"Lao Fang!" Xu Pingfei was startled and ran to help him.

But Fang pingjue held out a hand to her and made a refusal“ Don't look at me. Get out! Get out

Xu Pingfei hesitated before turning out of the room.

She stood still in the corridor for a moment, and was about to leave when she heard Fang Ping's desperate cry coming out of the room. The leg that Xu Pingfei carried out was so stiff in the same place. She turned back to the door, hesitated for a long time, and finally did not knock on the door.

This evening, Xu Pingfei spent the night in the next room, almost without closing her eyes, for fear that Fang Ping would do stupid things.

After a peaceful night, Xu Pingfei can't wait to open the door of the next room. After entering the room, Fang pingjue was still sleeping. Xu Pingfei quietly walked over and reached for him in front of his nose. Fang pingjue suddenly opened his eyes and startled Xu Pingfei.

"Think I'm dead?" Fang pingjue's tone was very cold, just like a gust of wind from the hell, cool through Xu Pingfei's vest.

Xu Pingfei patted his chest, glared at him and said, "yes, I'm afraid you're dead. I'm ready to collect your body."

Fang pingjue's eyes twinkled several times. After staring at Xu Pingfei for a moment, he said something that made Xu Pingfei confused. "There will be that opportunity."

"Shut up Xu Pingfei became angry.

"I'll make you what I want to eat this morning."

"All right."

Xu Pingfei took another deep look at him and went downstairs to cook.

When cooking, she is always restless.

Xu Pingfei beat two eggs and planned to make a soft and digestible egg soup. She stirred it in the bowl with an egg beater, but she didn't know where she had gone. She put the eggs into the pot, chopped some meat, and planned to make some meatballs.

Xu Pingfei chopped the meat, but before she made it into a ball, she suddenly dropped her bowl and egg beater and walked upstairs. She was in a hurry.

Without knocking, Xu Pingfei pushed the door in.

In bed, no one.

Cloakroom, no one.

Xu Pingfei finally pushed open the bathroom door. Her eyes were as like as two peas ago. In the bathtub, warm water overflowed the surface of the jar. Fang pingjue was lying in the bathtub, his hands in the warm water, and his head was engulfed by blood.

This bloody and strange scene is just like the scene that Xu Pingfei saw many years ago when Fang Yuqing cut her wrist and killed herself.

Different from Fang Yuqing, Fang pingjue is more unfeeling.

Fang pingjue's death is like atonement for what Yu Qing had done.

Xu Pingfei was frightened by the scene before her.

Her lips trembled for a long time before a shrill cry finally broke out——

Lao Fang!

When Fang Yuqing and Fang Yuan rushed back to Fang's house, Fang pingjue was dead. His body was still lying in the bathroom, and his pajamas were wet.

This time, Fang pingjue was more ruthless than ever. He first cut his own artery, and then worried that Xu Pingfei had not died when he found him, so he took the initiative to sink into the water. He's so serious about dying that he's sorry for himself if he doesn't die.

Fang Yuqing stood at the door of the bathroom. When she saw Fang pingjue's death and the blood in the bathtub, she felt angry and flustered.

What kind of death method he used was not good, but it was this.

Isn't that revenge?

Xu Pingfei sat by, sobbing and choking. Fang Yu'an and the housekeeper move Fang pingjue's body out of the bathroom and put it on the bed in the bedroom. Fang Yu'an wakes Fang Yuqing, who is distracted, and tells her, "Qingqing, call uncle and uncle, as well as Yu Sheng's brother, and let them know. Send out another obituary. "

Fang Yuqing lost her soul.

In less than an hour, all the closest people came.

This time, Chi Bo Guang brings Lisa. Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng also came. They arrived last. When they arrived, almost all of them arrived. Fang pingjue had changed his shroud and was lying in the coffin. His cheek showed the ugly look that a drowning and bleeding man should have.

Xu Pingfei's mood has calmed down a little. She can logically and clearly tell you what happened last night and this morning.

"It's my carelessness." Xu Pingfei was very remorseful. She cried and said, "I should have found something unusual about him long ago. When he said 'there will be that opportunity', he would have decided to commit suicide. But I was stupid and didn't understand him

"If I had paid more attention to him, he would not have been lying alone in the coffin." Then, glancing at Fang pingjue in the coffin, Xu Pingfei began to sob in a low voice again.

Qiao Jiusheng and Liu Yu quickly comfort her and tell her it's not her fault.

Xu Pingfei was not comforted.

After death, there are still many things to be done by later generations. Fang Yu'an and his family put on their white cloth. At noon, some relatives and friends came to Fang's home to attend Fang pingjue's funeral.

Fang pingjue has made many enemies and made many friends in his life. Many people came to mourn him.

Different from the funeral custom in junyang City, the funeral in Binjiang city is obviously much simpler. The funeral hall is very solemn. It's not necessary to kowtow and burn paper to pay homage to Fang pingjue's relatives and friends. It's just necessary to say that it's easy to go all the way to Fang pingjue's coffin.

As the only son under Fang pingjue's name, Fang Yu'an, as the successor of Fang pingjue, stands beside the coffin of the mourning hall and greets the elders who come to attend the funeral.

Fang Yuqing is the only daughter of the dead. She also has to stand with her brother in the mourning hall. Everyone who comes has to hand over a white flower. This flower, they have to wear in the chest, until the end of the funeral, everyone will take down the white flower, focus on burning.

Jiang Wei and Jiang Jie's brother and sister came with their father Jiang Bo. Jiang Bo and Fang pingjue had a good relationship before they died, and they almost became relatives.

Fang Yuqing hasn't seen Jiang Wei for nearly half a year. The last time she met was in the early autumn of last year. After that separation, they cancelled their engagement.

It's hard to avoid embarrassment when a former fiancee meets again.

Jiang Wei is wearing a black suit. At the age of 23, he is a real man. His face is mature and handsome, without the sense of youth. Standing in front of Fang Yuqing, Jiang Wei was silent.

Fang Yuqing picked up a white flower, but before she handed it to Jiang Wei, she was suddenly hugged by the man in front of her.

Fang Yuqing was a little surprised.

She hung her hands rigidly to her side and didn't know how to respond.

Next to the ear, Jiang Wei's gentle voice sounded——

"Don't be sad. The dead are gone. You have to cheer up."