Gregorian calendar, February 2, 2000.

Three days before the first spring festival of the new century, a dark tiger head ran on Provincial Highway 06.

The car was full of people. There were no seats in the front two and the back three.

Gao Mu is still sitting in the back seat of his favorite co pilot, leisurely texting with his mobile phone, and his hand speed is gratifying.

Gao Lu and Meng Jia are sitting on the other side. All three are slim. They don't feel crowded in the back seat of the dash.

If the two girls were not Gao Lu and Meng Jia, Ma Yiming, the co pilot, would be happy to sit in the back row, but what he didn't know was that if Gao Lu and Meng Jia weren't for Gao mu, Gao Mu would have been sitting in the middle and embracing him from left to right.

Ding Li is still driving. It's reasonable to say that Gao mu, who is celebrating the new year, should give him a holiday and let him go home. He won't still let him drive them back to their hometown.

In addition to Ding Li, Gao Mu is also an old driver. Even Ma Yiming is a young driver who can drive but has no certificate. Ding Li actually has little effect.

In fact, Gao Mu asked Ding Li how to celebrate the new year after they set a time to return to their hometown.

Ding Li's childhood was abducted and trafficked. Up to now, no one knows his biological parents, and his later parents, in fact, his adoptive parents, have died.

The reason why Ding Li was bought from human traffickers was that his adoptive parents had no children, and once they died, Ding Li would become a de facto loner.

The relatives of his adoptive parents didn't communicate much when his adoptive parents were there. When his adoptive parents died, they took Ding Li, an alien species, as a burden.

Not only did he not have any warmth, but even avoided him for fear of any relationship with him.

Just because in addition to the unrelated relationship, Ding Li's adoptive parents also left a butt of debt. This debt is the only "wealth" inherited by Ding Li, except for a mud house with ventilation on all sides!

They are indifferent to Ding Li, and of course they don't want to have anything to do with this "finance".

Later, Ding Li really couldn't get along in the village. His physique doomed his appetite. If he had to pay off his debts by guarding those acres of land in the village with his personal ability, he wouldn't even have enough to eat.

Therefore, when he had the opportunity to leave the village later, he left without hesitation, and even sneaked into Hong Kong with others later.

Over the years, especially after following Gao mu, he didn't have to worry about food and clothing. At the beginning, his adoptive parents paid off the debts owed in the village in various ways.

For the remote, poor and backward hometown of the mountain village, Ding Li has no concern at all.

Even if Gao Mu gives him a spring break and asks him to go back to his hometown for the new year, he will not go back.

Therefore, when Gao Mu asked him, he had only one word. He was either on duty at the company in Shanghai, or he followed Gao mu.

He goes wherever he goes!

Gao Mu also simply waved his big hand and asked him to follow him back to his hometown for the new year. It's just one more mouth and a pair of chopsticks. Isn't it a free labor force?

"Here we are, boss."

Starting from Shanghai in the morning, I had a light meal in Hangzhou and went to the West Lake.

I took my time all the way and arrived at the boundary of sui'an County before dark.

However, they are not in a hurry to go home. They have to go to a place first and take the new year's goods bought during the new year.

In addition to the five of them, hutouben also filled the trunk with their carry on luggage, especially the two large suitcases of Gao Lu and Meng Jia, which occupied more than half of the trunk.

So there are few things related to the Chinese new year on Mercedes Benz.

Gao Mu asked Ding Li to buy it for more than half a month. He bought a lot of things himself, Ma Yiming, Gao Lu and Meng Jia.

Even if the tiger's trunk doesn't have their carry on luggage, it can't hold it.

Therefore, Gao Mu has long thought of other ways to transport the goods to his hometown in advance. He arrived one day earlier than him. He just came to pick them up after he arrived today.

"Have you arrived? Have you contacted Zhan Jisheng?"

"Here it is. Look at the three big ginkgo trees agreed. I sent him a text message ten minutes ago. The reply was to let us wait here and say that he would arrive soon."

Ma Yiming opens the window, a cold wind blows into the car, and the temperature drops sharply.

"Just in time. Get out of the car and move."

Gao Mu opened the door, took the lead to get out of the car, twisted his neck and took a deep breath of forest oxygen.

Because my hometown is located in the northwest of Zhejiang Province, it belongs to the county with the least developed transportation economy, and the corresponding landscape protection is also the best.

Although there is no golden mountain and silver mountain, green mountains, green water and fresh air are completely forest oxygen bars.

Smelling the unique smell of landscape and flowers, Gao Mu couldn't help opening his hands, closing his eyes, sucking in two big mouthfuls and exhaling two big mouthfuls.

