seems that you know a lot of things from the magic bone scholar, but how can the magic bone tell you these things? What is he doing?"

Up to now, Xueying thought that Xiao Naihe knew these things, which were told to him by the devil scholar. In fact, Xiao Naihe got the clue from Gong Liang and deduced it by himself.

However, Xiao didn't talk nonsense with Xueying, but took a step in the void. His mind suddenly turned into a huge divine flow, shrouded in the sky and conveyed a powerful idea.

"You don't have to talk nonsense. I'll know when I take you down. If the magic bone scholar doesn't say it, you will say it?"

Xiao Naihe's voice suddenly came over, and there was an infinite murderous spirit in every word.

When she heard this, Xueying immediately heard something from Xiao Naihe's words. Her face changed slightly and said, "magic bone? What did you do to the magic bone?"

"Now he doesn't know what I've thrown into an empty corner. If you want to find him, I'm afraid you can't find him."

"You... It's impossible that the magic bone scholar died in your hand!"

Xueying shook her head and looked up and down at Xiao Naihe. Now Xiao Naihe is introverted. As long as she is not at the level of the creator, she can't see Xiao Naihe's real cultivation.

However, Xiao Naihe turned his essence into a line and returned to nature. At this time, it looks like a supreme state of cultivation to one or two levels. It is absolutely impossible to see how Xiao has reached the six peaks, and one foot has entered the level of the creator.

"When I take you down, I can know everything!"

Xiao Naihe stretched out his hand. Suddenly, huge streamers were derived from the void, and the long river evolved was shrouded.

Xueying smiled darkly: "hey hey, no matter how the devil bone is now, you can only come to me dead. When your partner is absorbed by adults, you can also go on the road to see her!"