The moment Fang Yupei stopped writing, it was doomed that Fang would become a sad ending of disabled life for the rest of his life.

Fang Yuqing saw that Fang Yupei's hand holding the pen was shaking. At this moment, she also let go of Yu Pei's holiday. Fang Yuqing went to Fang Yupei and pressed him in his arms.

"Don't be afraid. Uncle's life is more important than anything."

Hearing this, I felt the warmth from Fang Yuqing. Fang Yupei, who had been holding on for a long time, could not help crying in her arms.

Fang Yupei's cry disturbed everyone.

Qiao Jiusheng tilts his head and looks at Fang Yusheng. In the corridor of the hospital late at night, the light is bright. His face is hidden under the light. His side face is clear and his eyebrows are like paintings. He is beautiful and handsome. He looks amazing and then he looks down.

Anyone who sees his face will not associate him with the four words of heartlessness.

Qiao Jiusheng suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

There are few people in the hospital washroom late at night.

Fang Yusheng was worried, so he stood up and said, "I'll accompany you."

No one noticed anything wrong.

They went into the restroom one after the other. Qiao Jiusheng went directly into the women's restroom. As soon as she went in, her eyes quickly swept into the toilet. All the toilets are open. There is no one in them.

Instead of walking into the toilet, she looked back at herself and asked, "where are you tonight?"

After a moment of silence, footsteps came in from outside the door.

Fang Yusheng walked into the women's room with a calm look.

Qiao Jiusheng looked back and looked up at Fang Yusheng's face. She asked him, "is it you?"

Fang Yusheng moved his lips and didn't answer. He didn't want to cheat her, but he didn't want her to know how cruel he was.

Seeing that he was silent and didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it, Qiao Jiusheng knew he was right“ Is it really him who hired a killer to kill me Qiao Jiusheng's voice was so low that no one else could hear him.

Fang Yusheng gave a gentle hum.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "I know."

It is absolutely the result of Fang Yusheng's manipulation that Fang average will come to this end.

Time goes back a few hours.

After returning home from work, Fang had dinner with Liu Yu and watched TV with her for a while.

TV content is very boring, two people staring at the TV inside the group of young beautiful young people, performing a variety of bizarre stories. None of their focus is on TV.

"Today's wedding of Yu Qing is really lively." Liu Yu said with emotion.

Fang gave a faint hum.

Did not hear Liu Yu continue to speak, Fang average said, "Jiang Wei that child is good, Yu Qing can marry him, after life will not be sad."

"Not at all." Liu Yu's words were accompanied by light irony.

Fang Xiang heard it and asked her, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

Liu Yu pulled a face.

Since Fang Yukang's imprisonment, Liu Yu's visits to beauty salons have decreased dramatically. Her face, which was beautiful when she was young and still charming in middle age, has finally developed the wrinkles that she should have at this age.

When she lengthens her face, her eye lines and nasal grooves are obvious.

Liu Yu laughs sarcastically, and she says, "how nice that child used to be so self-conscious that he could marry a right husband. We Yu Pei..." Liu Yu's expression becomes distorted, and she says, "because of Yu Kang, whose child will dare to marry us Yu Pei in the future?"

Brother is a rape murderer, who dares to marry a rape murderer's sister?

As soon as Liu Yu thought of her two children, she felt uncomfortable.

From the sadness, Liu Yu began to wipe her tears again.

For more than half a year, Liu Yu's life was full of tears. Seeing that she began to cry again, Fang averagely was upset, and Yu Sheng's resentment deepened.

Liu Yu cried for a while and said, "it's all Fang Yusheng's fault! He's really cruel and merciless to Yu Kang. It's not fair. " Fang Yusheng has been busy with Fang Yuqing's marriage. His attitude towards Xu Pingfei's two children is quite different from his attitude towards their two children.

Liu Yu scolded Fang Yusheng, "this dead blind man, when he was blind, he refused to live peacefully. If he was not blind, he would do more evil! Pooh! I'll see what he can do with his three children! "

"Sooner or later, he will be punished for this kind of malicious goods! Even if he does not suffer retribution, his children, his women will suffer retribution. " Women are so cruel that even God is afraid. For a moment, Liu Yu was so angry that she could not stop her mouth.

Listen to her say this, square average facial expression sinks, roar a way, "shut up! Do you know what will happen if these words you just said are passed to Fang Yusheng? "

Liu Yu was silent.

She looked at the servant's room, and her face twisted. "If he knows, he has an insider!"

Fang snorted.

He took a sip of green tea and thought of something. His eyes turned slightly before he asked Liu Yu, "where's Yu Pei?"

Liu Yu thought about it and said, "maybe it's the end of going out with friends again."

Before Fang Yukang's accident, Fang Yupei always stayed in the nightclub, and it was normal that he didn't go home at night. In the past few months, she was very obedient, but both Liu Yu and Fang thought that Fang Yupei was only getting better temporarily. Sooner or later, she would show her true colors and return to her old style.

Fang Yupei didn't come back all night, so the couple were not very worried.

Liu Yu finds her mobile phone and calls Fang Yupei, but Fang Yupei doesn't answer.

She sent a text message to Fang Yupei asking when she would come back.

Fang Yupei still did not answer.

Liu Yu murmured, "this girl doesn't know where she's going. If she doesn't answer the phone or return the text message, it's always worrying." Looking up at the clock, Liu Yu felt sleepy.

"Go to bed?" She asked Fang.

Fang averagely shook his head and said, "go to bed first. I have business to deal with."

"Oh, let's have a rest."

Two people go upstairs together, Liu Yu goes back to his room to sleep, and Fang Jun enters his study. In the dead of night, it's easy to calm down and work more efficiently.

Fang was browsing through the files while editing the contents of the e-mail.

He pressed his finger on the keyboard and was about to confirm when a video request appeared on the computer screen. The person who initiated the video request did not have a name, and the video was not initiated from QQ or wechat.

Realizing that this might be a virus, Fang would subconsciously turn off the page.

He click the close button with the mouse, but the video request is not over. Instead, it is automatically connected.