Chapter 215

Name:Red Wanted Order Author:汐舞歌
"Don't move. Your hands will hurt. Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. " Han Yuchen looks at Qi Jinnan's look very well. Once she sleeps uneasily, some of her eyebrows will suddenly shake violently. It's obvious that she has fallen into a terrible nightmare. He gently pats her, hugs her and comforts her in her ear.

Until late at night, he gradually calmed down. At this time, he was in a good mood. Then he got up to cook porridge for her and prepared some chewable food. During the meal, Qi Jinnan had some pain in her neck and had some difficulty in swallowing. But he didn't want to worry too much about Han Yuchen, so he put up with a bowl of porridge and stopped eating it.

Han Yuchen didn't know her situation at this time, so she didn't force her to eat. She just changed the three meals a day into four meals. After a few hours, she would prepare some soup or porridge, and some confused things, which she could drink without swallowing.

Han Yuchen has been at home with Qi Jinnan. When Qi Jinnan has a rest, Han Yuchen goes to the study to explain some things and tasks to Feiying. Qingluan is much better. She is taken back by Feiying and arranged by Han Yuchen in her former apartment.

Qi Jinnan also tells Han Yuchen about qingluan's multiple personality, saying that he doubts whether qingluan has experienced anything, otherwise it would not happen. Most people with this kind of mental illness are stimulated by some things in their childhood to regenerate such an object personality, and most of them are reluctant to face the painful events experienced by the protagonist, Han Yuchen is not willing to deal with it. That's why these object personalities come into being. He helps her deal with all kinds of events she doesn't want to face. Although Han Yuchen is surprised to hear that, he still asks Feiying to go to the orphanage where qingluan used to stay to investigate all the information about qingluan.

"Why haven't you had a rest yet." Qi Jinnan wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn't see Han Yuchen pushing open the door of the study. Looking at Han Yuchen staring at the computer in a daze, she can't help asking.

"The data of qingluan has been investigated by flying eagle." Han Yuchen's heart is very heavy. He clenches his fist tightly and his eyes are a little angry. He talks with Qi Jinnan at this time. Although he deliberately lowers his voice, Qi Jinnan still recognizes his anger that he is trying to suppress.

"May I have a look?" Qi Jinnan walked toward Han Yuchen, didn't look at the computer, just raised his hand on Han Yuchen's shoulder and asked softly.

"Look Han Yuchen holds Qi Jinnan lightly on his thigh, hugs her like that behind his face, puts his head on her back, and silently waits for her to finish reading. In the quiet study, there is no sound, only the sound of mouse clicking from time to time.

There are pictures in the computer. This orphanage is called Xingguang orphanage. It is a love orphanage privately organized by H county. There are hundreds of children in this orphanage, most of them are disabled or abandoned because of son preference. There are also some abducted children who can't find their families after being rescued.

This starlight orphanage is very famous in H county. The boss is also a well-known entrepreneur. They all call him Wang Shanren. There are more than ten orphanages funded by Wang Shanren, and some children in poor mountainous areas funded by Wang Shanren have paid for teachers and books. In business, he is more trustworthy and quality oriented.

So in H county, even the whole city of L is very famous, but it is such a man who has child abuse. Every time he takes some girls he likes to take home on the ground of adoption. He takes care of them on the surface, but on the back, they are cruel and tortured. In every picture, they are miserable one after another, Angry and despairing photos of children being abused show that every child is pure and happy, ignorant and full of hope for the future. However, the children here are numb, desperate and lonely in every pair of eyes, as if the whole person is alive but has no soul.

And these people gave her a very similar feeling to the object personality, which was like a killing machine. At that time, qingluan gave her this feeling, as if she had no emotion. Although she was numb and scared, she also had a strong killing chance.

"Is this qingluan?" Although Qi Jinnan hates qingluan, she still feels sad and angry about her experience. How can this scum treat a child like this? How can he.

"Well, qingluan was abducted and sold when she was very young. Later, she died in an accident when her parents were looking for her. After entering the dark group, Menghu was looking for her all the time. Later, she found her in this orphanage. When her blood type matched, she found that qingluan was her lost sister. Later, Menghu took her back and sent her to school. When qingluan was 17 years old, When something happened to tiger, we took her to the dark group to take care of her. She went to college and stayed in the dark group after graduation. She almost grew up with us, but she never knew that the orphanage had suffered such a thing. "

"Don't blame yourself. You don't know. Tiger investigated himself. He didn't find out, did he? I think qingluan already has multiple personalities when she takes her back, so most of you are subject personalities. Only when some specific things happen, the object personality will appear. After all, you didn't spend a long time here, so you went to university. You often go out of work, and you don't meet often, so it's normal not to find out. " Qi Jinnan sighs and looks at Han Yuchen. She knows that he is very uncomfortable.

After all, qingluan is his brother's most important sister, and the people in the dark group have been taking care of him in front of his own sister. At this time, no one can accept this kind of thing.

"No matter what, she shouldn't kill you. Jinnan, in the face of fierce tiger, I may not give her a hand. I must have to close her up for treatment. I'm sorry, I can't get justice for you. I... " Since qingluan has a very obvious mental illness, even if she goes through normal legal procedures, she can only be forced to close down.

His heart is really a mess. He has Qi Jinnan's heart, qingluan's anger and pity, and he is sorry for the tiger. At this time, he just clenches his hands tightly, and his heart is very painful.

"Needless to say, I know. We have no evidence for what she has done. After all, she is tiger's sister. Now that we know her situation, we can only shut her down. But Yuchen, I think Qingwan is very aggressive. Her personalities are dangerous, so I hope you can be careful, Even if she is imprisoned, she should be kept under strict supervision, otherwise she will find a way to escape and wait for revenge. " Qi Jinnan has been unable to forget qingluan's personality, which is like a killing machine. She has no emotion, no reason, only a killing intention. It's really too crazy and evil.