Zur City, Parliament palace.

Three high-rise buildings are staggered in front and behind. In front of them is a flat slate road. There are long strip pools on both sides of the slate Road, surrounded by all kinds of rare trees and birds falling from time to time.

As the highest power center of the zur Empire, the parliament palace was built with great atmosphere, which was the facade of the empire after all.

On the flagstone road nearly ten meters wide in front of the parliament palace, under the guidance of the red haired man, Su Xiao, bu Buwang and Bonnie are walking slowly. On both sides of the road are two rows of soldiers in battle armour. Although they are not awakened people, their strength is not too strong to pull out alone. But if they form a battle array, their combat power will never be weaker than that of the same number of awakened people, because they are more powerful The perfect being, the children of the awakened.

The power of the awakened can be passed on to the next generation, but only one generation can be passed on. When it comes to the grandchildren, they will become ordinary people. The imperial researchers have been studying this problem all the time, but the reason is still unknown.

All the way to the parliament palace, the red haired man signaled Su Xiao and others to wait for a moment. A few minutes later, he returned, took Su Xiao and others to the fifth floor of the parliament palace, and came to a bedroom.

After knocking on the door, a thick voice came from the room. Pushing the door open, the faint smell of blood filled the room.

This is a bedroom less than 100 square meters. Judging from the furnishings of the room, the owner of the room is a very tasteful person. On the bed near the inner side, he is lying in a man who is about 40 years old and has a short beard on his chin. His face is pale and looks weak, but his eyes are very bright, as if he can see through many things.

"Kukulin, you're here."

The man is sitting on the head of the bed, he is naked, and in his chest, he is wearing a circle of bandages. This man is not a small person, the monarch Harold, the monarch of zur Empire, the only one who can override the parliament.

"His majesty Harold."

Su Xiaokou's appellation is that of Harold from the former deputy head of the army.

"Well, you execution organs, these people, are in the same era. Return to your majesty."

Harold sat up straight with some difficulty. The red haired man rushed forward and tried to help Harold. Harold raised his hand and refused.

"It's obvious that I was assassinated, stabbed in the chest by my beloved. If she wasn't too weak, you might be at my funeral now."

Harold is different from the imagination. He has no majesty of a monarch, and even some fun. However, he only met for the first time, and Su Xiao judged that this is a super old Yin Bei.

"You, me and Mrs. Nancy were all assassinated. You should have guessed the reason."

Harold looked at Ethan Bonnie when he was talking. He was puzzled. After all, he had met so many people that he couldn't remember all of them. The talented little loli was only a small person.


The key to the basement slipped out of Su Xiao's sleeve. It was so special that it could not be stored in the storage space.

"Yes, the key. Mrs. Nancy has been here before."

Harold didn't go on, but it's obvious that they were stabbed in the chest and the other one broke the tendon. Why they were also stabbed? Su Xiao didn't do anything about it.

"When I was assassinated, I tortured the assassin by the way. It's a ghost organization called ghost ring."

"Ghost ring?"

Harold looked at the redhead man. The redhead man shook his head and didn't hear.

"Help me up," with the help of the red haired man, Prince Harold stood up. After he adjusted his breath, he motioned Su Xiao to go to a place with him. As for Issey Bonnie, though not explicitly, Harold meant to let her cool down.

"Lord Harold, I'm Ethan Bonnie, the one who plays chess with you."

"Ethan Bonnie?" Harold thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered who Bonnie was. He said with great interest, "I was very impressed last time when I played chess. Come with me. Maybe you can help me."

A group of people went straight to the building behind the parliament palace, which was half built underground. As soon as they entered the building, Su Xiao felt a chill. Buwang sneezed several times.

This is the storage room of Parliament palace. Some fresh vegetables are stored here. After going deep underground, this is actually a secret prison where Harold's beloved is kept.

"I couldn't figure out why Eve would stab me."

In front of a rusty iron door, Harold pressed his hand on his chest.

"There's Eve in custody. Next door is her sister, yoel. There's her parents and her brother. At the end of the room are her distant relatives."

Harold said the most cruel words in the most bland tone. His beloved Eve stabbed him. In exchange, all the relatives were imprisoned and the whole family was here.

"Don't hurt her. As for the others, judge for yourself."

The reason why Harold brought Su Xiao is very simple. Among the three assassins, there are only a few things Mrs. Nancy can do, but some things Harold can't do personally. As for people in other departments, it's even worse. Harold's assassination is classified. The fewer people know, the better.

"Not psychologically?"

"Well, give her some dignity."

Harold looked tired. Su Xiao didn't ask, but pushed open the rusty iron door.

This is a cramped room with no windows and a musty smell in the air. There is only a wooden bed in the room. On the bed sits a short haired woman wearing a long Ivory skirt. She has a beautiful appearance, but her short hair is a little strange, which is like being roughly cut with a sharp tool, rather than being elaborately decorated.

It was Eve, Harold's second wife, who sat on the bed.

"Did he ask you to come?"

Eve is very calm, and her gentle and peaceful temperament doesn't seem to stab people. Su Xiao even doubts that she really has the strength to wield a dagger?


Su Xiao just stood at the door and stared at eve without saying a word.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes.

The fine sweat oozed from Eve's cheek, and what kind of experience Su Xiao was staring at was conceivable. Although Eve seemed to have no power to bind a chicken, there was a kind of stubbornness and unyielding in her bones.

"It's just a short process. The brain seems to be frozen. When I am awake, the knife in my hand has stabbed Harold. Believe me, I am more painful than him at that time."

Eve may be stared at by Su Xiao, but she said that Su Xiao had learned from Harold before.

"Your sister, maybe she knows something."

Leaving this sentence, Su Xiao turned and walked out of the room.

"Wait, I didn't really..."

Eve gets up from the bed, she panics, because she knows who Su Xiao is. It's a monster that can kill ghosts. This monster is going to interrogate her sister. She knows her husband Harold. No matter what she does, her husband will not interrogate her. Her current situation shows this, but it doesn't mean that her sister has the same treatment. Harold is super I don't care about my sister-in-law's life or death.

With a bang, the iron door closed and Eve's white hands pushed on it.

"Harold, stop him, but Yul, you can't do that to her, you can't."

A faint clap and cry came from the iron door. Some weak Harold leaned against the wall. There was no mood fluctuation in his eyes: "sorry, Eve, it's about the key."