Seeing Wei Shuyi's reaction in her eyes, Miss Wu was surprised. Instead, she asked him, "why, dislike? Aren't you picky? "

Wei Shuyi shakes his head beyond words. He pays attention to healthy diet. He hasn't eaten instant noodles for several years.

After tearing off the lid, he made noodles with Wu Jiaren. Wu Jiaren threw him a ham and a bag of kelp and pickled mustard. It was very cheap, one yuan a bag.

Catching the ham and mustard mustard, Wei Shuyi was surprised. He had never tried such a match. Wei Shuyi and Wu Jiaren sit on a small table outside the convenience store. He takes a bite and finds that it tastes good.

Instant noodles are delicious but unhealthy.

"How often do you eat this?" He asked Wu Jiaren.

Wu said, "it's convenient to eat this when you're busy." She took a few mouthfuls of instant noodles and said, "it's just a small amount, not enough."

Wei Shuyi stares at the big bowl in his bowl, showing a more eccentric expression.

He can't finish it, and she doesn't think it's enough

Seeing that Wei Shuyi ate less, Miss Wu would be wrong and say, "although I like you, I won't eat the rest of what you eat."

Wei Shuyi had to explain, "it's just a little hot. Wait until it's cooler."

"Oh, that's what I misunderstood you." Miss Wu is not embarrassed.

Wei Shuyi lowers her head to eat instant noodles. Wu Jiaren looks at the way he eats instant noodles and suddenly says, "the way you eat is very lovely."

The lovely Wei Shuyi was a little embarrassed.

He had to look up, face up to Miss Wu and say to her seriously, "officer Wu, can you please don't tease me at any time, regardless of the scene and location?"

Miss Wu said, "I'd like to tease you on special occasions, but I don't think it's going to work." She looked at Wei Shuyi with a serious face and added, "at least not for the moment."

Wei Shuyi was stunned and asked, "what occasion?"

With a little smile, Miss Wu whispered, "on your bed."

Wei Shuyi: (⊙)? ⊙)

Wu Jiaren was scared to death. She said, "I can do it in bed."

Wei Shuyi continued to be shocked.

Wu Jiaren also said, "well, if you don't, I can't do it. It's too narrow to drive." She frowned, a serious thinking, in her motorcycle, can be applied to expand which posture.

Wei Shuyi's face was startled and full. He wanted to scold her for being shameless, but when the words came to his mouth, he lost the courage to speak. Wei Shuyi opened his mouth and remained silent for a long time. At last, he asked, "the police are becoming more and more serious now."

Wu shook her head solemnly again, "no, you are wrong. Police is a serious profession, but the people who are police are not very serious. "

She admitted that she was not serious, but Wei Shuyi didn't know what to say.

After that, Wei Shuyi did not dare to speak any more.

I'm afraid that if he says something, Miss Wu will be able to tease him.

After eating the noodles, Wei Shuyi was relieved.

Wei Shuyi got up and went to the tap to wash her hands. Wu Jiaren leaned against the motorcycle and waited for him. At this time, a 15-year-old boy with black hair came into the store. He took out ten yuan and handed it to the boss, saying, "a bag of Hongtashan."

The boss bent down, took out a cigarette from the glass cabinet and handed it to the boy.

The young man took it, opened it skillfully, drew a cigarette from it, put it in his mouth and lit it.

That movement, that look, that expression of enjoyment when spitting smoke, all told Wu Jiaren that it was a smoker.

Miss Wu walks to the shop with a long leg.

The smoke in the young man's mouth was suddenly taken away.

The young man was stunned, and then slightly angry. When he turned around, he was about to curse, but to his beautiful face. As soon as the boy's face turned red, he began to scold him and said, "who are you?"

Miss Wu slapped the boy on the head. She pinched out the butt with her fingers and said to the boy, "minors, no smoking."

The teenager was even more embarrassed, "there are more people who smoke and smoke. Can you manage?"