Wash your lungs.

Standing here to breathe is totally different from staying in Shanghai.

At this time, the city's industrial pollution and haze have been very serious.

The breathing air is turbid, and the tap water has the smell of heavy bleaching powder and rotten well rope.

Blue sky and white clouds are rarely seen during the day. Even the sun belongs to the long hair type. At night, let alone the stars, even the moon is often invisible.

The hair on the moon is really more slender than long hair stinky tofu.

With the increasingly serious pollution, the economic development of urbanization has seriously corroded the magic capital.

Why should we relocate and close the high pollution enterprises such as Yixian paper mill, and why should we upgrade the technology of super large backbone enterprises such as Baosteel, increase environmental protection, and upgrade the management of the discharged gas.

In fact, they are certain measures taken by the magic capital government to make the world environment in Shanghai no longer deteriorate uncontrollably.

Unfortunately, although these measures can delay the speed of pollution, they can not fundamentally change the continuous deterioration of the environment. It is like a seriously ill person, just delaying the dissipation of his life functions.

If we want to make real changes, we still need top-level design, we also need to adjust the economic development strategy of the whole country, and we still need to be catalyzed by something many years later.

In fact, Gao Mu urged horse herders to speed up development. In addition to self-interest, standing at the height of righteousness is also to give a banner in economic transformation as soon as possible.

If we can enliven and expand the market of digital economy in advance, it will still play a great role in the transformation of economic development.

Further speaking, it can be regarded as making a little contribution to environmental protection and sustainable development!

"Comfortable, the air is really sweet."

Ma Yiming stood beside Gao Mu and breathed fiercely. Such a high concentration of oxygen-containing air is completely impossible to absorb in Shanghai. This is a luxury.

It's good for him to take one more SIP now. It's a big profit.

"We can't do anything else, but the protection of the natural environment is pretty good. Such a good environment will be less and less in the next ten years. It's really comfortable. Do you feel that your lungs are much fresher?"

The heart has a tiger, sniffing the rose, the heart has turbid Qi, and sucking the new Qi.

"You said that our water can be bottled and sold. If the good air in the forest oxygen bar is also bottled and sold, will the business be hot?"

Ma Yiming had a whim and boldly proposed.

What kind of environment creates what kind of business opportunities. After staying in Shanghai for a long time, his aversion to smog and air pollution goes deep into his heart.

"Why, you want to be a porter of nature like the farmer company?" Gao Mu smiled and patted Ma Yiming on the shoulder: "will it be hot? You can try to do it."

"Hey, forget it!"

After thinking about it, Ma Yiming quickly gave up. Water is water and air is air. Water porters can make a lot of money, but air porters may not.

Giving up so soon is really beyond Gao Mu's expectation.

It's not that air can't be sold, but it's only suitable for selling online. It can be used as curiosity hunting and trying to be fresh. It's really impossible to sell it like selling water.

Only three men, Gao mu, Ma Yiming and Ding Li, got off the bus. The two girls were afraid of the cold and didn't come down.

After staying in Shanghai for a few days, I was also very clear about the environment of the two places. The water was good. Gao Mu always let them drink pure water, but the air quality was too bad.

However, they have enjoyed the good mountains and water here for more than ten years. In addition, they have only left for a few days, so they don't have the emotion of Gao mu.

Of course, Ding Li is the one who feels the most. Although he is also a mountain man, there is a big gap between their landscape and the landscape in Jiangnan, which is completely different from the style.

"Boss, is the water here already the water of Wandao lake?"

Gao Lu once told him that there is a Wandao Lake in their hometown. There are thousands of islands in the lake, with beautiful scenery.

"Yes, this is the northeast edge of Wandao lake. The water surface of the real Central Lake area is still very wide."

Gao Mu said with a smile. Ding Li, who was silent, rarely took the initiative to ask questions.

"Don't worry, dadingding. Wait until the county seat, I'll take you to the Central Lake area to have a good look. By the way, I'll rent another speedboat. I'll feel the excitement of leaping in the water."

Speaking of riding a speedboat on the lake, Ma Yiming was excited.

Although he is from this side, he has only experienced it once in a speedboat. As long as other ships are too big, they don't have that thrill;

Or like a hanging ship, the speed is not enough to fly.

"This activity can be arranged. By the way, let him show you the real local characteristic fish head. The fish head in Wandao lake is really good."

Close to the hometown, Gao Mu began to eat the food of his hometown in Amway.

"What's delicious about the fish head? I'll take you to touch the deep-water snail. It's delicious."

Ma Yiming gave a mouthful, took an empty breath and swallowed.