Su Xiao suddenly came to the door and was about to leave the experimental island.

Tina is Su Xiao's little secretary, but she has no decision-making power. Her task is to protect Su Xiao's safety and prevent her escape.

It's not Tina's decision to leave the experimental island. Tina will report to Su Xiao at the same time.

"Wait a moment, Mr. white night. I'll get in touch with the ship first."

Tina is not so much a liaison ship as a liaison with the headquarters of the Navy.

"As soon as possible."

Su Xiao stood at the door, as if he didn't intend to go back to the laboratory. He was resolute.

Tina takes out a phone bug to dial through, and looks at Su Xiao from time to time.

The phone bug dials quickly, and there's a middle-aged voice coming out of it.

"This is the Warring States."

Tina was able to contact the Warring States directly, which is closely related to her current position.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, this is what happened..."

Tina narrated the reason with the Warring States, which hesitated after hearing that Su Xiao was going to the judicial island.

In other words, in the Warring States period, Su Xiao would not be refused to go to the judicial island. After all, the judicial island belongs to the Department of the world government, and there is nothing for Su Xiao to go there, let alone Su Xiao is a CP department.

But now the situation on the judicial island is somewhat different. After the arrest of Nicole Robin and Frankie, the situation on the judicial island began to be turbulent.

Several times during the Warring States period, they wanted to send troops to support the judicial Island, but they were all rejected by the CP department. The Navy and the CP department are not a system. Although there is cooperation between the two departments, the navy has a small group of troops stationed on the judicial Island, but now it is related to their own territory problems, and the CP department will not step back.

Unless the judicial island is pierced, the CP department will not allow the navy to board the island in large numbers, and small forces are the limit of patience.

The navy is the force Department of the world government, and CP is the Intelligence Department of the world government. Although they belong to one force, they can have two leaders.

"Justice island is not good. If you want to relax, you can go to the East China Sea or the shampoo islands."

The response of the Warring States period made Tina look ugly. She dared not bargain with the Warring States period, which was the supreme commander of the Navy.

"Give me the phone bug."

Su Xiao also knows how much power Tina has. He wants to talk directly with the Warring States.

Tina is in agony. She's under attack on both sides. She can't offend on both sides.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, Dr. white night would like to speak to you."

"Give him the phone bug."

Su Xiao, who had a phone bug, didn't exchange greetings with the Warring States. After showdown with Huang ape, he and the Navy had half torn their faces. The Navy had a firm attitude.

"In the Warring States period, I don't mind if I could be coolie for you, but what's the matter with restricting my freedom now? Is it farting if I'm a yellow ape?"

Su Xiao's tone was not polite. Blindly giving way would only make the Navy worse. It's time to let out his fangs.

"Who do you think you're talking to, kid?"

The tone of the Warring States period began to be poor.

"Mr. Warring States, I have a question."

Su Xiao's tone suddenly became friendly again.

"You said."

"How did I change from a member of CP0 to a member of the Navy, in which Spandam plays a crucial role, and I have never seen zero recruit me."

Zero, as the spy leader of CP0, recruited Su Xiaohou but didn't show up all the time. Even a phone bug didn't call, which is very abnormal.

"Let me talk to zero?"

The Warring States no longer spoke.

"Or is zero a ghost? He may not be the head of CP0 at all, but a man in the Navy. "

The Warring States continued to be silent.

"Everyone in the navy is very diligent. Although I don't know who is the head of CP department, he should be very unhappy now."

After a long time, the Warring States sighed.

"As Xiao He said, you are a tough guy. What's your purpose of going to judicial island? Plotting ancient weapons? Or want to join the CP department. "

"Are you kidding, Mr. Warring States, who would like to join those spies? As for ancient weapons, I have no interest in ruling. Otherwise, with my ability to make bombs, I can form a group of forces or a pirate group."

The Warring States period on the other end of the phone bug nodded, and Su Xiao was telling the truth.

