Of the six players, five men and one woman.

They all look very young. They are engaged in simulated warfare and concentrate on it. They have no idea that Fang Yuqing is coming.

Fang Yuqing's eyes swept those people's faces, and finally fell on a boy in an orange sweater. The boy has chestnut hair. It's naturally curly. It's very white. His cheeks look lovely.

He seems to be the main force of the team. Fang Yuqing hears his voice giving orders. His voice sounds waxy, but his tone is very serious.

Fang Yuqing stood at the door like that. She waited for more than 30 minutes before she saw that the people inside had taken off the earphone at the same time. She heard the lovely boy analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the team members. The men who work hard are very attractive.

Fang Yuqing stares at the boy, a little puzzled.

Why do you like him?

At the end of the speech, the boy said, "take a break."

He touched his mouth and bent down to pick up a cup on the table. It was a pure white porcelain cup. The boy came out with the cup in his hand and noticed Fang Yuqing at the door. He stares at Fang Yuqing for a while. He thinks the girl looks familiar, but he doesn't remember where he met her.

The boy smiles at her.

Fang Yuqing saw a deep pear vortex.

He noticed that Fang Yuqing was drinking milk tea, and said, "it would be better if you don't put sugar. Did Xiaolan put sugar for you?" Xiao Lan is the name of the receptionist.

Fang Yuqing stay, she quickly sipped milk tea, found that the taste is really not good. The boy passed her and went to the tea room. Fang Yuqing followed her silently. The boy walked in front and didn't look back. He said to Fang Yuqing, "are you the new manager?"

Fang Yuqing thought about it and didn't answer.

The boy understood Fang Yuqing's acquiescence as recognition.

He went to the tea room and made himself a cup of milk tea. Fang Yuqing was a little surprised. "I seldom see boys who like to drink milk tea."

The boy turned around with milk tea and a cute smile. He pulled the orange sweater and said, "I like it. I like sweet, strong, not used to bitter coffee and tea

Fang Yuqing noticed that the boy's sweater had a high collar.

She couldn't help thinking about it.

Fang Yuqing poured his own milk tea, also learning the child's order, and mixed himself a cup of milk tea. She found that the new milk tea was really better than the original one. Curious, she asked the boy, "can you make milk tea?"

The boy said, "before I joined the team, I worked part-time in a milk tea shop."

"No wonder."

It's time for dinner.

The boy said goodbye to Fang Yuqing and left with a group of teammates, probably going out for dinner. Fang Yuqing thought about it and went downstairs. Recently, the traffic management of Binjiang city has been lax, and some motorcycles and battery cars have been driving on the road.

Next to the office building is a crossroad. There are several restaurants on the opposite street. If they want to eat, they have to cross the road.

Fang Yuqing stood by the side of the road waiting for the traffic light, just beside them.

The boy introduced other teammates and said, "this is the new manager. His name is..." he askew his head and asked Fang Yuqing, "what's your name?"

Fang Yuqing hesitated.

Is it better for her to say her real name or a false one?

Fang Yuqing is hesitating when he suddenly sees the boy stretching out a hand to him. The next moment, Fang Yuqing was pulled aside by the boy. She sprained her feet and didn't look back. She heard a loud bang behind her.

She looked back and saw a motorcycle fall where she was standing.

The owner was crushed by the motorcycle and his head was bleeding.

A group of people stay, Fang Yuqing is more silly.

She stood there stupidly and saw the boy bend down and pick up a motorcycle with his bare hands.

Fang Yuqing was stunned.

How powerful it is to pick up a motorcycle with bare hands!

The boy put the motorcycle aside, then turned back to the silly team members and said, "come on, call an ambulance." With that, he squatted down beside the injured and tied the leg of the injured by the motorcycle with the coat of a team member.

Fang Yuqing looked at the boy and the motorcycle on one side, and rolled her throat silently.

At this moment, she must admit that her brother found her a Hercules sister-in-law.

The injured person was soon towed away by an ambulance. Fang Yuqing looked up and just wanted to say a few words to the boy when he saw a silver car parked at the company downstairs behind him. The door opened and Fang Yu'an strode towards them.

Fang Yuqing thought, it's over.

Seeing Fang Yu'an, the lovely boy chuckled at him, which was very cute.

It turns out that my brother likes this.

Walking to them, Fang Yu'an frowned and asked, "are you ok?" This is to ask Fang Yuqing and the boy.

They both replied, "it's OK."

After that, the two of them looked at each other and thought the atmosphere was strange.

The boy then asked Fang Yu an, "Yu an, what's the name of the new manager? It's very pretty. "

Fang Yu an glanced at Fang Yu Qing.

It's very good-looking, but when he heard the boy say so, he was not happy“ Are you the new manager Fang Yu'an frowned at Fang Yuqing.

Fang Yuqing was embarrassed.

The boy found out what was wrong.

He looked at Fang Yuqing and Fang Yuan suspiciously. Suddenly, his eyes widened“ You He stared at Fang Yuqing's face, took a deep breath, and then asked, "are you Yu an's sister?" He once saw it on Fang Yu'an's mobile phone.

Fang Yuqing nodded awkwardly.

The boy opened his mouth and felt embarrassed. He had nowhere to put his hands and feet. Fang Yu'an touched the boy's hair, which was particularly spoiled. Fang Yu Qing couldn't help looking more. She heard her brother say to the boy, "Chaochao, don't be nervous."

When he said that, the boy named Chaochao was even more nervous.

Fang Yuqing immediately felt that he was redundant.

Fang Yu'an's eyes fell on Fang Yuqing again. He said, "if you come here, let's have dinner together. Anyway, we need to get to know each other."

Yes, three people went into a Chinese restaurant.

During the dinner, Fang Yuqing finally knew the boy's name. His name was Ouyang Chao, 24 years old. Fang Yuqing is a little surprised. She really can't see the child's actual age. She looks like a minor.

After dinner, Fang Yuqing ran away.

On the way home, Fang Yuqing replays the picture of Ouyang Chao lifting his motorcycle again and again in his mind. She thought it was incredible, so she asked Fang Yusheng on wechat.

Fang Yuqing: [brother Yusheng, do you believe that a young man in his twenties can lift a motorcycle with brute force