It's a bit cold outside, and there are fewer people on the street. Fang Yusheng stands outside the shop alone, like a 250. Although he felt a little cold, he still stood upright. No matter when and where he was, his image could not be destroyed, and his design could not be collapsed. Finally, he heard Qiao Jiusheng's voice in it.


Fang Yusheng quickly turned back to the house.

As soon as I entered the room, I felt very warm.

He went to rub Qiao Jiusheng's head and said, "it's so cold that my heart is cold." Qiao Jiusheng straightened out Fang Yusheng's disordered hairstyle. He couldn't help complaining about Fang Yusheng, "the hairstyle I just made is disordered for me."

Fang Yusheng ignored her.

He looked at the wall and asked Qiao Jiusheng, "pasted on this wall?"


"Well, I'll look for it."

The wall is covered with colorful post it notes. Fang Yusheng directly chooses the most colorful post it notes to see. Qiao Jiusheng likes all kinds of colorful things, and the post it notes she chooses are certainly bright. When Fang Yusheng is looking for something, Qiao Jiusheng suddenly receives Lisa's video request.

She took the video, and her two sons appeared in the picture at the same time.

"Mom! mom! Are you outside? "


Fang Zikai's voice is the one who talks a lot in the front, and Fang Zicheng's simple language is the one behind.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "I'll show you your father."


She points the camera at Fang Yusheng, and the two little guys see Fang Yusheng looking for things on the wall.

"What's Dad doing?"

Fang Yusheng turned to the camera and said, "look for the treasure."

"Wow Fang Zikai is happy. He jumps around on the carpet in his socks and asks Fang Yusheng, "what treasure are you looking for, dad? I can help you find it

"No Fang Yusheng asked his two sons, "it's eleven o'clock. Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Grandfather took us out for supper and just came back."

"What did you eat?"

"Chicken, duck and fish, red wine, beer and fruit wine." Fang Zikai talks nonsense. When he finished, Fang Zicheng said, "we had porridge, ducks and lobsters, and Fang Zikai stole a sip of Pineapple Beer."

Fang Zikai said quickly, "I didn't! He wronged me

Fang Yusheng tut tut two, suddenly stood on tiptoe, took a piece of paper from the wall.

He took the paper and asked Qiao Jiusheng, "is that it?"

Qiao Jiusheng had some accidents.

"Why do you think it's this?" She has changed her handwriting. Fang Yusheng can still find what she wrote accurately from so many post it notes. Qiao Jiusheng is naturally surprised.

Fang Yusheng didn't answer.

He took his cell phone, said a few words to his child and mother, and then hung up the video. Turning off his cell phone, Fang Yusheng said to Qiao Jiusheng, "the feeling is what you wrote." He looked down at the content of the post it note. The content was very simple. There was only one sentence: make a wish. I don't want too much. I just want more and more money in the future.

In fact, Fang Yusheng has no music in his heart. It's just him. When he sees the word "money", he can't help looking at it more. Then he found the clue. Qiao Jiusheng was really curious, so he asked, "how did you find it?"

Fang Yusheng said, "listen to the truth?"

"Of course."

"All right." Fang Yusheng turned over the post it note, and there was a sentence written on the sticky back -- Fang Yusheng, I like you.

Qiao Jiusheng didn't speak.

Fang Yusheng did not hold back, pinched her cheek, "like I want to write on the front, secretly write behind what."

Qiao Jiusheng said sheepishly, "I just want to try and see if I can write on the back."

Fang Yusheng didn't break her careful thinking.


Qiao Jiusheng is in front, and Fang Yusheng catches up.

Fang Yusheng thought they would go back, but Qiao Jiusheng took him around the corner and went into junyang No.1 middle school. Now it's winter vacation, school is not open, there are almost no people in the school, and the door is closed. Qiao Jiusheng said, "I'll take you to visit my alma mater."

Fang Yusheng said, "it's closed."

Qiao Jiusheng took him to the wall and said, "the school gate is only useful for good students who abide by the rules. To me, it's like a lie. " Qiao Jiusheng played very hard in junior high school. He didn't know how to do anything but study. Later, Menghai and her party changed her temperament. When she went back to high school, she loved to study.

"Here it is."

Qiao Jiusheng was wearing flat sneakers today. She said to Yu Sheng, "I went first." With that, she stepped back, bowed and rushed forward. Fang Yusheng sees Qiao Jiusheng like a cat, kicking his feet on the Wall twice, holding his arms up and hooking up to the wall.

She went back to Fang Yusheng, raised her chin, climbed up the wall and jumped down.

Fang Yusheng had some accidents.

From Qiao Jiusheng's action over the wall, we can see that she must have been a recidivist before. Soon, Fang Yusheng came in. He was much taller than Qiao Jiusheng, and it was easy to climb the wall. After landing, the two walked side by side to the teaching building.

On the way, Fang Yusheng said, "this is the first time I've turned over the courtyard wall."

Qiao Jiusheng laughs that his life is too boring.

Fang Yusheng did not retort.

Qiao Jiusheng took Fang Yusheng to the teaching building where they lived. The door and window of the classroom were closed. Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng pushed the windows of every classroom in the whole teaching building. Finally, they opened a window.

"It's none of the business."


They turned the window into the classroom.

For fear of being found, Qiao Jiusheng didn't turn on the light either. She turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone. She pointed to the middle of the fourth row. Yu Sheng said, "I used to sit in the fourth row."

Fang Yusheng went to the position of her finger and sat down.

Qiao Jiusheng didn't sit next to him. She said, "I'll come to class today, and you'll be a student."

Fang Yu gave a smile and nodded.

Qiao Jiusheng went to the platform, looked everywhere and found a piece of chalk. She tugged at her clothes and said, "class is over."

Fang Yusheng said, "Hello, Mr. Qiao."

"Today, what I want to tell you is..." Qiao Jiusheng turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard. Fang Yusheng narrowed his eyes and saw a word written on the blackboard by the light of the flashlight——


Fang Yusheng looked shocked.

After he realized what Qiao Jiusheng was going to do, he suddenly felt thirsty.

Standing on the platform, Qiao Jiusheng looked down at Fang Yusheng and said, "first of all, the first step is to take off your clothes." Seeing that Fang Yusheng did not move, she lowered her face and asked him, "classmate Fang, why don't you take off your clothes?"

Fang Yusheng said honestly, "report to Mr. Qiao, I will not."

"You're grown-ups. You can't even take off your clothes!"

Fang Yusheng then brazenly said, "then you teach me?"

Qiao Jiusheng gave a tut.

Then she threw the chalk and started to take off her coat. Seeing her undress, Fang Yusheng's eyes were dim, expecting and worried. Can you catch a cold in such a cold day?