During this period of time, the string in his brain has been taut, and he is finally leaving, and his mood is rarely relaxed.

He leaned his head against the back of the car, imagining the future, like saying to himself, "when I get back to New York, I'll go to the bar for a few drinks and have an all night party. Find another beautiful girl and spend the night together. " He narrowed his eyes and joked, "that lucky girl must be Bing."

Ji Yinbing took a look at him and replied without expression, "the next day in the emergency room of the hospital, we will accept a young pervert whose genitals have been cut off."

Craven shivered when he heard the words.

He moved his butt in his seat and muttered, "don't be so cruel."

Ji Yinbing didn't answer.

The car drove slowly forward, maybe because the war was about to spread. The atmosphere on the car was very silent.

Craven worried that Ji Yinbing would be afraid, so he had nothing to say. Craven opened his eyes, looked at Ji Yinbing's side face and asked, "what's your plan to leave here?"

After thinking about it, Ji Yinbing said, "I'll have a rest for a while. It's OK to travel." After a pause, she said, "I want to go to China and see the land where her mother lived." She had another wish that she wanted to find a family for her mother.

Craven nodded and said, "it's fine. It's a coincidence that I'm planning a trip, too. "

Ji Yinbing said, "I hope we won't meet on the journey." She can imagine that she ran into Craven in a scenic spot. Craven said hello to her in surprise and said, "we're really predestined.".

Craven touched his nose and chuckled.

"That's right." Ji Yinbing opened his bag, took out a gift from it, handed it to Klein, and said, "I gave your sister a wedding gift."

Craven hesitated before taking it.

When he reached for the gift, he said, "I'll take the gift from her future sister-in-law first." Open the box, see is a diamond inlaid ladies watch, Klein lengxia, said, "although very valuable, but not outsiders."

He closed the box and smirked at Ji Yinbing, which made him feel warm and sunny.

He said, "thank you."

Thank you. Craven said it seriously.

Ji Yinbing thought that for more than a year, craven took care of himself. His heart was warm and his face was cold“ Thank you. I wish her happiness. "

"It must be!"

Cliven takes out his cell phone and chats with his sister. He still praises Ji Yinbing.

Olivia wishes him an early return.

Just then, a shell suddenly landed on the house 100 meters away.

When he saw the movement, the people in the car were all in a panic.


Screams can almost pierce the eardrum.

One after another, more shells fell. Everywhere they went, the houses collapsed. All the beautiful things were mercilessly destroyed by the artillery fire.

Although Ji Yinbing didn't shout, he was also a little flustered. She unbuckled her seat belt and hesitated to get out or stay where she was.

The people in the car began to find a place to hide.

There are also people who are in a hurry and want to jump out of the car.

All of a sudden, someone found that a gunshot was coming towards their motorcade“ Danger With the cry of panic, the fleeing people squatted down in place. Ji Yinbing is a little flustered. Suddenly, a thrust pushes her down from her seat. Ji Yinbing was pressed behind the iron plate by the man.

She looked up in amazement and saw craven.

Craven yelled at her, "don't be afraid!"

Ji Yinbing did the same.

Only a bang was heard. The bus in front was hit by the shell.

The bus split into pieces and exploded into pieces.

Their car was the closest to that one and became the most affected area. Ji Yinbing, the body of the car they are in, also followed by a shiver and turned directly to the ground. At the same time, there are countless pieces of bus, with a strong impact, towards their car.

A few people in the front row were cut off in an instant.

Craven didn't think much. Almost at the moment when the car exploded in front of him, he quickly turned to the left and held the pregnant woman in his arms.

In a panic, Ji Yinbing heard Craven's scream.

Of all the screams, Craven's voice was the most painful and heartrending.

He was injured?

After a bump, the car finally stopped rolling.

Ji Yinbing fell into a short coma.

When she woke up, it was time for other living colleagues to save them. Ji Yinbing heard a lot of crying and pain. Sitting in the back of a car, and a man of their research group, Ji Yinbing was pulled out of the car.

He said to Ji Yinbing, "you hurt your back."

Ji Yinbing stood up slowly.

She touched her back and felt a wet patch.

This injury should be caused by scraping the fragment on her back. She didn't care. She just asked him, "TIA, have you seen Craven?"

TIA fell silent.

Ji Yinbing is uneasy from his silence.

"He, where is he?"

TIA slowly raised her right hand and pointed to the right side of the road.

Ji Yinbing ran after him in the direction of his fingers. There, there were rows of people who were covered with blood and had no vitality. Both men and women have different skin color and appearance. They have only one thing in common. They are all dead.

The pregnant French woman stood beside the two bodies, crying sadly.

Ji Yinbing doesn't know how he got to Kelvin. When she arrived, the men were placing his body. He is just facing up. Ji Yinbing sees that there is no familiar elegance and handsome on his handsome face. Because of the pain, his cheek becomes twisted.

Craven lost a skin on his left forehead and became bloody. And that pair of eyes, still open all the time.

Ji Yinbing can't believe that the man who was alive half an hour ago died like this.

Ji Yinbing exhaled heavily, and then found the voice to speak, "Cleven, you, you get up..." opened his mouth, Ji Yinbing did not find his voice is dumb.

Craven didn't respond.

Instead, the pregnant woman kneeling next to Klein raised her head and told Ji Yinbing in tears, "he... He's dead."

"He died to save me."

Ji Yinbing can't believe it.

She knew intellectually that Craven was really dead, but she couldn't accept it emotionally.

Craven's body, in the end, was lowered face down, because there was a fragment in his back.