Miss Wu has some silly eyes.

Is that it?

She put the mobile phone into her pocket and said to Wang Dui, who cast a puzzled look at her, "my brother Wei's phone."

Wang said, "it's good to be young." He patted Miss Wu on the shoulder and said in a deep voice, "young man, we're going to make a surprise investigation this evening to eliminate pornography and drugs. Young people are optimistic about you."

Looking at the sunrise just born in the East, Miss Wu said to team Wang, "the genius is just at dawn. She says what to do when it's dark."

"Ha ha..."

After cutting off the phone, Wei Shuyi holds the phone and trembles all over.

Thinking of Zhuang Long's words, Wei Shuyi tried to keep calm for several hours, and finally completely collapsed. He kicked the trash can in the living room. He watched it roll around the floor and then stop.

Wei Shuyi couldn't help sitting on the ground.

He saw the wedding ring on his ring finger, thought of Miss Wu and the wonderful agreements they had made.

Build villas, make a small yard and dig a swimming pool in the suburbs. Play with children, read with children

Thinking of all kinds of beauty, Wei Shuyi couldn't help crying.



The dumb voice spread in the dark, over and over again.

No one can tell him the answer.

Ice cream really arrived in New York the next day.

She went directly to Zhuang Long's house by car and went straight to his laboratory.

Zhuang long is in the laboratory, wearing a spotless white coat and holding Wei Shuyi's blood sample. His face was calm. No one could read his true thoughts from his handsome face.

Ji Yinbing changed his clothes and entered the laboratory.

Zhuang long raised his eyelids to look at her, and continued to bow his head for tests.

Ji Yinbing came over and handed him a bag of documents.

"What?" Zhuang long finally agreed to distract himself.

Ji Yinbing sat down on his high platform and said to Zhuang long, "I collected some information before I came here. Tell me first, who is the patient you are treating. "

"A stranger."

Ji Yinbing was relieved.

"That's good."

"What's the matter?" Zhuang long raises eyebrows and asks Ji Yinbing, "is the situation very serious?"

"This virus is a newly developed virus in the golden triangle. People there call it a kowtow maker."

Zhuang long gave her a puzzled look.

Ji Yinbing explained, "because when the patient gets sick, he can't stand the pain every time. He kneels down on the ground, so painful that he kowtows to the ground." She took some pictures out of the bag.

Pale eyes swept those photos, Zhuang Long's eyes became more dignified.

"Who developed this virus?"

"You know me too, Fu Fu."

A trace of disgust and disdain flashed in Zhuang Long's eyes. "Has he gone to the golden triangle?"


"The little mouse in the sewer is not good at fighting but also bad at exercising."

Fu Fu is a scum in the medical field. He has done several infamous in vivo experiments to study some messy viruses. This man is more hateful than the * * in World War II. Zhuang long hates this kind of mice.

"He developed it, so I have to break it."

Ji Yinbing knew Zhuang long would say that.

"Anyone who has been infected with this virus will not survive for more than a month, so this virus is also called" January red. " Ji Yinbing takes the other two photos to Zhuang long. She points to the photo and says, "you see, all the poisoned people will die like the people in the picture. Seven orifices bleeding, mouth foam died. In the golden triangle, only when the boss punishes those who make a big mistake, will people be injected with this virus. "

"One month at most?" Zhuang Long's eyes darkened for a moment, "my patient, the first attack, was six days ago."

Ji Yinbing said, "we can't find an antidote in 20 days."

"I know."

Zhuang long took off his white gloves and picked up the bloody photos on the table with his well-defined fingers.

A moment later, he put down the photo, got up and walked out, saying, "I'll make a phone call."

Out of the lab, Zhuang long finds the contact information he left behind and calls the Cleveland Clinic. It was a minute later when the call was transferred to Wei Shuyi's office.

"Hello, I'm Wei Shuyi."

"Mr. Wei, I'm Zhuang long."

Wei Shuyi sat upright subconsciously.

The hand he didn't hold the microphone was holding his trouser leg tightly.

He asked Zhuang long in a tight voice, "Mr. Zhuang long, have you analyzed the result?"

Chuang long didn't give him any trouble either. He told him directly, "now it can be confirmed that the virus in you came from the Golden Triangle region. Mr. Wei, have you ever offended anyone? " Zhuang long is puzzled. Wei Shuyi is a doctor. How can he get this virus.

Wei Shuyi wanted to say no, but when she heard about the golden triangle, Wei Shuyi suddenly thought of Miss Wu.

The golden triangle is one of the most chaotic places in the world.

It's a place where drugs are plentiful. And around him, there is just one person who is inextricably linked with drugs——

Wu Jiaren.

Seeing Wei Shuyi's silence, Zhuang long understood everything.

"Mr. Wei, as far as I know, all the people who have been infected with this virus can't live more than a month. You... "

This is all Zhuang long has to say.

"I will try to work out the antidote in the shortest time." Even if we can't save him, we can save others in the future.

Wei Shuyi understood the meaning of Zhuang long.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuang long."

Hang up the phone, Wei Shuyi tightly holding the leg of the hand, suddenly relaxed.

He turned his head and looked blankly out of the window.

His eyes, a dead, there is no hope inside, appears desperate and gloomy.

Countdown, 24 days.

He has to do something.

Wei Shuyi stood up. The first thing he wanted to do was to finish his internship in Cleveland Clinic ahead of time. The second thing he wants to do is to go back to Miss Wu.

The rest, think about it later.

The hospital was surprised by Wei's decision, but they respected Wei's choice.

The clinic approved his application.

Without calling in advance, Wei Shuyi packed up his things and went straight back to the country.

Last night, the team raided several brothels in Binjiang city and arrested many prostitutes and prostitutes, as well as a group of young drug addicts. Last night, they were busy all night.

So the next day, a lot of people are at home to rest.

Mrs. Wu also had a rest at home.

She didn't get up until three o'clock in the afternoon, made some food, and then rode to work in the Bureau.

In the middle of the night, she was about to doze off.

She sat at the back of her desk and knocked the wooden fish with her head. Dimly, she found a dark shadow coming. Wu Jiaren looks up in confusion. She thinks that the comer is a colleague from another department, but she turns out to be a surprise.