He was sure that he had not been in the room, and that he had not been in the surveillance room last night. Well, this should be the first night he lived in this house. After he woke up, he came in here.

What's in this room?

Zhuang long walks in with his footprints. When he comes to a wall, he stops. He had come to the end, but the footprints fell off and he walked out of the house‘ He must have come to this house for a reason. It's impossible for him to come in and go back after a walk.

Zhuang long stood by the wall and looked up at the room many times.

He didn't find anything unusual.

But he knew in his heart that this room was absolutely weird, otherwise, "he" would not have come into this room as soon as he woke up, and could not have pointed out the location of this room to the monitor last night. Looking at the footprints on the ground, he deliberately left them because they were neat and obvious.

Zhuang long looked around the fitness room again. Finally, he turned his eyes to the wall in front of him.

If there is any mystery, it can only be the wall in front of us and the ground at our feet.

His hand knocked on the wall. The sound was dull. It didn't seem empty inside. Zhuang long pushes open the window of the fitness room, jumps out of the window and makes a detour to find that there is nothing behind the wall. He stood behind the house, lost in thought.

There is nothing strange about this wall, so the problem must be hidden underground.

Zhuang long went back to the fitness room and knocked on the ground. After a while, he finally found something strange. The treadmill in the fitness room was empty. Zhuang long moved away the treadmill, knocked again, and heard a big echo.

There is a basement below. Zhuang long didn't find the entrance to the basement.

He frowned, ran to the tool room, rummaged around, and finally found a hoe. Zhuang long, carrying a hoe, smashed the floor with brute force and pried it open. The basement was suddenly opened and a gloomy wind came out from below.

Zhuang long was cold all over.

He suddenly got up and left the fitness room, went down the mountain to the town, bought a headlamp and a long rope, had breakfast by the way, and then walked home slowly. Back in the fitness room, Zhuang long fixed the rope, put on his headlamp and jumped into the basement along the rope.

The height of the basement and fitness room is about four meters. He bought a seven meter long rope, but it was not long enough.

After fixing the headlights, Zhuang long looked at the basement. The basement was very big, supported by several concrete pillars, but not decorated. The walls were all stone walls. A long, low corridor extends far away.

Zhuang long cat waist through the corridor, the end of the corridor, is a door. He opened the door and heard the waves. Zhuang long stepped out of the door and saw the magnificent sea. This should be the back mountain of Zhuanglong's family. Because of the steep terrain, the back mountain is uninhabited.

He looked at the foot, below is a cliff about 10 meters high, under the cliff, is the tumbling waves.

Zhuang long took a step back in silence.

He leaned against the door and thought: This is really a good place for killing people and throwing corpses.

As soon as the idea came to mind, Zhuang long was frightened.

He stared at the sea for a moment, took a deep breath at last, followed the way he came, and returned to the basement.

There are two secret rooms in the basement. Under the fitness room is the hall. The two secret rooms are next to each other. Zhuang long goes to the two doors, thinks about it, and pushes the left door first. Inside, it's dark, especially creepy. Zhuang long can see the situation in this room clearly through the headlamp.

The house looks like an abandoned laboratory, with some glass test tubes still in their original shape. Zhuang long went in and fiddled with the test tubes. He found that there were some dark brown things in them. Anyone who had touched blood knew that this was the trace left by the dried up blood.

What kind of blood is this? Zhuang long already has a guess in his mind.

He retreated from the laboratory and, without hesitation, opened the second door——

The room is not big. There are several handcuffs on the wall. There is a single operating bed in the middle of the room. The bed should have been reconstructed, with handcuffs, foot cuffs, waist chains and neck cuffs. Beside the single operating bed, there is a small table with an iron plate on it.

This plate is used to hold the scalpel for anatomy.

After seeing these things clearly, Zhuang Long's body seemed to be under the door frame as if he had been cursed. A chill, from his tail spine up, Zhuang long cold scalp numb. He stood there, clearly did not think of anything, but the body had a primitive fear, began to shake uncontrollably.

Zhuang Long's breath became heavy.

He stares at the bed, and some pictures seem to pass in front of him——

A man in a white coat, with his back to what he was doing, holding a scalpel in both hands, looked attentive and serious. As if he had noticed something, the man suddenly looked back. It was clear that this scene was just imagination, but the man's sharp and merciless eyes made Zhuang long have a kind of illusion that he saw himself!

The man suddenly toward him a smile, that smile, frighten people in the heart.

He suddenly opened his mouth to him and said, "Herbert, you are so bad. How can you come here?"


Zhuang long shivered and sat on the ground.

He was pale and full of panic.

Zhuang long looked there again. There was no one in front of him.

Zhuang long got up shivering. He ran out of the secret room and found the rope that had put him down before. Zhuang long grabbed the rope and wanted to climb up. He tried to climb up a few steps and exhausted his strength. However, he found that the ceiling of the fitness room above his head was so far away that his hands could not touch the ceiling.

Zhuang long was in a panic: why not! Why not!

Zhuang long wanted to cry and cry for help.

He tried several times and found that he could not get to the top. He suddenly looked down and found that he had never left the basement. His legs, always kicking on the basement floor!

Zhuang long cried out in panic. He quietly grasped the rope. It was very quiet around. There was no one. Zhuang long seemed to see thousands of demons rushing towards him. He would be killed by them!

His last bit of sanity collapsed.

Zhuang long yelled, holding the rope in his hand, but his body suddenly stopped.

After about five or six minutes of silence, Zhuang long woke up again.