Lu Yinxi looked at the "Fang Zikai" in front of her. She was happy and excited.

Fang Zicheng looked down at the river.

She is a little fatter and blacker than last year. Maybe she hasn't come back in vain after military training. Oh, she also wears a pair of glasses. Suddenly, Fang Zicheng heard Lu Yinxi's voice.

Lu Yinxi is talking——

Does he remember me? Am I dark? Am I very fat? I don't have a small belly on my stomach. I can't. I have to try to hold my breath, take back the small belly and straighten my back

I should have taken off my glasses when I knew I would meet my brother. I'm so ugly wearing glasses

Fang Zicheng was a little surprised.

Just see their own side, her heart has so much care about it?

Fang Zicheng hid the surprise. He asked Lu Yinxi in a low voice, "are you going to get off?"

As a result, Lu Yinxi said, "my home is far away." In fact, her aunt's community is more than 100 meters ahead.

Bus stop announcement——

"Nanshan Road station, here it is."

Lu Yinxi watched the others get off and the car starts. She watched the door of the community become smaller in her eyes, and finally she couldn't see it.

Fang Zicheng also looks at the area where Lu Yinxi lives.

Fang Zicheng has information about Lu Yinxi. He knows that Lu Yinxi lives here. It is reasonable that she should have got off the bus just now.

Why would she lie?

Fang Zicheng doesn't understand love. Naturally, he doesn't understand. This is the little girl's love for him. She lied on purpose, but she wanted to spend more time with him. Fang Zicheng stares at the river with his scanning eyes.

Lu Yinxi was not at ease with him.

Fang Zicheng heard Lu Yinxi's voice and said——

Why is he staring at me all the time? Is my face dirty? Or does he like me Lu Yinxi was elated.

When Fang Zicheng heard her voice, he was a little distracted.

Like it?

Fang Zicheng likes Lu Yinxi very much. Before leaving on the 199th, he once popularized to him what is like. He said that if you want to be good to a girl, you just like it.

Fang Zicheng is not a good person. He doesn't want to be nice to other people except his family.

Only Lu Yinxi, he is willing to be good to her. He is so big and has seen so many girls. Except Ranran, he only likes Lu Yinxi.

Fang Zicheng's eyes move down. He stares at Yinxi's chest and sees that her heart is beating very fast, like the frequency of patients with arrhythmia. Lu Yinxi's forehead suddenly cooled.

She was surprised to find that Fang Zicheng was touching her forehead.

Lu Yinxi: "yes The legendary killing by touching the head?

So Fang Zicheng saw that Lu Yinxi's heart beat faster than just now.

He was a little confused.

What's the disease?

He had never seen a patient with an arrhythmia, but he was in such a good mental state. Is Lu Yinxi not an arrhythmia, but a new disease? Fang Zicheng, who knows nothing about emotion, doesn't know about Lu Yinxi's illness. It's called "moving the heart.".

"You, what do you do?" Lu Yinxi quickly knocks out Fang Zicheng's hand.

Fang Zicheng said, "your heart beats fast."

Lu Yinxi suddenly turned red.

What the hell!

How did he know his heart was beating so fast that he could hear it?

Lu Yinxi was a little embarrassed, she explained, "I only have some heat."

Heat can also cause a rapid heartbeat?

Fang Zicheng decided to go back and have a good look.

"Here I am." Fang Zicheng said.

Lu Yinxi felt lost.

She said, "see you next time."

Fang Zicheng heard Lu Yinxi's voice again——

He is about to get off the bus. When can I see him next time

Inexplicably, Fang Zicheng said, "my mother asked me to take a bottle of soy sauce back, I get off at the next station." Finding Lu Yinxi looking at himself, Fang Zicheng said, "there's a supermarket there."

In fact, there is a big supermarket at the gate of longgangwan community.

Fang Zicheng lied to Lu Yinxi, and he didn't know why he lied.

At the next stop, Fang Zicheng was about to get off the bus and was about to say goodbye to Lu Yinxi, but Lu Yinxi said, "my aunt also asked me to help her buy some things, and I'm going to the supermarket."

Fang Zicheng

But he clearly heard Lu Yinxi's heart saying——

I only have ten yuan on me. What should I buy when I go to the supermarket

Buy two alpine lollipops. You can buy two for a dollar. If he asks me, I'll say my aunt wants to eat them

Lu Yinxi thought so and followed Fang Zicheng out of the car.

When Fang Zicheng heard Lu Yinxi's psychological activities, his expression was very strange.

Lu Yinxi loves lollipops?

He remembers that Lu Yinxi loved to eat candy when she was a child. Once, boss Lu bought her a big lollipop. When Fang Zicheng went to have breakfast, he accidentally touched her hand. The lollipop fell on the ground and could not be eaten. Lu Yinxi also scolded him.

After all these years, this habit has not changed.

When they went into the supermarket, Fang Zicheng bought a bottle of soy sauce and Lu Yinxi bought two candy sticks. When they went to check out, the salesperson couldn't help looking at them more.

Two people walked a journey together, arrived at the gate of longgangwan villa community just to separate.

When Lu Yinxi left, she passed by the door of the former Yuanyuan breakfast shop. She suddenly stopped and looked at the location of the shop.

Her heart suddenly began to throb.

Lu Yinxi rubbed his heart and felt very uncomfortable.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. Lu Yinxi bent down and stood in the same place for a moment. The pain came and went quickly. She touched her chest and looked curiously at the shop that had been converted into a 24-hour supermarket. Her eyes were a little confused.

Why is it so hard?

Fang Zicheng is standing in the guard house of the community. He stares at Lu Yinxi standing in front of Yuanyuan breakfast shop, with deep eyes.

When Fang Zicheng comes home, Lisa is surprised to see that he has brought a bottle of soy sauce“ How did Cheng Cheng buy a bottle of soy sauce? "

Fang Zicheng turned his eyes and said, "I want to eat soy sauce elbow. I think there is no soy sauce at home, so I bring a bottle."

That night, there was a pot of sauce on the table. Fang Zicheng, who hates eating elbows the most, is divided by Chi boguang. Chi boguang also says, "your grandmother heard that you want to eat pickled elbows. She made them specially. Eat more. No one grabs them from you."

Fang Zicheng

He bit his elbow, greasy, and suddenly felt that life was not like death.

After dinner, Fang Yusheng entered the studio and held a video conference with his new partner to discuss something about weapon design. When he hung up the video and opened the door, he saw his eldest son standing at the door.

Fang Yusheng had some accidents.

"Long wait?"

Fang Zicheng said frankly, "twenty six minutes."

Fang Yusheng asked him again, "what can I do for you?"

"I suspect Lu Yinxi has heart disease," Fang said