This is a threat.

Xiaofengyi has something to say later. What he really wants to say to yannuo is: since it's so painful together, it's better to let go and give her freedom.

Yan Nuo seems to have been touched. He said to Xiao Fengyi in a sharp and warning tone, "put your mind away." He didn't know that these subordinates were all toads and wanted to eat swan meat.

Xiao Feng Yi takes a look at him and turns to walk away.

Yannuo goes back to the room with the ring and intends to put it away.

He remembered that the ring box was put in the drawer of the bedside table. He opened the cabinet on the left and did not find the box. He opened the cupboard on the right, did not find the ring box, but saw a letter.

Yannuo stares at the letter, eyes frozen.

He put down the ring, his fingertips trembled, and then gathered enough strength to pick up the letter.

As soon as he picked up the envelope, yannuo noticed that there was not only paper in the envelope, but also a foreign matter. He opened the envelope and took out a long handle in it. Yan Nuo turned the thing over and saw two purple broken lines.

For a moment, yannuo froze all over.

He opened his mouth, and his lips trembled for a long time before he said, "ah!"

He seemed to be hit by thunder.

With a loose hand, the pregnancy test stick fell to the ground.

Yannuo looked up and took a deep breath. Then he took out the letter.


To Yan Nuo:

I don't have the courage to ask you what "inappropriate" really means.

I'm afraid the answer will disappoint me.

Yannuo, I always remember what you said to me in that oak tree about imagining the future and talking about children. It's hard for me to believe that you, who had been expecting children like that, would resist their coming.

I'm pregnant.

We've always had contraceptives. I guess the baby came in the breakfast restaurant that day.

Children are God's gift to us.

Yannuo, I want to give birth to him, no matter he is a boy or a girl, I will love him. I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to tell you face to face. I'm really afraid that if you know the truth, you will let me take this child away.

I choose to leave for country a, and I will give birth to this new life.

If you read the letter and know that I am pregnant, you still insist on not having this child. Well, maybe we should reconsider our relationship.

If you are willing to accept his coming, you can come to see me in country a.



Yannuo, to be pregnant with your child is the second best luck in my life. My first luck was when I was eight years old. I found you in the crowd. All my luck is tied to you.

Yannuo, I'm going.

I hope I can wait until you come. I'm looking forward to the day when you name our baby.

Waiting for good news.

After reading this letter, yannuo's mood is no longer calm.

All of a sudden, there was an explanation for the abnormal reaction of drinking ice in those days and seasons. She insisted on leaving, not because she didn't care about him, but because she was afraid.

How did she get on the plane and go to country a? How helpless was she when she found that the child could not be saved? How desperate should she be when she comes back and finds out that the poisonous one is the glass of water? See vera in his room, still doing that, at that moment, she is not heartbroken?

The more I think about it, the more scared I am.

He bent down to pick up the pregnancy test stick, looking at the two purple red horizontal lines, heart spread to open endless pain.

"I'm sorry."

He said sorry, to the children and to Ji Yinbing.

Tears hit the floor like that.

The iron man is tender and has bitter tears. If he is seen by others, he will feel incredible.

The next day, yannuo took the pregnancy test stick and went to the nursery in person. He is a big man, wandering in the shop for a long time, finally, picked a white princess skirt. He always felt that the child who had no chance with them was a little princess.

He bought a skirt and let Thomas take him out of town.

"Stop the car."

Thomas stopped the car honestly.

Two people out of the car, Yan Nuo let him wait here, he seems to climb up the hillside. Thomas was worried about his health, so he said, "second leader, what do you want to do up there? I can do it for you."

"No one can do it for you."

With that, yannuo climbed the hillside on foot.

He had a package in his hand, and Thomas didn't know what it was.

Thomas raised his eyes and looked around. It was desolate and uninhabited. What was the purpose of Er Shou's coming here?

Mengcheng is very hot all the year round. The oak trees are swaying in the wind. There is a rare cool under the trees. Yannuo knelt on the grass and said to himself, "this is a good place. It's the place where your mother and I dated for the first time."

"I'll bury you here. Don't be unhappy." With that, yannuo dug a hole in the ground.

He put a small wooden box in the pit and put the pregnancy test stick and princess skirt into the box. When he closed the lid of the box, yannuo suddenly said, "baby, it's dad. I'm sorry for you." He red a pair of eyes, "you don't blame mother, to blame, blame me."

He closed the lid with his own hands and covered them with earth.

Standing on the tombstone, yannuo thought of what Ji Yinbing mentioned in his letter. He pondered for a moment, then with a dagger on the tombstone, carved three words of Yan Xiaobao.

Yannuo has been looking for Ji Yinbing for a long time.

One month, two months, half a year, one year

When two years passed, there was no exact trace of Ji Yinbing, yannuo was more and more gloomy and cold. Ok software is as busy as ever, but yannuo just looks on most of the time, and never speaks again.

Similarly, Ji Yinbing's head is always dim.

Yannuo suspects that Fang Yusheng is hiding for Ji Yinbing. He has always sent people to pay close attention to Fang Yusheng's movements, and even eavesdrop on Fang Yusheng's mobile phone. As a result, he gets nothing. Later, Fang Yusheng accidentally found out that yannuo had eavesdropped on his mobile phone, and had a fight with him.

In the past two years, the global situation is also changing.

Many countries in Africa have frequent wars of different sizes, and the situation of local wars is published in international newspapers every day. On social software, there are always war press conferences to report on the living conditions of some local residents.

Yan Nuo is also very busy during this period of time, and has no time to read those sensational reports.

Therefore, he also missed the opportunity to discover the whereabouts of Ji Yinbing.

Ji Yinbing participated in the International Red Cross. She took the initiative to apply to go to Africa to rescue the people who were trapped by plague and biochemical pollution of war. Among the students from Harvard College, only a few choose to work with high salary. More and more people are doing something to repay the society.

Top figures like Ji Yinbing enjoy more satisfaction and achievement from giving back to the society and saving the sick than making money and fame.