This time, the phone is still fast.

"What's the matter?" Lu ziai's voice is cold and light.

Lu Yinxi summoned up enough courage to say, "I have no place to go." She remembered that before her grandmother died, her aunt never came back to see her, and she was not sure whether she would take her in for a while.

In addition to Lu's self-respect, Lu's self love is Lu Yinxi's last retreat.

Lu Yinxi must be more cheeky. She doesn't want to sleep on the street.

"Aunt, can I live with you?"

Lu ziai was silent for a long time before he asked her, "what happened?"

When Lu Yinxi thought of what Lu Ziwei had done to her, he was sad for a moment. He couldn't help crying. Lu ziai listened to her crying on the phone. She didn't comfort her, but she didn't hang up.

"Nothing. It's just that I can't go back to my second uncle's house. Aunt, I'll stay in your house for four years. I won't make trouble for you. After I go to college, I'll move out. "

The other party directly reported a string of addresses, "come here, I'll wait for you."

Lu Yinxi remembers the address.

She didn't know when her aunt came back to Binjiang city. Last time she heard about her aunt, she seemed to be in other provinces. My aunt lives in Binjiang City, which is a good thing for Lu Yinxi.

That night, Lu Yinxi took a taxi to his aunt's house.

Lu ziai, 35, is the youngest and the most beautiful of the three brothers and sisters. She has a very charming enchanting S wave curved long hair, looks like a bit of Yingqi, but the facial features are very able to play.

Lu ziai is also very tall. He is over 1.7 meters.

When Lu Yinxi saw her, Lu ziai stood at the gate of the community, wearing an apricot down jacket with legs long. Inside was a beige sweater and skirt.

The last time Lu Yinxi saw Lu ziai was at his grandmother's funeral.

On the day of grandma's burial, Lu ziai came back from other places.

My aunt is still beautiful and domineering.

Lu Yinxi called her aunt and then walked towards her.

Lu ziai found that Lu Yinxi's face was a little white, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. "Why is your face so ugly?" Lu ziai pulls Lu Yinxi. Lu Yinxi bumps into her arms. Suddenly, the wound on her back hurts badly.

Lu Yinxi couldn't resist the pain and took a breath of cold air.

Lu ziai found the wound behind her.

"What's going on?" Lu ziai stares at her wound with dangerous eyes.

Lu Yinxi had to honestly explain, "the second uncle cut it."

Some anger, climbing on Lu's face of self love“ You bastard

It turns out that there will be people who curse for her.

Lu Yinxi felt warm and said, "I cut him too. I almost cut off one of his arms."

Lu ziai looked at her in amazement.

"What happened?" Her voice was still calm.

It must be something that can't be concealed.

Lu Yinxi told Lu ziai exactly what happened that night. When Lu ziai heard this, she was very angry. She was about to go to Lu Ziwei's home to seek justice.

This unfamiliar aunt is pretty good to herself. Lu Yinxi thinks that her next life should be pretty good.

She stopped Lu ziai.

Lu ziai takes Lu Yinxi home. Lu ziai's house is only sixty square meters, with two rooms, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. It's very comfortable for two people to live in such a small room.

I don't know why. My aunt is old and never married.

Lu ziai arranges Lu Yinxi in the guest room. Before he goes to bed, Lu Yinxi is still thinking about the resentment between his aunt and grandma. What did grandma do to make her aunt hate her so much?

The next morning, when Lu Yinxi woke up, Lu ziai was no longer at home.

Lu Yinxi thought she had gone to work.

Lu Yinxi himself went to a clinic and hung up several bottles of anti-inflammatory water. When he came home, he saw some food on the table. It's like my aunt cooked it herself. My aunt is no longer at home. She left a note——

I went to work. I got all your things.

Lu Yinxi was stunned. Did he get everything back?

She went back to her room and saw two big bags of things on the floor. They were Lu Yinxi's clothes and books. She took them out and put them in her new home. At the bottom of the bag, there are 30000 yuan in cash.

Aunt's so-called "all brought", including the 30000 cash she lent her aunt?

Lu Yinxi didn't know how aunt took it out, but she admired her aunt.

Lu Yinxi did not go through the transfer procedures. She lives in the most prosperous north city of Binjiang city. Luoyang middle school is in Nancheng. She studies every day and has to cross half of the city.

Every day, Lu Yinxi gets up an hour early to catch the subway to Nancheng. Every day, she gets to school with a card.

After two or three months of hard work, one day when Lu Yinxi was finishing school, he was suddenly stopped by Lu Jingjing. Lu Jingjing also knows what her father has done to Lu Yinxi. When she stops Lu Yinxi, she looks embarrassed and blushes.

Lu Yinxi quietly looked at her, did not urge her, did not take the initiative to speak.

Finally, Lu Jingjing summoned up her courage and opened her mouth.

The first thing she said was, "can you drop the appeal against my dad?"


Lu Yinxi was stunned“ What are you talking about? " Lu Yinxi was very surprised.

Seeing Lu Yinxi saying this, Lu Jingjing thought she didn't want to. She was red eyed and flustered. She told her in a loud voice, "Lu Yinxi, although my father is really sorry for you, my mother and I haven't treated you badly! My father hurt you this time, and you also made him almost lose an arm. If it's all like this, can't you let him go? "

"Lu Yinxi, I'm just a dad, even if he's whoring, gambling or drinking. He is my father after all, he is the pillar of our family! Lu Yinxi, you know you took him to court and he went to prison. How can my mother and I live? "

Lu Jingjing complained about Lu Yinxi. When she said these words, her tone was full of resentment.

Lu Yinxi was directly blinded.

When did she take Lu Ziwei to court?

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I didn't sue your father. You've got the wrong person." Lu Yinxi turned and left.

She didn't do it. She shouldn't be a backer.

Lu Jingjing was stunned.

Isn't that really her?

When Lu Jingjing comes home, she sees her mother's eyes turn red, but her father hasn't come back since he was taken away by the court. Lu Jingjing told her mother about her finding Lu Yinxi, but Yan Juan said, "it's not Yinxi, it's someone else!"

After Yan Juan's explanation, Lu Jingjing knows that it was the owner of a small massage shop who sued his father. That massage shop is an illegitimate business. Her father always goes to the massage shop to hang out with the women there.

A woman named Fangfang died in bed when she was with him. It happened last year. After investigation, it was found that Fangfang was not killed by Lu Zizi, but died of heart disease.

At that time, people in the massage shop only asked Lu Zizi for some money. I don't know why, one year later, they sued Lu Ziwei again.

Yan Juan cried heartbroken, she held Lu Jingjing scolded her father, "Lao Lu this son of a bitch, is to kill us!"

Lu Jingjing doesn't know what to say.

Her father is going to jail, but her aunt can't pay back the money. Her mother borrowed 30000 yuan from others a few days ago and paid Lu Yinxi back. Now she still has to study, but her mother still owes others 30000 yuan.

Lu Jingjing only felt hopeless.