Fang Mu obliterates Qiao Jiuyin. Other people in the ward are women, so they don't go out to avoid suspicion.

Hot towel will wipe off the sweat stains on Qiao Jiuyin's body. She looks up at Fang Mu.

At least for this moment, Fang Mu is concerned about her.

Qiao Jiuyin suddenly felt no pain.

Qiao Jiusheng cut an apple, cut it into six pieces and handed it to Xu Pingfei and Liu Yu. They took the apple and were about to eat it when Qiao Jiusheng said, "when I came to the hospital, I heard a strange thing."

Liu Yushun took the words and said, "what's the matter?"

Qiao Jiusheng's back is facing the ward window and the door. Yu Guang can sweep Qiao Jiuyin and Fang Mu on the bed. She noticed that Qiao Jiusheng was also eavesdropping. She chuckled and said, "last night, we lost something in the hospital."

When she said this, she still had a mysterious smile on her face.

Xu Pingfei and Liu Yu look at each other, and they all recognize the deep meaning of Qiao Jiusheng's words.

What can a hospital throw away?

It's just medical equipment and... Remains.

"What is it?" Liu Yu asked in a tight voice.

Seeing that Fang Mu was also paying attention to the conversation here, Qiao Jiusheng turned his mouth quietly and said in a surprised tone, "I heard that we lost a stillbirth in this hospital last night." Qiao Jiusheng tone deliberately put very low, combined with the content of the speech, listening to some creepy.

It's daylight, but Qiao Jiuyin feels cold on his back.

As soon as the word "stillbirth" falls to the ground, other people's expressions change.

Qiao Jiuyin had a ghost in his heart. As soon as he heard that he had lost his stillbirth, he was in a panic mood. But she couldn't let Fang Mu see the difference, so she had to bear it.

Fang Mu frowned lightly.

His sister-in-law is not a silly white sweet, she mentioned this topic at this time, should not casually, but intentionally. Xu Pingfei and Liu Yu think of Qiao Jiuyin's infant, and they can't help but gently pull Qiao Jiusheng's skirt and use their eyes to indicate that she should stop talking.

Go on, Qiao Jiuyin is afraid to be uncomfortable.

Qiao Jiusheng then obediently stopped talking.

See Qiao Jiusheng shut up, Qiao Jiuyin just want to relax, is to wipe his neck Fang Mu suddenly speak“ How did you lose it? "

Fang Mu takes the initiative to ask, which is exactly what Qiao Jiusheng wants.

Qiao Jiusheng shook his head. "I heard it by accident. It is said that among the several newborns born yesterday, there was a deformed one. It seems that there are two toes missing from the left foot. Also pitiful, is born is a stillbirth

Finding Qiao Jiuyin's uneasy face, Qiao Jiusheng sneered in his heart and continued, "originally, the Medical University planned to use the stillbirth as a baby specimen, but it turned out that the stillbirth was accidentally lost. At this moment, many people know that the hospital lost a stillbirth

After listening to Qiao Jiusheng's words, Fang Mu didn't say anything, but his eyes were cold and suspicious.

Qiao Jiusheng was silent and knew that her goal had been achieved. She knows Fang Mu very well. Fang Mu's character is cautious and suspicious. What she said just now has revealed many suspicious details. According to Fang Mu's suspicious character, she will definitely investigate the truth.

Qiao Jiuyin was scared.

Left foot deformity, missing two toes, still a stillbirth.

Every word points to the child who was abandoned by her.

Out of the guilt for the child, and the panic of being discovered by others, Qiao Jiuyin's back is sweating.

"You're hot?" Fang Mu stares at her forehead, his face is gloomy and his tone is cool.