Fang Zikai thought that his brother might not get a wife in the future. If he was a girl, he would not marry his brother.

Boring, dull, and intelligent.

Fang Zikai thought about it, patted his chest and said in a heroic tone, "don't worry, brother. Even if you can't get a wife in the future, it doesn't matter. I will ask for three wives in the future, one for my father, one for me and one for you. "

Fang Zicheng was moved.

However, Fang Yusheng shivered when he heard this. He looked back and saw Qiao Jiusheng coming over with Fang Taoran in his arms. Unfortunately, Qiao Jiusheng heard Fang Zikai's words.

A faint smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

Fang Yusheng thinks it's not good.

Qiao Jiusheng walks to Fang Zikai with her daughter in her arms. She puts her daughter on the sofa, and the two sons immediately change their sitting posture. They put their sister in the sofa to prevent her from falling to the floor.

Qiao Jiusheng sits opposite the three brothers and sisters.

She looked at Fang Zikai with a smile and discussed with him, "do you want to ask for three husbands?"

Fang Zikai quickly explained, "a man can only ask for his wife, not his husband." He thought again and said, "I'm my husband."

Qiao Jiusheng smiles in his heart, but looks very serious.

She said, "what should I do? Who will help my sister and mother to get a husband?"

Fang Zikai immediately felt that he had a heavy responsibility.

He thought for a while before he said, "well, when I grow up, I'll help you get a husband with your sister."

Qiao Jiusheng said, "your sister wants a husband." She pointed her index finger at herself and said, "I want two."

"Why do you want two?" Fang Zikai couldn't understand his mother's idea.

Qiao Jiusheng naturally said, "it's the one on the left and the one on the right."

On the opposite sofa, out of a strong desire to survive, Fang Zicheng chooses to bow his head and keep silent, so as not to harm Yang Chi and be hated by his mother. Fang Zikai didn't know that his mother was angry. He seriously thought about it for a moment, and then said, "can it be..."

He has more to say.

Qiao Jiusheng eyebrows slightly pick, issued a sound with doubts um sound.

Fang Zikai then said, "you have one on the left and one on the right. Where is my father standing?" His father is also his mother's husband.

In the kitchen, Fang Yusheng was moved to tears when he heard Fang Zikai's words.

Good son, you remember you had a father.

Qiao Jiusheng looked back at the busy figure of the man in the kitchen and said, "aren't you looking for three wives? Don't you want to give him one? Your father has a new wife. What else do you want me to do? "

Fang Zikai realized later that his mother was angry.

He seems to have done something wrong.

Fang Zikai turns his eyes to his brother.

Fang Zicheng sighed and said to Qiao Jiusheng, "buy him a popular science CD, and let him learn what monogamy is."

Qiao Jiusheng thinks his eldest son's proposal is very reliable.

"That's it."

The child is more than four years old, and these basic knowledge must be understood. Qiao Jiusheng really went to buy some enlightenment CDs for Fang Zikai. During that time, Fang Zikai didn't have time to go out to fight and collect his younger brother. He was kept at home by his mother to study marriage law, family system, ethics and Wuchang.

Forced to receive more than a month's education, Fang Zikai finally knew how he had offended his mother.

Is it time for him to apologize now?

On this day, school finally began.

Fang Zicheng has recovered and can go to school. This year they are in a big class, and they are still old classmates. Although Fang Zicheng had been suspended from school for several months, the legend of his iron egg brother still remained in the school.

Fang Zikai has been learning Kungfu with Qi Bufan during this period of time. When he arrived at school, he naturally wanted to praise all his classmates.

On the first day of school, the class held a class meeting, all students can show their talents.

Fang Zikai went up and drew a set of fists. These kids could not help clapping their hands when they saw the real kung fu. Only Gu Yiqiu cut a, think Fang Zikai learn not home.

But Fang Zikai is her younger brother after all. She can't disgrace her younger brother in public.

With the admiration of all the students, Fang Zikai was so happy that his tail teeth were going up to the sky.

Every semester, they will introduce their dreams. The dreams of the children are various. Last semester, Fang Zikai's dream was to lose ten pounds. This semester, his dream has changed.

Fang Zikai stood on the platform and said solemnly, "as for me, I have to work hard and become a capable person in the future. Only then can I be qualified to choose a wife I like."

A group of naive children were shocked by Fang Zikai's dream.

Gu Yiqiu came on stage, cool to sweep the class, especially domineering said, "to be a boss, after only I bully men, no man bully my share!"

Her father said, if you want to not be bullied by men in the future, you have to bully men.

Gu Yiqiu will strive for this wish.

Next, a few children talked about their ideals. Compared with the ideals of Fang Zikai and Gu Yiqiu, their ideals are much more normal. When it was Fang Zicheng's turn to speak, he leaned lazily against the blackboard and said, "make money."

Then he added five words, "make a lot of money."

Only by making money can he support his poor mother and his money loving father. It's said on TV and in books that women are creatures who spend money. If they don't work hard to make money, how can they afford to raise a wife?

It's true to say that so many ideals are just bullshit. It's true to make money.

The head teacher gave Fang Zicheng a look of admiration.

With so many people in the class, Fang Zicheng tells the true meaning of his dream. The child is capable of great things at first sight.

What happened in the classroom can be viewed remotely by parents. On the first day of school, Fang Zicheng returned to school for the first time after asking for leave for a few months.

Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng were a little worried, so they turned on remote synchronous monitoring.

Through the surveillance video, the couple saw the scene in the classroom, both of them were silent. The silence lasted for nearly a minute. Qiao Jiusheng turned off the video and said, "the ideals of the two children are very... Real."

One is to find a wife, and the other is to make money. This is really the most realistic problem in this society.

Fang Yusheng felt ashamed.

He covered his forehead, leaned his elbow on the table, and then said, "what can I do? I think both of our children are funny. Ah Sheng, go back and save the video. When they grow up, they will show it to their wives. "

This will definitely kill the future daughters in law.

Qiao Jiusheng rushed to do it.