Robert kept staring in Herbert's face as he said this.

To capture all the expressions on his face, even the most subtle changes are not let go, to confirm that he did not lie this time, Robert was satisfied.

"You just lied..."

Herbert froze and apologized. "Yes, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Robert said, "next time you lie, I'll punish you."


That night, there was no accident during the meal, which was very harmonious. During the evening break, Robert was thinking about a question. When he was looking for his father all over the room in the afternoon, where did he go?

The next day was Saturday. There was no school. Xiaomeng was going to learn baking. Herbert had nothing to do but watch TV at home. Robert also had a rest today. He had breakfast and went to the gym. Herbert heard the closing of the gym. He looked back and went on watching TV.

Robert didn't come out for dinner until about noon.

Herbert noticed that Robert, who had been in the gym all morning, didn't sweat. He frowned and thought something was wrong.

In the afternoon, he took a nap, woke up and ran downstairs to have a drink of water.

He poured himself a glass of warm water, drank a few mouthfuls, and suddenly heard a slight movement from the gym. Herbert was stunned. He put down his glass and went to the gym. He pushed the door open and walked into the gym, only to find that there was no one in it.

So what made a noise in this room just now?

Herbert turned to leave. As soon as he looked back, he heard another noise behind him. He suddenly turned around and saw a board on the ground tilted up. Under it, he showed a pair of green eyes, staring at him motionless and strange.

Herbert looked into those eyes, stunned.

He turned abruptly and ran out of the house.

Herbert ran out of the house and halfway up the hill to stop. He sat down on the concrete pavement halfway up the mountain, and could not help but suppress his fear to recall the eyes he had just seen. Those eyes are too familiar. It's his father.

There is a basement in the basement of their house. What does father do in the basement?

The more Herbert thought about it, the cooler it was.

He felt his back, but unexpectedly he felt a cold sweat.

Herbert sat there for a long time, not daring to move.

He's afraid to go home now.

Herbert lowered his head and watched the ants crawling up and down. As long as he raised one foot and stepped down, he could trample them to death. He gazed at the ants and felt miserable. Here, the ants were humble, just like he was in front of Robert.

"Whose family are you from?"

A delicate girl's voice sounded behind Herbert.

Herbert looked back in amazement and saw a little girl with fair skin, a cute little face, long golden hair, a braid on her left side and a red jewel stud on her left ear. Herbert looked at the beautiful little girl with some shyness.

"You, hello." He stood up and stammered.

The girl smiles and says, "Hello, I'm Julia." The little girl stretched out a hand toward him, and the hand was white, looking at how little meat there was. This is actually a little skinny girl, as skinny as Herbert himself.

"Herbert." Herbert shook her hand and soon took it back.

Julia went to the seat where Herbert was sitting. Herbert hesitated and sat down in the same place. They sat next to each other and did not speak. After a moment, Herbert was the first to speak. He said, "I've never seen you, Julia."

"Did you just move here?"

Julia shook her head and pulled the north wind behind her ears. After fixing it, she chuckled at Herbert and explained, "I'm in New York. I'm here on holiday."

Herbert was puzzled and asked, "are you out of school?"

Julia added, "we're tutoring, not going to school."

It must be rich to have a tutor.

Herbert's eyes brightened and he sighed, "you live in a villa!" He pointed to the one story sea view villa behind him and asked Julia, "did I guess right?"

Julia said, "yes. My sister and I live there

"You have a sister?"


Julia grinned gently and said, "my sister is still taking a nap. You can meet her some other day. Her name is Chris. She's very beautiful


Herbert was nervous about making friends with a kid from a big city for the first time.

The two chatted for a while. Julia deliberately chose to talk to Herbert instead of mentioning things that sounded remote and difficult to understand. So Herbert didn't notice the sense of distance between them. He thought: children in big cities used to get along well.

Julia chatted with him for a while, then looked down at her watch. She straightened her face and said, "I have to go home."

"In such a hurry?"

Julia stood up and finally said, "nice to meet you, Herbert." Then he left.

Herbert watched the girl go away, and then he got up his courage and went in the direction of his own house. Walking to the door, Herbert's heart suddenly quickened. He was afraid to come in for fear of meeting Robert. Xiaomeng came back with a small basket of her baked biscuits.

Seeing Herbert standing outside the door, hesitating, Xiaomeng was very surprised and asked him, "Herbert, what are you doing at the door? Don't you go in? "

Herbert was startled.

Before I could answer, the door suddenly opened from inside.

Herbert strained himself subconsciously.

Robert came out of the house. He met Xiaomeng. When Xiaomeng came in, Robert looked at Herbert. Herbert kept his head down at first. Seeing that daddy was looking at him all the time and didn't intend to leave, Herbert had to raise his head and said, "Daddy."

"Herbert." With a soft smile on Robert's face, he asked, "why don't you go in?"

Herbert's eyes were spinning, and as he turned, he said, "I was thinking about something. When I lost my mind, I forgot to go into the room."

"Is it?"

Robert said meaningfully, "I thought Herbert saw something. He was afraid of me."

"No! I don't see anything As soon as Herbert said this, he knew there was something wrong with it. It was true that there was no silver here.