After listening to private's words, Ji Yinbing's face was still calm.

She shook her head slightly and said firmly, "I'm going in."

With the permission of the private soldiers, the two men entered HAMA city without the protection of the private soldiers.

In the city, the dead are full of sadness everywhere.

Ji Yinbing and Zhuang long walk on the silent street.

Every door and window is closed tightly. Occasionally, someone opens the window and shows a haggard and sallow face. They looked at the two abrupt intruders, their eyes were numb.

They have been forced to accept the fact, they know, soon, they will be like those women who died, the end of life.

Zhuang Longxin felt something. He said, "they are abandoned by the world."

Ji Yinbing looked away from the peeping cheeks and heard Zhuang Long's words. She said, "so we're here." Ji Yinbing approached Zhuang long and said in a low voice, "we didn't abandon them."

That's a little emotional.

Zhuang long feels his nose. The glib man can't hear others praise him seriously.

He said, "it's like we're very tall, like God."

Ji Yinbing shrugged, "if God is a woman, then the world will be crazy."

While they were joking about the lively atmosphere, they gradually went deep into the center of the city.

"Let's stay in this hotel tonight."

In front of them was an eight story building.

HAMA city is not rich, and the best hotels in the city are not luxurious. When people go to Chengkong, the door of the hotel is wide open, and there is no resident. Two people did not pay for food and accommodation, one chose a clean house to live in.

In the evening, they ate some cans and went out of the hotel together.

They have to rush to collect blood from infected people.

When they went out this time, they were lucky to meet a thirteen or fourteen year old girl. The little girl can't hold on any longer. She sits on the lawn in front of her house, looking up at Ji Yinbing and Zhuang long, and doesn't speak. Ji Yinbing is wearing isolation clothes. She can't bear to look at the little girl's desperate and numb eyes.

She opened the bag on her back, found two chocolates in it and handed them to the girl.

The girl stared at the chocolate, pondered for a long time, then stretched out a sore hand, took the chocolate. She peeled a piece, ate half of it, and suddenly cried. Ji Yinbing is at a loss. Zhuang long takes a look at Ji Yinbing and goes to a quiet place.

Ji Yinbing squatted down in front of the girl.

"You cry, is it very painful?" Ji Yinbing tries to speak English slowly, trying to make the girl listen clearly.

The girl seemed to understand, her mouth like a father's call.

Ji Yinbing thinks that she is probably missing her father.

Ji Yinbing sighed and sat down next to the girl. After eating the chocolate, the girl waved her hands while speaking the language of country x, trying to express herself. Ji Yinbing stared at her actions for a long time. Finally, she tentatively asked, "what are we doing here?"

The girl doesn't know whether Ji Yinbing understands her or not. She nods or shakes her head.

Ji Yinbing said, "doctor." She pointed to herself and said slowly, "I'm-a-doctor." When she saw that the girl didn't understand, she took out a syringe from her bag. She drew blood from her arm to tell the girl that she was a doctor.

But the girl misunderstood her.

The girl took the initiative to hand her hand to Ji Yinbing. She pulled up her sleeve and said something Ji Yinbing didn't understand.

Although I don't understand, Ji Yinbing guesses the girl's meaning.

She's letting herself draw her blood.

Ji Yinbing needs a girl's blood. In fact, the more blood samples she collects, the better the effect of the study. She took a tube of the girl's blood and said, "i-need-more."

The girl looked at her askew.

Ji Yinbing took the needle to draw blood, patiently compared several times, the girl finally understood. She suddenly reached out and pointed to a foreign style building in the distance.

"Is there someone in there?" Ji Yinbing asked.

The girl understood her meaning and nodded.

Farewell to the girl, Ji Yinbing and Zhuang long, went to the foreign style three story building.

They politely rang the doorbell, and soon out came a woman in her forties, dressed like a servant. The woman looked at them and asked their identities in pure American English.

Ji Yinbing and Zhuang long explained their identities.

It's said that they are experts in virus, which makes a woman's eyes bright.

She warmly invited two people in.

After entering the room, the woman said, "I'm not infected yet, but my young lady is infected. In order not to infect me, she locked herself upstairs. " The woman looked upstairs, her eyes painfully, "we are not from country x, we are from country a. You know, there are a lot of homeless orphans here. Miss wants to set up an orphanage here, and she decides to visit it in person. "

The woman bowed her head and said in a sad voice, "I don't know, miss's luck is so bad..."

Ji Yinbing admired this young lady and sympathized with her.

She was here to do good, but

"We want to take a tube of her blood. Do you think it's convenient?"

The woman hesitated before nodding.

"I'll go and tell the lady."

The woman went upstairs to ask the young lady's advice. Zhuang long and Ji Yinbing were waiting downstairs.

In a few minutes, the woman came downstairs and said, "the lady agreed."


They followed the woman up the stairs. All the way, the woman was talking to them. "Miss has been infected with the virus for two days. Yesterday she began to have a high fever. Today she has a sore on her face. Miss is a beauty lover, so please don't take offence when you see her later. "


Push open the door, Ji Yinbing and Zhuang long enter one after another.

On the big round bed, there was a thin girl. She was covered with a white silk quilt and her long golden hair was draped on the pillow. As a woman said, she loves beauty very much. In order to cover the sore on her face, she covered her face with a towel.

Only a pair of light blue eyes.

Girls should be very young, although because of the virus torture, her skin appears a little dark yellow, but the girl's eyes around, but no wrinkles.

Her left arm was on the outside of the quilt, and her sleeve was lifted to her arm, revealing a slender arm.

Zhuang long put the bag beside the bed. He looked down at the girl and said in a gentle voice, "I'll draw you a tube of blood. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt very much."

The girl looked at him quietly.

A moment later, she nodded, "OK."

Zhuang long sat down. As soon as he removed the bag of disposable blood sampling needle, he saw the girl frowning.

"He said

Before the blood was drawn and the needle was inserted, she began to be afraid.