"Look over there."

One of the contractors shouted. Following the direction of his fingers, Su Xiao saw that there were more than a thousand people not far from the star river. The invisible barrier separated the two sides. The hair color and pupil color of these people were some special, some were green and purple, some were white and red. They should be the contractors of Tianqi paradise.

"The silly ball of reincarnation paradise, look here. "

Su Xiaofang's many contractors are a little shocked. Don't say that his own contractors, even some of the enemy's people are confused.

"We Do you want to call back? "

"Isn't that farting? Of course, I will scold you back."

A man with big arms and round waist took off his coat and cleared his throat.

"On the opposite side, I said you immortal board."

This roar is extremely loud. It's the original skill of this strong man. It integrates the self-made version of "lion roar skill" + ridicule skill. It's the same as "you come here" of "lion roar skill + one Yang finger".

"Well, it's so loud that my brain is buzzing."

A frail FA Ye shakes his head. The strong man is his teammate. He is closest to him. When he recovers, a dark purple staff appears in his hand. He holds the staff high. There is a middle finger composed of fire elements in the sky, at least several meters long. There is a big line above the middle finger: "red middle finger, stab your old wood."

FA Ye is not the same, not to mention the control of fire element, this brain hole alone is extraordinary.

's irony of the reincarnation park is awesome. Unfortunately, those who are facing the contract obviously do not come from the earth. Although there are general languages, they can not understand most of the dialects with insulting meanings, such as "poke your old wood", and translate them in the other language, that is, "stabbing trees in the old home with some object."

But Faye's super large middle finger works. It's obviously universal.

Those opposite also use elements or energy to make a middle finger. Not only that, but they also use their hands to make a middle finger gesture.

Su Xiao's side is not willing to show weakness. Almost all the contractors, including the package Su Xiao, put out the middle finger.

This kind of provocation between the two sides has dissipated a lot of pressure.

At the beginning of the swearing war, although the strength of both sides is far greater than that of ordinary people, moreover, both sides still fight each other after that, and there is no room for reconciliation at all.

Su Xiao stood in a row with Bu Buwang, and compared his middle finger to those in Tianqi paradise, causing the nearby contractors to look sideways.

After the swearing war lasted for ten minutes, the voice was much smaller, not that both sides were tired, but that there was no word. Like Su Xiao, he is good at killing people, but he is not good at spraying.

But there are talented people in Jiangshan generation. Su Xiao's "lion roaring skill" hero and a spectacle brother scolded happily. Ten minutes later, they never repeated their swearing words.

These two big blowers obviously attracted the attention of those people in the opposite side. There are also people who are good at this way. They started to spray with lion roaring strong man + glasses younger brother.

The scene is very hot and the quality is very low.

Although the scene was chaotic, Su Xiao noticed that many of his staff were gathered together, which should be an adventure group organization.

Twenty minutes after the "friendly" exchanges between the two sides, the powerful lion roaring man retreated from the "front line", leaving only brother spectacles alone. Seeing this, brother spectacles also retreated into the crowd.

"Back down."

A break drink came from the enemy. With this break drink, a gorgeous girl with long silver hair and amber eyes walked slowly to the front of the crowd.

As she walked out of the crowd, everyone in the enemy stepped back.

Seeing this, Su Xiao's eyes narrowed. It's not good. No one on his side has such a deterrent force. That is to say, all the enemies are likely to be members of the same organization.

"Lucky to meet a mob."

The silver haired beauty glanced at all the people of reincarnation Park and smiled.

"Unexpectedly arrogant, I hope you will keep this attitude after the war begins."

The fire FA Ye left the crowd and pointed his staff at the silver haired beauty.

"You? Not qualified. "

the silver haired beauty smiled and shook her head, returning to the crowd of Tianqi paradise.

"I want to fight with queen Xi. At least I want to send out a mission. You "Ah."

The people of Tianqi paradise made a mockery. The fire system FA Ye didn't care. Maybe it was the difference of the power system. Those people in Tianqi paradise didn't recognize his dark purple suit. With these three suits, his strength could be ranked in the top of the second level.

[announcement: the long-distance space transmission is ready to arrive at the destination. ]The familiar sense of transmission reappears.

When Su Xiao woke up, he found that a soldier in a half body metal lock armor, a metal helmet, a variety of weapons and a straight body could see dried blood and meat on his armor.

When the wind blows, there are more than a dozen rectangular formations of soldiers on a grass-free plain. They are arranged orderly and conservatively estimated to be at least 100000.

Whoosh ~

a magic bullet flew high into the sky and exploded.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The roar of troops of this scale can only be described as shocking. Even Su Xiao has a sense of blood boiling.

[enter the world; multi subcontinent (world competing region)]

World difficulty: lv.10-lv.29 (War world)

the source of the world; the world cannot obtain the source of the world.

World profile; sword and magic, differences and hatred between race and belief, endless war between Empire and tribe, just for more fertile territory.

Longteng Empire (own camp): an ancient empire that has existed for 3700 years, under which there are many races, led by human beings, and many elves (wood elves, moon elves, etc.) are attached to the giant clan, imperial system.

Location of capital of Longteng Empire: gothbia (Saint dragon city).

Tribal alliance (enemy camp): an alliance older than the Empire of Longteng. Due to the large number of races, the power is seriously divided, and the resources in the region are poor. The tribal alliance is composed of four major races: orcs (bull head, dog head, etc.), trolls, goblins, and dwarfs, with a parliamentary system.

Tribal alliance capital: Mount Kay (chimney Hill).

The war between the Empire and the tribe has lasted for 70 years. This is not the first war. If counted, this is the 36th large war. The cause of this war is the conflict between the elves and the dwarfs. After the conflict is seriously intensified, the war that affects the whole "ancient land of Asia" is explosive. From the previous war, this war is still deliberately initiated by the tribe.

The war has left many scars on both sides, but the resources of the "duoya ancient continent" are not enough to provide food and clothing for seven huge races (three from the imperial side and four from the tribal side). Some people will suffer if they have enough food and clothing. There is no justice in the war, only for the people to live happily.

There are three large-scale war sites, namely: Hill Canyon (defensive center), oder Fortress (defensive center), black earth plain (15 natural areas were broken before).

Hunter's war zone: Black Earth plain.

Forces: Dragon Empire, iron blood army,

position: third class soldier.

A war mission; the core of the world.

Hunting mission: none (no violators in the world).

Warning: please do not mention everything about reincarnation park with this world creature. If the warning is invalid, it will be executed after notarization!

Tip: when the merit system is turned on, killing the enemy's generals will gain 1-3 merits, and killing the enemy's contractors will gain 3-5 merits. If the war is won, rewards will be given according to the merit value.