The efficiency of the clock tower is very good. After receiving the joint report from yuanban family and ainzbullen family, many monarchs of the clock tower were dissatisfied, but they did not appear in person. The reason is very simple. Yingling is obviously not a magician who can face up to it, let alone Jinshan's top-level Yingling.

The magicians of the clock tower are not all the upright magicians like director Ken, at least they are very smart this time.

After receiving the news that Yan fengqili was guarding himself in the fifth Holy Grail War, the clock tower immediately contacted the Church of the sanctuary. It can be said that the magic association and the Church of the sanctuary are the two mysterious giants in the world, but their relationship is not harmonious.

The magic society and the church were originally hostile, but the two sides gradually found that their hostility was not beneficial, so the armistice.

The Holy Grail War can be said to be dominated by the magic church, while the regulators are all the people sent by the church, which is to give face to each other.

After the magic association fed back the situation of Yan Fengqi's rites to the Church of the Holy Grail, the high-level people of the Church of the Holy Grail were very angry. Their right to supervise the Holy Grail War was that the magic association gave enough face to prevent the Holy Grail War from crowding out their church as a force of mutual fear, which was the most basic respect for the opponents.

In terms of Fengqi ceremony, it's obvious that the Church of the Holy Church should not give face to others. They are the supervisors who are invited by others, but their people are monitoring themselves. It's obviously that they are slapped by their own people. What's more, the magic association is now looking for the door with the "photo" of the church's slapped face. It's just like, old man, there's no way. Your people are unavoidable It's too much. They may be fed up with making a spirit. All the spirits in the last Holy Grail War were used. That's not good.

As for why Su Xiao reported to the magic association, rather than directly to the church, there is no small difference.

First of all, if you report it directly to the church, for the sake of your own face, the church will deal with the matter in secret. It will directly bypass Su Xiao's side, find Yan Fengqi ceremony, let the other side converge, and try to destroy the evidence.

At present, the situation is different. The senior members of the magic association all know this. If the church doesn't deal with it better, it's really a shame.

Two hours later, Su Xiao received a reply from the magic association. The Church of the sanctuary has sent people from the burial office to Dongmu city for up to eight hours.

Seeing the organization of the burial organ, Su Xiao suddenly had an ominous premonition. He couldn't help but guess that in the current situation, the Church of the sanctuary is unlikely to send the strong directly. It will continue to intervene in the Holy Grail War, and the most perfect way is to solve it internally by the Royal Lords.

Therefore, the final settlement of Yan Feng's Qili is likely to involve the family of yuansaka and the family of ainz Belem in the organization of burial organ. He is more certain of his conjecture.

"That's all right. I'm really looking forward to the church sending someone. It's not narubalek. I heard that the character of that man is very bad."

In her opinion, Yan Fengqi Li will be arrested even if he does not die.

"Don't think too much. If you're right, it's probably just a driver."

"Driver? I will not

Far Sakhalin was puzzled. Su Xiao didn't go to see her, but looked up and down at Elijah. It was an unexpected battle power. At present, he can control the other side to explode in situ at any time. As for the other side's spirit, of course, he should make good use of it. If Elijah obeys, Su Xiao never thought about it, and doesn't need to worry about it.

Waiting makes the time longer. Buwang's side is very busy. The three stans attacked Jiantong's house. Hearing the news, Su Xiao raised his eyebrows. He can be sure that Stan and his goal are basically the same. He wants to find Yan Fengqi Li with the help of local forces, but they obviously have to slow down a step.

The priest under his command was reported twice a day. The magic of Dongmu city was reported by three people in turn. He was also the key to the Holy Grail War.

Su Xiao waited until ten o'clock in the evening. The alert magic outside the castle reacted and a huge thing drove into the mountain.

In the brightly lit castle, yuanbanlin and Eliya all come to the crystal ball and watch the truck slowly driving on the mountain road. No, it should be a trailer.

With a roar, the trailer stopped at the front gate of the castle. A figure opened the cab door and jumped out of the car.

"This is the castle of the ainzbellen family. It's spectacular."

He was about 40 years old, wearing a priest's robe, glasses and a father of the demon hunter. In fact, he was a driver.

"Who is this? Is there such a person in the burial organ, but I feel that he is familiar with him, but he seems to be very strong..."

Far Sakhalin was biting his fingernails. For a while, he didn't know who was coming.

"Don't think about it. He's just a driver."

Su Xiao's forehead was aching, and the church was also a group of old Yin beeps. They really sent this driver, exactly the same as his guess.

Father dawn, a member of the burial organ, has no ability to kill enemies. He is mainly responsible for transporting another "easily lost" Exorcist. He is lazy and belongs to the salt fish in the burial organ.

Fortunately, Su Xiao didn't need the holy church to send out the fighting force. He just needed to find Yan Fengqi Li. If father dawn didn't find the ability of Yan Fengqi Li, he would not be far away from his death.

Dawn was soon brought into the castle by the maid of man-made men. He looked a little lazy, or rather, he was a very lazy man.

"To make a long story short, you are responsible for finding Yan Fengqi Li, and I am responsible for killing him."

Su Xiao is straightforward, and father dawn has long received orders from the Church of the sanctuary, and the two are in perfect harmony.

"Leave now."

Dawn's voice is very magnetic. From the appearance alone, we can't see the essence of his saltfish.

"That's right."

"Let's go, get in my car. I'm the best at it, but reversing in the mountains is a problem."


Su Xiao didn't speak, and yuanban Lin, one side, covered her forehead with one hand. She seriously suspected that the priest was not here to kill, but to be funny.

After dawn backed for nearly ten minutes and knocked down five trees, the black smoke Trailer finally turned around. It's good to take a trailer, that is, Eminem and Herakles have seats.

Soon, the trailer started slowly. Dawn was driving. Su Xiao was sitting in the copilot's seat. The glass window was shaken down by him, and he put out a cigarette in his hand. As for yuanbanlin, Elia, man-made Cera, Eminem, hero Herakles, they were all in the "special seat" behind.

"Is there any mistake? What kind of special seat is it! It's dangerous. I almost fell down. "

On the bumpy mountain road, there was a slightly trilling cry from yuanban Lin.