Chapter 35

Name:Red Wanted Order Author:汐舞歌
Around the police will be the photos of the body and the scene after careful inspection of the dead, Bai qiuran will carefully check the body before saying: "the initial cause of death or excessive blood loss to death, but this time and the previous two techniques are not the same."

"It's different." After hearing Bai qiuran's words, Qi Jinnan also came forward to check carefully, but the ribbon on the body didn't take down, still showing an "s" shape, the body has been stiff, pale without a trace of blood, because of excessive blood loss to death, the body's face was pale and blue, only a small amount of spots appeared.

In the eye socket, the blood has coagulated and blackened, and some blood foam splashed around the corner of the eye. Seeing this, Qi Jinnan's eyes darkened. This is not right. The murderer handled the corpse very carefully, and it was always very clean. But now looking at the eyes, I can't help guessing what happened, and the murderer put the wound here. There was no processing.

Time is not enough. No one is in the school during the summer vacation. Only one school police officer is on duty at night. It's far away from here. Looking at the skin of the dead's lip, it's obviously adhesive tape. If he doesn't make any sound, he has enough time to let the murderer deal with the crime scene, but what's the matter with his eyes!

Looking at the wound that seemed to vent, it was obvious that the eyes of the dead man irritated the murderer, and he was eager to destroy it. After the destruction, he didn't want to face it, so he allowed the wound to be exposed like this. At the same time, it reflected that the murderer's mood was also a little anxious, as if something exciting was dominating him, and when he was treating the dead, It's always in a state of excitement.

After Bai qiuran extracted some DNA samples and a suspicious object, he ordered the police to put the body into the body bag and transport it to the police station. Ye Yufeng blocked the scene and asked the first reporter. Qi Jinnan also knew that the autopsy had no result and nothing was in vain, so he followed Ye Yufeng to see the reporter.

The reporter was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was wearing a pair of transparent black framed eyes. Because he was afraid, he was still afraid. His voice was the same as that of the police. When he asked and answered, his voice was trembling. It was obvious that he had not recovered from the fear.

"I, I've run a cram school outside the school. I don't know how the instruments used in the national service class broke down. I can't buy them at the moment, so I want to take them from the school first. Anyway, I can't use them during the holidays. When I buy them, I'm sending them back, but I don't want to see this woman hanging there as soon as I come in. I really didn't kill this person, I don't even know who this man is. " The male teacher was a little flustered for a moment. He was afraid that the police would be killed because he found it.

"When did you come here? Was there anything unusual? Have you found anyone suspicious After hearing the male teacher's words, the police continued to ask, and kept on writing down what the teacher said in the book.

"I had a class at eight in the morning. I got up early and came at six. When I came, everything was normal. I didn't find anyone, that is, the school police. I called in advance and knew I was coming, so I came in directly. I didn't find anything all the way. However, I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. If I knew I would rather not have class, I'm not going to come to school for this. " Now it's too late to say anything. The man's face is a little regretful, but it's too late to say anything. It's such a big shock now that he doesn't get involved in the school. He doesn't want to run a class without permission, and he wants to move the private property of the school. It really scared him.

"Did you enter the scene when you came? What happened then? " The police officer didn't understand the teacher's psychology at this time. He just asked what he wanted to know. He lowered his head and wrote down all the teacher's words.

"I didn't. when I pushed the door, I saw people hanging on it. How dare I go forward? I went directly to the school police. After he came, we thought of calling the police. Then, didn't you come? I really didn't go in, but if you want to find fingerprints, there must be me in it. This... This is my chemistry room. I don't know. This has nothing to do with me. I can't see who the person is. Really, you must make a good investigation. This man really has nothing to do with me. " There are only three keys for this teacher, one for him and the other two for chemistry teachers. They use them in turn, so he is really afraid that he will be involved in this case.

"Don't worry, our police won't wrongly a good man, and will never let a bad man go. Just answer our questions honestly, and we will investigate the rest." Looking at the male teacher, the police are worried. It's funny. Is this man so nervous? I'm saying that the police are not so overbearing and unreasonable!

"Yes, I know, I know." The teacher looked a little embarrassed, rubbed his hands, and then said: "I and the school police have been waiting here, he can prove that I did not go in."

"Well, what about you? Is there anything special that happened that night? Have you heard any noise, and have strangers come to school these days? " When the police saw that there was no useful information from the teacher, they directly asked the school police again.

"No, really no, there's no sound at all. The school is open and locked on weekdays. We'll just look around and have a check. No one has ever been here. I've stayed up late and been watching TV dramas. I didn't find anything The school police also know that such a big thing happened in the school. He didn't find it, and the school will blame him.

"OK, is there any monitoring in this school? Where are they all installed? " The police's hand quickly wrote down all the answers of the school police in the book, and then asked while writing.

"Yes, there is one at the gate, in the corridor of teachers, but because the school is on holiday, the monitoring is closed, so I'm afraid it won't be useful." Monitoring is rarely installed in schools, and it is mostly installed in public places and places where children play, so that there can be a basis for what happens.

Now that it's a holiday, there's no need to turn it on. It costs a lot of electricity to turn it on for a whole day, so from the day of the holiday, the monitoring has been turned off directly. So if you want to investigate, you can't find anything.

The police asked the two men and recorded their answers. After confirming that there was no problem in the record, they asked them to sign. He turned to Ye Yufeng and said, "team ye, these two did not find anything unusual. I don't think they will provide any useful information. Someone went to the neighborhood to ask, and I don't know if they will have any results."