Chapter 162

Name:Red Wanted Order Author:汐舞歌
This shows that he has no way to control his body when he falls to the ground, but the distance of his body falling to the ground is more than one meter, which is beyond the falling distance of the suicide. It is obvious that the victim has the power of a third party when he falls to the building, and the victim has the power of being thrown out. So when the body falls to the ground, it will fall further than the suicide.

So ye Yufeng didn't work hard, but Luo Cheng fell down, so how could it be! Ye Yufeng's strength is far from the strength of throwing the victim, but the victim's body obviously has a third intervention, so how did the victim fall down!

If it's not pushing or Luo Cheng himself, then there's only one guess left. Someone drags down.

Thinking of this, Qi Jinnan quickly takes out the photos taken at the scene of Luo Cheng's death, as well as the photos of his clothes. She specially enlarges them and finds that Luo Cheng's bathrobe is red with blood, and there are many dirt and some fragments on it. It was really hard to see what she wanted to see, but she suddenly thought that when she picked up some loose nails at the scene, there was a trance in her mind, as if she thought of something, but she said it herself.

She rubbed her headache head, stood in front of the window and looked across. At this time, it was already bright and the sun had risen. It was the beginning of a new day. Then Qi Jinnan looked at the reflection of the glass in the opposite building and suddenly realized.

She secretly regretted that she was too stupid. At this time, all the mistakes and anomalies were sorted out and rushed into her mind. Gradually, all the mysteries and all the things she couldn't think of came to the surface.

She quickly rushed into the office, woke up all the people who were sleeping on the desk and said, "go, I've found something." Qi Jinnan woke up one by one and said to Xiao Li, "go to Jiahe hotel as soon as possible. I have made a great discovery."

"Ah, OK, OK, don't sleep any more. Sister Qi has found something. Hurry up, do you hear me?" Xiao Li sweeps Xiao Meng's head to one side and slaps him hard. He wakes him directly from his dream. He is about to scold him, but when he hears something, he wakes up instantly. With the discovery of Xiao Li, other people wake up.

All of a sudden, Xiao Li and Qi Jinnan drove to Jiahe hotel. Qi Jinnan said to Xiao Li, "do you remember who lives in which room?"

"I remember. What's the matter? Did sister Qi find out who the killer was? " Xiao Li's eyes are looking forward to it. Looking at Qi Jinnan, she wants to hear that the killer has been found.

"Not sure, but it should be about the same." Qi Jinnan has been thinking about how the murderer observed the pictures on the rooftop. Today, she realized that the murderer should have lived in Jiahe hotel. I have been thinking about how the murderer made Luo Cheng fall from the building. I found that maybe something was used to control Luo Cheng from the downstairs. When ye Yufeng approached Luo Cheng, she pulled Luo Cheng down, This is the only way I can explain the mystery of Luo Cheng's fall. If I need some evidence to prove my conjecture, I have to see if we can find anything in the hotel room that will surprise us.

"Well, there must be a discovery. I believe sister Qi." After hearing what Qi Jinnan said, Xiao Li's heart became tense, and he hastened to go to Jiahe hotel.

The manager of Jiahe hotel looks at so many policemen who appear in an instant, and his face turns pale. What's the matter? It seems that he has done his job to the end. Hastily forward, looking at Qi Jinnan, said: "this officer, you this is..."

"We're going to have a look at the room. You'll take us to check it." Qi Jinnan ignored the manager and said to Xiao Li and others, "you mainly check the rooms directly below Luo Cheng's fall. The key is to check the windows of each room to see if there are any scratches and small scratches. No matter what the marks are, you should inform me if you have any problems. Do you understand?" Qi Jinnan is not sure which room this person is in, but this room should be the best place to face the bottom of Luo Cheng, and also the best place to facilitate the execution of this killing plan.

"I see." A group of several people directly spread out, looking for each room in the presidential suite. Qi Jinnan and Xiao Li came to the nearest position under Luo Cheng's position. Then Qi Jinnan carefully looked for it on the window, but found nothing.

At this time, Qi Jinnan just stood there quietly and watched. This room is the bedroom, in which there is a soft leather bed, two mahogany bedside cabinets, and a pair of art paintings on the wall, so there is nothing else. There are two Rome poles at the window. The inside one is a thin white curtain. The outside one is a thick silk curtain. There are no scratches on the Rome pole. Nothing unusual.

This calm all, seem to be mocking her, mocking her guess is just a joke, mocking her will not catch a prepared murderer.

"Sister Qi, what to do now." Looking at Qi Jinnan's dark face, Xiao Li could not help but worry about her, and then said, "sister Qi, maybe the killer also thought of leaving traces! Whether he will use something to protect him or not, after all, the strength to pull a person down is still very great. "

Xiao Li's words immediately remind Qi Jinnan that, yes, he didn't have a premeditated plan to kill Luo Cheng. It was only after he knew that Luo Cheng and ye Yufeng were going to meet that he had a temporary opportunity to kill Luo Cheng. Therefore, some of his tools should be things and articles in the Hotel.

The only thing that can be used in the bedroom is the bed sheet. Qi Jinnan tells Xiao Li to ask room service quickly to see where the bed sheet is in the bedroom and whether he can find it.

"Well, I'm going." Xiao Li just reminds me that Qi Jinnan's mood is obviously better when she looks at her reaction. When she is in love, she lightens her breath. She is really afraid of Qi Jinnan.

For a moment, all the room service departments were busy. When they called the cleaner to clean the room, she threw the sheet because it was scratched and some oil stains appeared on it. If she didn't clean it, she let her throw it away.

Xiao Li is angry and takes the cleaner to the garbage point to look for it. But the garbage has already been cleaned up. Xiao Li contacts the garbage sweeper and finally finds the bed sheet.