Chris watched Zhuang long pass in front of her, and then a group of people left talking and laughing.

Chris looked back at the man's smile and felt a sudden pain in her heart, as if she had been pulled open with her bare hands.

She knew that Zhuang long had two personalities, and that the other person didn't remember her. Before she came to see him, Chris had made psychological preparations. However, a scene in the fantasy really happened, giving Chris a surprise blow, Chris rubbed her heart, there, some pain.

Chris almost cried.

She walked away with the box in her arms. Zhuang long was talking to his friend when he was hit on the shoulder. He staggered forward, and the girl who had hit him had already run forward quickly.

Zhuang long glared at the girl's back, a little angry, but also scolded, "can't say sorry!"

The girl stopped suddenly and looked back at him fiercely.

Zhuang long

Chris went back to New York, and the first thing she did was to turn on the computer and send an email to Zhuang long.

The content of the email is as follows——

the end of friendship.

Zhuang long had drunk a lot on his 18th birthday. When he drove home as a friend, he had a big accident. Zhuang long hit his head on the glass and fainted hopelessly. When he woke up again, he was already a second personality.

Zhuang long and his group of friends were dragged to the hospital by ambulance. He had several stitches on his arm. He left the hospital late at night and took a taxi home. When he got home, Zhuang long looked in the mirror and found that he had grown up. The 18-year-old looks completely open. When he faces the mirror and purses his lips, he looks a little serious and his eyes are still very sinister.

Zhuang long has been lying in bed for more than an hour. It is only in these years that what has happened has been straightened out. He found out in his memory that Chris came to the medical school to look for him. Zhuang long frowned and didn't know what Chris wanted to do when she came to look for him.

He opened the mailbox and saw three emails.

He looked up from the bottom one.

The first is as follows——

the end of friendship.

Second letter——

Julia is finally 18 years old today. I'm very happy that she has survived this day. I hope she can live another 28, 38, 48 years old

The third email was three hours ago——

Happy birthday, Aron.

Staring at the last email, Zhuang long felt an impulse to meet Chris. Without saying a word, he picked up his ID and wallet and went straight to the airport. Before dawn, the plane soared into the sky. Above the clouds, he saw the sunrise. In the sunlight, the clouds became dreamy.

It wasn't until this that Zhuang long came back.

Just because the other party said happy birthday, he couldn't wait to fly to New York. Isn't it too impulsive?

Chris got up in the morning and logged into the mailbox with her mobile phone. She didn't see Zhuang Long's reply. She was in a bad mood. She hasn't seen Zhuang long for a long time, and some miss him. Chris had breakfast and got a call from Julia.

"You didn't go home last night." Chris's voice was cold and angry.

Julia's end was quiet.

Chris sneered and asked, "what the hell do you want to do?"

Julia said, "Chris, I'm going to marry him."

"You are crazy!"

Chris threw away the spoon in her hand and looked a little ugly.

"Julia, do you know what you're doing?"

"I love him, Chris. I love him."

When Chris said no, she was trembling. She didn't know whether she was angry or angry. Chris said, "I don't know how long I can live. I hope that before I die, I will be accompanied by the man I love, not a man in his forties who has no relationship with me. Everything's fine, Chris. I'll never love anyone else as much as I love him. "

"Chris, help me."

"I can't help you, Julia." Chris felt powerless. "You know, even I can't help it."

Julia didn't understand that.

"I see."

She hung up all of a sudden.

Chris is holding the cell phone that has been cut off. She feels uneasy. She always feels that Julia's state is not right.

It's chilly in autumn. Chris is wearing a windbreaker outside. The bodyguard opens the door. Chris is about to sit in. As if she is aware of it, she suddenly looks up and looks into the small park in front of her house. Under a banyan tree in the park stands a young man in a black shirt, which makes him handsome.

Black hair short pretty, handsome appearance, he looked at her, seemingly indifferent eyes hidden some deep meaning that she could not understand.

Chris was stunned.

She quietly got into the car and the bodyguard got into the co pilot's seat.

As the car drove away, Chris's hand shook her finger outside the window.

Chris arrived at the company and parked on the ground floor. Her exclusive parking space around, there is no car, it seems a little empty. The bodyguard pressed the key to open the elevator. Chris stood outside and waited. The door opened and she went in.

At the moment when the door was about to close, a hand suddenly fell between the closed elevator doors.

The bodyguard jerked out his gun and looked out the door alertly.

Chris didn't say anything to stop her. She watched the elevator door open again. Outside the door, the figure of the young man gradually became clear. Chris gazed quietly at the man outside the door, silent. Zhuang Long's eyes had been deliberately suppressed by him, and he didn't seem so warm and abnormal.

He said to the man inside, "let's talk about it?"

Chris's face remained the same, cold and impersonal.

Smell speech, she uses not half cent undulating tone to ask him, "talk about what?"

Zhuang long was silent for a long time. Just as Chris's patience was about to be worn out, Zhuang long spoke. He said——

"I want to fall in love with you."

Inside the elevator car, Kevin and another bodyguard were almost shaken by the answer.

Chris stayed for a while, and then, cold pretty face, like the winter past, the spring breeze blowing, instant dark flowers“ You come in Chris took a small step to the side. Without hesitation, Zhuang long went in.

Kevin, they put away their guns, too.

This person may be their future male host. It's better to be respectful.

Chris has a meeting at nine in the morning. As soon as she gets to the office, she says, "I have a meeting at nine. I can't finish falling in love in an hour. I'll talk to you when I come back from the meeting."

Smell speech, Zhuang long very obediently a, then sit down on the sofa.

He looked for a book to read at random. Although he didn't understand it, he also read it seriously. So this morning, the company's vice-president and senior managers found that Chris, who was always serious and impersonal, seemed to be in a good mood today.