"When I see it, I have to take care of it." Wu Jiaren said, took out the certificate from her clothes, and walked into the convenience store regardless of the complaint of the young man behind her.

"Boss, Article 15 of the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention of juvenile delinquency stipulates that parents or other guardians of minors and schools should educate minors not to smoke or drink alcohol. No business premises shall sell tobacco and alcohol to minors. "

"Don't tell me, boss, that child is an adult." Wu Jiaren points to the boy who is only about 1.6 meters behind her and only wears a sweater in winter. Her face is not very beautiful.

Although it is not against the law to sell cigarettes to minors, it is still morally condemned. The boss was embarrassed and said, "pay attention later, pay attention later."

When Mrs. Wu put away her certificate, Wei Shuyi washed her hands. He stood outside the shop and looked at her with a complicated look.

This woman, he really can't understand.

When Miss Wu came out, she patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "read more and smoke less."

When the boy knew that she was a policeman, he was a little embarrassed and was patted on the shoulder by her. He faltered and couldn't speak.

When Wu Jiaren got on the motorcycle, Wei Shuyi consciously put on her hat, sat on it and put her arms around her waist. Wu asked his home address, Wei Shuyi said, and then, he asked, "you repeatedly tease me, is it abnormal?"

Wu chuckled and said to him, "then you can sue me and our director."

Wei Shuyi is surprised, "how to say?"

Wu Jiaren said, "our director is so worried about my marriage that I finally have an object I like. It's kind of him not to put us together. If you go and sue him, he'll just clap his hands and say "yes."

Wei Shuyi stopped talking.

When he arrived at his home, Wu Jiaren sent him downstairs.

Familiar with the community residents met, all asked Wei Shuyi with a smile, "teacher Wei, this is your girlfriend?"

Just as Wei Shuyi wanted to shake her head, Miss Wu said to her neighbors with a smile, "yes."

Wei Shuyi looked at this cheeky and thought about it, but he didn't teach her how many strokes and paintings she wanted to face.

"What floor do you live on?" Miss Wu looked up at the elevator room, very curious.

"16th floor."


As a man, Wei Shuyi pretended to ask politely, "do you want to go upstairs for a cup of tea?"

Miss Wu immediately replied, "good!"

Wei Shuyi

He wanted to say: in fact, I'm just being polite to you. Why don't you understand the rules?

Guests invited by themselves have to be brought home on their knees. Wei Shuyi and Wu Jiaren went upstairs together and stood in the elevator. Wu Jiaren said, "I live in the staircase room. I'm afraid to take the elevator. When I saw many ghost movies as a child, I always felt that there were ghosts in the elevator."

Wei Shuyi showed complicated eyes.

He looked down at Miss Wu's cheek, gave a light smile and said, "coward?"

In response, he was insinuating that she was timid. Miss Wu hummed and turned her head to ignore him.

Such she, pour is some lovely.

Wei Shuyi looked more and the elevator reached the 16th floor.

As Miss Wu thinks, Wei Shuyi's home is very clean, just like him. Seeing that there were three cups on the tea table, Mrs. Wu asked, "did you come to your house yesterday?"

"Xiao Sheng and Mr. Fang have been here."

Miss Wu suddenly asked, "are you good friends?"


"Mr. Fang and a Sheng are good people."

"Xiao Sheng is good." As for Fang Yusheng, Wei Shuyi chose not to mention him.

He was busy boiling water. Seeing Wu sitting on the sofa with nothing to do, he said, "you can watch TV."

Wu Jiaren turns on the TV and sees the medicine box next to the TV cabinet. She turns to the kitchen, thinks about it and runs to get the medicine box. When Wei Shuyi cooked the water and brought out the tea, Mrs. Wu held the medicine box and was waiting for him.

"Come here."

Wei Shuyi's eyes flashed, and he felt the pain on his face.

Just now, in the kitchen, he had seen his face. It was so miserable.

