Lu Yinxi was alert.

She didn't think it was an illusion. She was followed.

No one was found to be following him. All the hairs behind Lu Yinxi stood upside down. Unconsciously, she quickened her pace and used the old man's machine left by the police to call for help.

Before the phone was dialed, Lu Yinxi went to the door of the elevator. When Lu Yinxi was about to press the key to go up the elevator, he suddenly remembered a male voice behind him, "classmate Lu."

Lu Yinxi looks back.

She saw a young man in police uniform.

"Who are you?" This is a male policeman that Lu Yinxi has never seen.

The policeman took out his certificate and handed it to Lu Yinxi. Lu Yinxi noticed that he was wearing a pair of black leather gloves. Seeing that Lu Yinxi was looking at his gloves, the male police officer laughed. The smile looked lovely. He said, "it's cold at night. When you go to the police, wear gloves to keep warm. Otherwise, your hands will be numb when you drive."


Without much thought, Lu Yinxi took his people's police certificate and looked at it.

Chen Tong, 26 years old, is a policeman from the investigation section of a branch of Binjiang Municipal Bureau. Lu Yinxi had seen other police's work documents before and confirmed that they were not fake. Then she relaxed.

The police are here. They should not be in danger.

Lu Yinxi's finger stayed on the dial key all the time, so she moved her finger away from the dial key.

"What can I do for you?" Lu Yinxi asked the male policeman, Chen Tong. Lu Yinxi felt a little strange in his heart and said, "the police who came to me before were all the police from the crime unit of the General Administration of our city. How could you come to me?"

This case should not belong to their branch.

"Lu is very cautious." Chen police smile, see the elevator, he said, "let's go into the elevator to say."

At the critical moment, Lu Yinxi is also very cautious. Lu Yinxi won't take the elevator alone with a strange man until he knows what this person is coming for. I don't know how to die.

Lu Yinxi stood at the door and didn't go in. Instead, he looked up and asked police officer Chen, "what do you want me to do? If there's anything wrong, just say it here. "

Chen Tong seems a little surprised.

"Are you doubting me?" Chen Tong can't laugh or cry.

Lu Yinxi looks serious, she said, "I doubt any strange face."

Seeing this, Chen Tong was stunned.

He put away his smile and said to Lu Yinxi, "it's like this. People at the top say that it's not safe around you recently. They send us to protect you. My job is to go to your home and install monitors and cameras. Once you have something, you can be monitored by us for the first time. "

After listening to him say this, Lu Yinxi believed it seven or eight points. But she still had doubts and said, "you've left me a cell phone. I can call you if it's dangerous."

"Mobile phones alone are not enough. We need to make sure everything is safe."

In the middle of the conversation, the two approached the elevator together.

After entering the elevator, the policeman surnamed Chen pointed to the bag on his back. He said, "there are monitors and eavesdroppers in it. I'll put them in your living room. If you have something, you can call for help."

"... Oh, good."

Lu Yinxi walks out of the elevator with Chen Tong, who is half a step ahead of Lu Yinxi. Lu Yinxi opens his house and invites Chen Tong to come in. After entering the house, Lu Yinxi said with some embarrassment to Chen Tong, "I don't have men's slippers at home. You can come in directly. You don't need to take off your shoes."


Chen Tong came into the room with his bag.

Lu Yinxi asked him what he wanted to drink, and he said he would not drink anything. Lu Yinxi thought it was not good, so he said, "I'll pour you a cup of hot water. It will take a while for you to install it. Have a cup of hot water to warm your stomach."

"That's a real problem."

Chen Tong puts the bag on the tea table. He opens the bag and takes out all kinds of monitoring equipment from it.

Lu Yinxi took a look and saw that he had really come to install the eavesdropping equipment, so he was relieved. She went into the kitchen, washed a cup and poured a cup of hot water. Lu Yinxi brings hot water to the living room and hands it to Chen Tong.

"Put it on the table. I'll have it later." Chen Tong is fiddling with his equipment and has no time to drink.

There are guests, Lu Yinxi naturally can't leave him to go back to the room to do his homework, it's impolite.

Seeing Lu yinxigan sitting on the sofa, Chen Tong said, "classmate Lu, you are busy with your own business. Don't worry about me."

"... that's good."

Go back to your room and do your homework. It's not good to leave Chen Tong here alone. Lu Yinxi thought about it and went to the restaurant with his schoolbag. Lu Yinxi put his books on the dining table, took out his pen and paper, and began to do the math problems.

The room is very quiet. Only Chen Tong's voice can be heard in the living room. Lu Yinxi occasionally looks back at him and sees that he has been doing his homework with his head down.

I don't know how long after that, when Lu Yinxi filled the manuscript with calculation steps and worked out the answer to a difficult problem, she felt that her neck was a little sour, so she put down her pen, looked up and rubbed her neck.

Then she realized what was wrong.

Why is it so quiet in the room?

Lu Yinxi was surprised to look back, but he saw the policeman named Chen Tong. He didn't know when he had come to his side.

"What's the matter? What do you need? " Lu Yinxi thinks that Chen Tong wants to borrow tools.

Chen Tong smiles and says, "there's something I want to borrow from you."

"What? Wrench or... "

"Lu's life."

Lu Yinxi's eyes widened.

She opened her eyes wide, staring at the lovely looking male policeman in front of her, her heart was a little hairy“ You, you are the murderer? " Subconsciously, she reached for her schoolbag and intended to defend herself with it.

Chen Tong's face is still wearing a faint smile.

Before, Lu Yinxi thought his smile was cute, but now he feels strange and terrible.

Chen Tong didn't explain. He took out his hand behind him.

Lu Yinxi saw that he was holding a knife sharpening stick about 20 cm long. This kind of sharpening stick is very common in pork stalls in vegetable markets. Those butchers always put a sharpening stick on the stall. If the knife is blunt, grind it on the sharpening stick, and then cut the meat, it will be quick.

"No way." Flustered, Lu Yinxi thought of something wrong, "you are not the murderer!" Lu Yinxi looked at Chen Tong's young face and said, "ten years ago, you were only a teenager. How could you kill someone..." Chen Tong approached her.

His gloved left hand clasped Lu Yinxi's throat.

Lu Yinxi raised his schoolbag to resist.

Chen Tong kicked her schoolbag away.

Lu Yinxi lost his only tool of self-defense, his face turned white and his legs softened with fear. Chen Tong patted Lu Yinxi on the cheek with the knife sharpening stick. He said, "who told you that the murderer is the same person as the murderer of more than ten years?"