It was almost dinner time when Ji Yinbing came out of the laboratory.

As soon as she entered the hall, she saw Angus sitting on the sofa. Ji Yinbing knows Angus and has seen him on TV, but this is the first time she has seen him.

I think of the diaries I saw in yanmu's study more than three years ago. Looking at Angus again, Ji Yinbing can't help showing sympathy for Angus.

"Mr. Angus." Ji Yinbing nods to him.

Angus smiles gracefully and charming, which is worthy of being the most precious pearl God has given to mankind. Even Ji Yinbing thought that his smile was very good-looking. Angus nodded, and then said something embarrassing to Ji Yinbing. He said, "Bingbing, right? My son yannuo, please give it to you in the future."

Yannuo and Ji Yinbing lowered their heads at the same time.

Then, Ji Yinbing spoke with yannuo at the same time.

Yannuo said to Ji Yinbing, "please."

Ji Yinbing said to Angus, "you're too big."

With that, they looked at each other.

One eye dodges, the other is deep.

Yan Nuo is in a bad mood. He is rejected by Ji Yinbing again.

We also found the strange atmosphere between them, but they were smart as not to see. After dinner, speech and Sha Zelong go to the back yard for a walk. Angus disguised himself and went shopping. Ji Yinbing and yannuo sat in the room for a while.

The atmosphere in the room was silent.

Yan Nuo then proposed, "let's go out for a walk?"

It's good to drink ice in season.

She wore a white down jacket and a cap, but still couldn't cover her white hair. Yan Nuo saw her hair outside, some heartache. He touched Ji Yinbing's white hair with deep eyes.

Ji Yinbing sees his eyes clearly, then says, "or, I'll dye my hair?"

Yannuo subconsciously refused, "no, it's good-looking."

In this way, we can always remind him how good this woman is and how much she is worth cherishing.

Two people walk out side by side, just out of the gate of the manor, Yan Nuo suddenly said, "we have never walked across the street hand in hand."

Ji Yinbing thinks about it carefully and finds that it is.

Yannuo didn't speak. She handed her a hand in silence.

That hand, with a wide palm and long knuckles, was just enough to hold her hand. Ji Yinbing hesitated a little and put his hand on it. Yannuo stops her hand and holds her hand in her palm. Ji Yinbing's hands are not small. Among girls, her fingers are long.

Can be held in the palm of Yan Nuo, but also a kind of Petite feeling.

Two people who have been in love for more than ten years feel uncomfortable walking hand in hand on the street for the first time. Yan Nuo, in particular, has never been a person who is good at putting friendship and love on his lips and making it public. Walking in the street hand in hand like this will make him feel nervous.

Ji Yinbing is no better than him.

On the street, there are all kinds of strangers. In a foreign country, two people forget the difference in identity, and like all ordinary lovers, they nestle up to each other.

After a long walk, yannuo suddenly said, "let's go and buy a house tomorrow."

"Well?" Ji Yinbing takes her head away from yannuo's shoulder. She stands up straight, looks up at yannuo and asks, "why do you want to buy a house all of a sudden?"

"You like it here." Yannuo said, "we will settle down here in the future."


Ji Yinbing saw Yan Nuo's hand and put it into the pocket inside his coat and chest.

He took out the brocade bag and took out a simple gold ring from it.

Yannuo hesitated and finally knelt down in front of Jiyin ice.

Ji Yinbing looked at his knee kneeling on the ground and was moved.

Big I country is a country that values boys more than girls. Men in that country never bow to women. In the family, women's status is humble, while men are superior. In big I country, when nobles marry poor people, they will be despised and despised by other nobles of the same status.

But yannuo not only wanted to marry her, but also proposed to her on his knees.

For other women, marriage proposals may be accompanied by gorgeous roses and diamond rings, as well as novel advertising ideas. But for Ji Yinbing, just this kneeling action, yannuo has moved her.

But she didn't stop yannuo's behavior.

She is a highly educated woman, she deeply understands that personality is equal.

There is no saying that women should be lower than men.

Yan Nuo's mouth was very stupid. He talked for a long time, and finally said, "Bingbing, i... I want to marry you."

Ji Yinbing was stunned.

There was a smile on her cold cheek“ What do you say? It's too windy. I can't hear you

Yannuo knew that she was playing with herself.

He had to say again, "I said, I want to marry you." Finish saying, see Ji Yinbing smile gradually convergence up, Yan Nuo heart began to have no bottom. When he spoke again, he said intermittently, "do you, do you promise to marry me?"

Ji Yinbing looked serious and said, "yannuo, I've been waiting for this day for 12 years."

Twelve years

It turns out that they have been in love for 12 years. Yan Nuo looks at Ji Yinbing's beautiful and mature cheek. In her mind, she looks pitiful and thin when she first meets Ji Yinbing

I country is a very magical country. Here, the poor people are so poor that they sell their daughters, and the rich people are so rich.

Yan Nuo studied in the noble college, and he met all his classmates with the same status. Although he knew that there were poor people in the world, he was the kind of people who didn't know the suffering. They are all well-known schools near their schools, and those who can enter these schools have no poor families.

In this group of people, yannuo's identity is still top.

On that day, he finished playing with a group of friends.

He washed his hands and went back to the classroom. On the way back to the teaching building, he heard a classmate say, "the girl is here again. She's not qualified to ask for help if she's dressed in rags. "

Another said, "she's untouchable. She's a pariah!" Dalits are not even members of the four caste system.

Caste system was a system that could not be abolished when state y ruled the country.

This system has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every noble.

Yannuo heard that they were talking about it again, so he asked, "what girl?" These days, he heard it several times.

Yannuo is not a talkative person since he was a child. Everyone respects him, not only because of his status. His own excellence is also the reason for their respect. Smell speech, someone said, "our school outside, there is a Dalit, these days has been outside for our help."


"Well, she also came to me." Imitating the voice and expression of the little girl, the man said, "can you do me a favor? I want you to invest in me. I won't spend a lot of money. You just need to invest in me to graduate from university. When I get a job after graduation, I'll repay you. "

With that, the man laughed very loudly. "She's a pariah. Where did she get her face?"