Wu Jiaren gave him medicinal wine to wipe the wound. After wiping, she applied some medicine and told Wei Shuyi, "don't wash your face when you take a bath. If you apply it all night, it should reduce some swelling tomorrow. This weekend, you are going to work tomorrow. Your injury should not recover well in three or two days. I suggest you take a few days off

Wen Yan, Wei Shuyi pulled the corner of his mouth, this action, the injury on his face began to hurt“ It's not all your fault. "

Miss Wu remained silent.

"All right."

She went to wash her hands. When she came back, she took the cup of hot tea and sipped it. I don't know whether the tea is hot or not. Miss Wu drinks this cup of tea very slowly. From 8:10 to 9:30. Wei Shuyi looked at the clock on the wall three times and four times, but he was worried.

This woman is not going to stay at her house, is she?

When Wei Shuyi looked at the clock for the nth time, Miss Wu finally put down her tea cup“ It's getting late. It's time for me to go. "

Wei Shuyi quickly got up to say goodbye.

Miss Wu really left. After she left, Wei Shuyi could not help but feel relieved.

Wu went downstairs and leaned on her motorcycle, murmuring: "29 years old, single, with a good life style. She used to be a doctor, but now she is a teacher. The most difficult thing is to be clean. Well, I am a place, so is he. Physically, he is worthy of it. He's very good-looking, and I'm also good-looking. Well, he's a good match. Living in a bachelor's apartment, he invited a girl into the house in the dark, but he didn't do anything. The whole process was quite regular. He was a gentleman who knew the rules... "

"To sum up, this man..." Miss Wu looked up at the 16th floor, showing her eyes, "I'm going to make a decision!"

People are so cheap, the more they are not interested in you, the more they want to.

For Miss Wu, it's more interesting to conquer an old single dog like Wei Shuyi than to fall in love with a young man like Lin Zhi.

Wei Shuyi stood on the balcony and watched Miss Wu's car drive away. Then she went back to her house.

He took a bath, carefully avoided the injury on his face, and then lay down on the bed.

Wei Shuyi's bed is a tatami style solid wood bed, two meters wide. He sleeps on the left side, and on the right side is a bear doll one meter and six meters long. This is Wei Shuyi's first operation. After the operation, the patient gave it to him. It was a 12-year-old girl.

He turned over and hugged bear doll. When he was about to fall asleep, wechat rang.

After ringing three times in a row, Wei Shuyi had to turn on his mobile phone.

There are three unread messages on the head of the man's abdominal muscles.

Wei Shuyi was surprised to see Wu Jiaren's wechat portrait. They haven't chatted on wechat for a long time.

Click open and see the message from Miss Wu.

I like you, so I'll send a text message to harass you. You can either not answer or ignore it, but you can't blackmail me

The first thing I want to say to you is that you are not handsome at all today

The second thing I want to say to you is: I'm sorry, I did a heavy job last night

Wei Shuyi stares at the message for a long time, but doesn't reply at last.

He blocked all the information and went to sleep.

Three days later, Wei Shuyi went to class, and the scar on his face finally faded.

The female teacher in the office asked Wei Shuyi, "what's wrong with your face, Mr. Wei? Fighting with people? " Mr. Wei used to be a doctor. He cherishes his hands more than anyone else. He can fight. It's amazing.

Wei Shuyi can't tell people that he was molested by a woman in a bar on Saturday night and beaten by a policewoman.

"Well, I had a fight with a friend." He hesitated for a moment and chose to lie.

"Hey, you can fight, too."

This topic soon diverged, and after a while, the female teacher spoke again. This time, she sighed first, and then said, "nowadays, people are really getting worse and worse."

"What's the matter?"

"My daughter is not working as a lobby manager in Jiazhou hotel. Originally, she had made an early reservation for the wedding banquet. A couple who planned to get married last weekend unexpectedly cancelled their engagement temporarily."