"On their side, girls can study and choose their own marriage partners. Are men and women equal?"

"That's true in most areas."

"How about... Country a?"

"Very good."

"Good. I want to go to country a, too." The girl looked forward with longing in her eyes.

Yannuo looked down at her, thought of something, and suddenly said, "if you can get into Harvard, I'll pay you to study in country A."



Ji Yinbing said, "then I will pass the exam!"

Smell speech, Yan Nuo will smile.

Silly girl, don't know what Harvard is, dare to boast.

Two people walked along the street for a long time together. At last, yannuo thought it was boring, so he said to Ji Yinbing, "do you have a gift you like?"

Ji Yinbing only looks at yannuo, but he doesn't care about gifts.

She shook her head. "No."

"Well, I'll give you a present." Yannuo takes Ji Yinbing and goes into a bicycle shop.

When Ji Yinbing saw these bicycles, his eyes lit up.

What she needs most now is a bicycle that can go up and down on her own.

"Choose one you like." Yan Nuo said.

Ji Yinbing chose a bicycle with a red and green body, not because of how good it is, but because of its price, which is relatively cheaper.

Yannuo was not surprised that she would choose this car. The next second, yannuo lifted the car, put it back, and then took off a red and white bicycle hanging on the wall.

This car is the most beautiful and expensive one in the shop.

Bicycle, can ride on the line, there is no need to buy so good. Ji Yinbing is about to refuse, but see Yan Nuo some unhappy to say, "I give people gifts, do not send cheap habits."

Ji Yinbing knows what he means.

The present is cheap, but it seems that he has fallen in price.

Ji Yinbing just gave up.

They carry the car out of the shop, Yan promise to give the car to Ji Yinbing, Ji Yinbing holding the car leader, but said, "I, I can't ride."

"I didn't think about it." Yan Nuo forgot that the girl had never touched a bicycle before. He said, "I'll teach you." Yannuo took Ji Yinbing to a small park. It was hot during the day. The sun was hanging above his head. Once the rope was broken, he could hit his head and perm his hair.

So, there was no one in the park, and the two of them put aside their identity gap and pretended that there were only two of them here.

Yannuo let Ji Yinbing sit on the bicycle, "keep a good balance, pedal, I'll support you in the back."


Ji Yinbing kicks her feet.

The bicycle slowly drove forward, Yan Nuo followed behind, dragging the back of the bicycle. Two people ran back and forth for two laps, Yan Nuo did not say hello, quietly released his hand, but people are still behind Ji Yinbing.

Ji Yinbing was afraid that yannuo was too tired. He turned back and said to him, "master, why don't we have a rest?"

When she looked back, she found that yannuo was standing and didn't help her bicycle at all.

Don't look, don't feel, this saw, Ji Yinbing immediately feel insecure, limbs are like stiff, don't know how to pedal.

She felt the car was going to reverse.

In fact, the car is going to reverse.

Seeing the bicycle fall down, Ji Yinbing, who was sitting on the bicycle, also fell down with the car.

Ji Yinbing is about to abandon his car to protect himself. At this time, yannuo is like a gust of wind. Then, Ji Yinbing noticed that his waist was hooked by a big hand. Yan Nuo holds her, a flash, two people came to safety.

Yannuo puts Ji Yinbing down and looks at the bicycle lying on the ground. Ji Yinbing's feet are on the ground, but he is still held in his arms by yannuo.

Her heart is beating fast.

"Yes, master." Ji Yinbing reminds yannuo in a low voice.

Yannuo came back and realized that he was still holding her.

He let go.

Two people, one with low EQ and the other young, didn't think about other ambiguous directions. Ji Yinbing said thank you to yannuo. She picked up her bike and tried to ride a distance by herself. Then, she happily told yannuo, "master, I will."

Yannuo nodded calmly, "well."

Ji Yinbing was very happy to receive the gift. On her way home, she insisted on riding her own bike.

As a result, yannuo drove slowly in front of him, while Ji Yinbing rode his bicycle to catch up with him.

Vera is sitting in Yan's living room. Hearing the sound of the car, she stands up quickly. She looked at the door and saw yannuo get out of the car. Instead of coming to the house, he turned around and talked to the little slave behind the tail of the car.

The little slave was holding a bicycle. His face was red and his hair fell down. As soon as the wind blew, it floated gently.

Yannuo was never a talkative man, but when he faced the little slave, he had a lot to say.

He had just returned home. He didn't play with himself or those brothers, but he went out with the slaves.

Vera's eyes twinkled and tasted.

Did he give the bicycle to the slave?

Vera knows that bike. It's a bike just released in country I last quarter. It's very popular among ladies in the upper class. Because, the advertisement language of this bicycle is very special, its advertisement language is——

The best car is for the people who care the most.

Vera didn't know whether yannuo knew the advertisement or not. She didn't know the real intention of giving the bicycle to the slave. But she was really uncomfortable.

The little slave

"Put the car in the warehouse. Today I'll read books and relax. I don't need to train."


Ji Yinbing pushed his bike to the small warehouse.

Yannuo watched her walk a few steps away, then turned and looked up, and saw Willa standing at the door.

Vera left early in the morning. When yannuo got up, she had already left.

I didn't expect her to come again.

Yan Nuo nodded to her and called Willa coldly. He seems to have forgotten that he just rejected Willa last night, and his attitude is natural.

Vera couldn't hide something in his heart. He asked yannuo, "did you go out with that little slave?"

"I haven't been back for a long time. When I'm free, I'll go around." He didn't answer directly, but he didn't deny it.

Vera said, "you can come to me."

Yan Nuo said, "I didn't see you when I got up this morning. I thought you..." he said only half of his words. He thought that Willa would not come back to him after he was rejected.

Vera understood what he meant.

She said with a smile, "how can we be lovers? We are also friends."

"That's good."

Yannuo doesn't want to have a bad relationship with Vera. After all, her father died for his mother.

Yannuo stepped into the room, and Vera followed him. She said, "next week is the first national finals of the model competition. I'm the top three of the Mengcheng regional trials, and I'm still the first one. Brother yannuo, can you go and cheer me on? "