"So what are you going to judicial island for?"

"Can I go to find my sister? You should have heard of calipha. "

The Warring States period was silent.

"What? Looking for a sister? "

"Yes, you can investigate my relationship with calipha. Except for putting her on the bed, we have all happened."

Although he didn't know what he meant in the Warring States period, he could understand what it meant to press on the bed.

The Warring States period smiled bitterly. It turned out to be looking for a woman.

It's no wonder that the Warring States period guessed that it wasn't the lack of intelligence in the Warring States period, and the purpose of the contractors was very strange.

The purpose of ordinary people is nothing more than love, hate, greed and desire, but the purpose of the contract is to complete the task, live and become stronger.

The Warring States period can guess the purpose of Su Xiao is abnormal, which means that there is a ghost in the contract.

So far, Su Xiao has not heard that there are contractors who cooperate with the characters to sell the reincarnation paradise.

It's not a fancy death, it's a fancy death.

"Isn't Tina as beautiful as calipha? With such a secretary around, you want to find other women. "

Su xiaoyileng, this marshal of the Warring States is an old driver.

"Well, it's not my type."

"Hahaha, just kidding. Take Tina with you. He can guarantee your safety."

"No problem, of course."

The phone bug hung up, and the face of the field marshal's office in the headquarters of the navy was not very good.

Click, click The sound of chewing came.

"The Warring States period, what is the purpose of this little devil?"

As Kapp chewed on the shell, he asked, sitting on the sofa next to Kapp was a pheasant.

"Nicole Robin or one of the ancient weapons, or going to judicial island is his purpose. He wants to arrive at judicial island very much."

The Warring States period tapped on the desk, looking serious.

"Then you let him go? "

" why not? " During the Warring States period, the intelligence of the admiral was beyond doubt.

Kapp stopped chewing the shell. He felt what his old friend might have thought.

"The judicial island is not under our jurisdiction. If he wants to make a scene, he can go as long as he doesn't die there. The spies of the judicial island should also knock. The longer the claws are, the longer the zero's identity can't be exposed clearly. Otherwise, the CP Department has no steps.

Begaponki is the zero solicitation. Now coupled with the white night, the CP guy should reach the limit of tolerance and let zero withdraw. The pheasant will do it. "

The drowsy pheasant took off his blindfold.

"I'll go? No, that's what happened before... "

The Warring States suddenly thought of something and nodded.

"So Kapp, zero wants to withdraw some difficulties. I promised him to leave CP Department alive. Now it's time to fulfill his promise."

Kapp didn't say anything. He poured all the shells in the bag into his mouth and chewed them.

"Can we have a head-on conflict?"

"If it's you Yes. "

Kapp nodded and left.

In the Warring States period, his eyes flickered behind the Marshal's desk.

"Nicole Robin may not be able to hold on."

"Well?" The pheasant on one side was a little surprised.

"A group of pirates are going to the judicial island."

It seems that the pirates in the Warring States period have a headache.

"Those pirates are not strong."

"It's not strong, but the general we sent out can't catch that group of pirates, and the general may not be reliable."

Green Pheasant can smile, the Warring States period sighed, the most difficult to repay the human debt.

"The captain of that crew is Kapp's grandson."

When he heard the Warring States, the pheasant was not surprised. He had known about it before.

"And the general in charge of receiving Nicole Robin at the gate of justice is Kapp's old Ministry."

The pheasant stopped talking, and all the cold sweat came out. He once let the grass hat pirate group go.

The pheasant used to be a direct subordinate of Kapur, and his domineering was all Kapur religion. Kapur promoted him everywhere. Kapur helped him through the road of the general with his fame. Once the world government opposed him to become a general, and Kapur stood up for him.

Without Kapp, there would be no general of the Navy today. Of course, the strength of the pheasant itself is beyond doubt.

The pheasant can't kill his mentor's only grandson, which is not in line with the justice in his heart.