Qiao Jiuyin's face turns pig liver color.

She can hardly breathe.

But after listening to Fang Mu's complaint, she calmed down.

"Because, because I love you, love you..." Qiao Jiuyin's eyes slowly dilated, already began to roll“ I love you, fast, fast seven years. Love you, I can't... Say, I can only look at you, take care of her... Clearly, clearly we look the same, but I know you a month later than her. With, with what she can... Get your love, but... In your eyes, I... Will always be a transparent person... "

"Brother mu, if I had known that it would be so hard to love you, I wish I had never known you."

But what should we do?

She knew him and loved him like crazy.

She also loved him for six or seven years.

At the beginning, she also wanted to watch him and Xiao Sheng grow old. Some people's love is restraint, some people's like drug abuse, is addictive, is crazy, is not controlled. Qiao Jiuyin thought that her love for each other was restrained, but she was wrong. She was a greedy devil.

With graduation coming, Fang Mu is going to propose to Xiao Sheng. If she doesn't take the initiative, she will be the transparent person in front of Fang Mu all her life.

She also wants to be watched and cared by Fang Mu, not as his lover's sister, but as his lover and wife!

Hearing the word love, Fang Mu suddenly withdrew his hand. It was like touching the excrement in the toilet pit, and his hands kept rubbing on his trouser legs.

Qiao Jiuyin falls on the stone floor, covers his chest and coughs violently.

She gulped in the fresh air, embarrassed and funny.

"Do you love me?" Fang Mu seems to have heard a joke.

"Who else can your self righteous love touch besides yourself?" Fang Mu looked at her blue cheek and laughed sarcastically, "Qiao Jiuyin, your love didn't move me. Your love will only make me sick. "

Qiao Jiuyin closed his eyes, but couldn't stop falling tears.

"Are you crying?" Fang Mu stared at her tears.

Qiao Jiuyin looked at him, crying speechless.

Fang Mu stretched out his left index finger and pointed to the tombstone. He asked Qiao Jiuyin, "crying in front of Xiaosheng's grave, aren't you afraid of nightmares?"

Qiao Jiuyin was stunned.

She turned slowly and looked at the grave.

Knowing that Xiao Sheng is still alive and watching her jokes in the dark, she is still afraid. Maybe it's a guilty conscience, or maybe it's Qiao Jiusheng's unforgettable scene when she was thrown out of the car and fell into the valley. When I think of it, I feel very flustered.

Unconsciously, Qiao Jiuyin's tears stopped.

Suddenly, Qiao Jiuyin's left hand is raised rudely by Fang Mu.

She looked up in amazement and saw that Fang Mu wanted to take off the ring on her ring finger.

Qiao Jiuyin's face suddenly changed.


She curled up her fingers and held them tightly.

Fang Mu pulls her fingers out of the palm one by one. Qiao Jiuyin struggles, but he stretches out the ring finger. Fang Mu holds the wedding ring on Qiao Jiuyin's finger and peels it off from her fingertips quickly.


Qiao Jiuyin's fingers hurt.

Looking down, my heart is cold.

Because the size of the ring is just right, Fang Mu's speed of picking up the ring is too fast, and his action is too rude. He directly tears the skin at the middle joint of the ring finger. A small piece of skin with fingers, skin split, not bloody.

"Brother mu, you..." Qiao Jiuyin let the blood drop on the stone, his eyes were a little dull.

He just can't wait to get rid of her?

Fang Mu: "go away and say one more word to her grave. It's an insult to her."

Qiao Jiuyin looks at Fang Mu crazily, forgetting to speak and act.

Did not hear Qiao Jiuyin up, Fang Mu suddenly turned his head, two ice knives burst out of Fang Mu's eyes, he glared at Qiao Jiuyin, made a voice from the depth of his throat, roared at her, "you roll!"

Shivering all over, Qiao Jiuyin holds the injured finger and stands up shivering. Then he turns to control his two soft legs and escapes from Fang Mu's sight.