The fierce fight made Gao Mu feel tangled.

It was not until the little girl who had disappeared reappeared with a stick longer than her own and faced brother Qiang and others with the big man that things changed.

Brother Qiang and others recovered because of the re emergence of the little girl, just like beating chicken blood.

As for the little girl holding a stick and fighting with the big man like them, they think it is the funniest joke of the year.

When the big man saw that the little girl had gone back and faced the enemy side by side with him with a stick, he was excited and helpless, and even muttered that it was going to be over this time.

If he was alone, even in the face of so many people, even if they had knives in their hands, the big man still had the confidence to run away.

However, if he is alone, now with the little girl, the chance of running away has been directly reduced from 90% to zero.

Unless there is a miracle.

But the big man can't resent the little girl. He had such a big conflict with brother Qiang and others in order to save the little girl. At the beginning, the little girl left him and ran away. He was not unhappy, but thought it was the most correct way.

God knows what such a little girl thinks. She is not afraid of death and comes back again. She also carries a long stick to fight with him.

The courage is commendable and has the heroic spirit of Hua Mulan, but this practice is actually very stupid.

The stick in her hand, that is, the person opposite, is teasing her, otherwise she will be robbed at the first time.

If you do bad things with good intentions, you can't do better than "filial piety". That's about it.

The big man who was in a complicated mood but had no time to think more could only use his last strength to punch Qiang and others unprepared while the little girl was not injured.

Then, for the first time, he took the little girl and ran away, listening to fate to fight for a chance.

But the big man knew very well that this opportunity was small and small.

However, what he didn't know was that at the moment when the little girl appeared, Gao Mu's heart also changed greatly. He was tangled about whether to help him. Without a trace of redundancy, he made a decision that he had to help.

Gao mu can avoid and not participate in the shallow one-sided relationship with the big man, but he can't watch a little girl about ten fall into such a huge danger.

Otherwise, his conscience will be disturbed, which will be the shadow of his life.

So, because the little girl suddenly appeared, the karma changes quickly fermented in the three parties, and the "tacit understanding" ended the big play of killing and chasing.


When brother Qiang and others fled at the sound of the police * flute, Gao Mu drove a car with a big man and a little girl and came to the square in front of the station through several streets.

For the sake of safety, hutouben didn't stop at the parking lot or the side of the road, but turned into a narrow path again.

Neon lights twinkle on both sides of the road, and small hotels are scattered everywhere.

Seeing a car coming in, it immediately attracted the attention of countless rich middle-aged women. They were always ready. As soon as the people in the car opened the door, they would rush up and start looting for guests.

As for driving such a good car, they won't consider why they should come to their small hotel gathering place.

The special hobbies of the rich have nothing to do with them, but only how to grab customers from others.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed. They had low back pain in their posture. They didn't see the door open and someone wanted to get off.

The fact is that Gao Mu didn't notice them at all and didn't care about them.

At this time, he is facing the big man and the little girl.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you save us?"

The big man knows best how dangerous the situation was just now.

If it hadn't been for Gao mu, he and the little girl might have explained it on the road now. If it hadn't been impossible for corpse cross street.

The present safety is brought by the young man driving. He saved them at great risk.

"Why, don't you know me so soon?"

Gao Mu put one hand on the steering wheel and looked back at the big man with a smile.

"Do we know each other?"

On the big man's brain bag, there was a surprised face like a washbasin.

"It seems that you really don't remember me."

Gao Mu shook his head slightly. In fact, he could understand.

He remembered the big man because of his special size and because he was impressed with him at the gate of K-K bar.

From the big man's point of view, he is a completely different thing.

Young people like him, or people who enter the K-K bar in the same way as him, the big man may see several at the door of the bar every day. For a long time, he can remember that Gao Mu is strange.

"Excuse me, are you?"

Although Gao Mu looks young, he is their life-saving benefactor. The big man uses the honorific title.

"Hong Kong, K-K bar, where should you work? Why are you here?"

Ask instead of answer.

"Are you a guest of the bar?" the big man was still in a trance. There were thousands of guests in the bar. He really had no impression of Gao Mu: "something happened in the bar some time ago and was seized by the police. I just came back today. Oh, by the way, my hometown is Shandong."

Although it's half white, Gao Mu understands what big man means. He lost his job and returned home from Hong Kong.

There should be other things, such as what happened in the bar, which was so serious that it had to be seized by the police?

Why did the big man return to his hometown in Shandong after the bar was sealed up, but did not continue to stay in Hong Kong, or that his original stay in Hong Kong was not legal in itself?

"So you are from Shandong!" Gao Mu sighed, "then how can you conflict with those people? Is she your daughter?"


With one voice, the big man and the little girl denied it.


"I don't know this one. Like you, it's my first time to see you today."

The little girl is not old, but she has a sophisticated voice and smart teeth.


It was Gao Mu's turn to be surprised. He looked at the big man strangely.

I don't know. The first time we met, what was the situation before that, shouting and killing?

"It's the first time I've met. I really don't know her."

The big man nodded, then told the whole story from his own point of view, and the little girl added some more details.

"Damn it, these guys must be the human traffickers you said."

One of the most hated crimes is rape, and the other is trafficking in children.

Moreover, from the previous scenes and the number of each other, they are organized gangs, and their risk is much higher than that of the lone wolf.

Endangering society and destroying families are really punishable by everyone.

Gao Mu slapped the leather seat hard. He regretted that he knew it was an ordinary human trafficker. He should get out of the car and beat them up.

What danger is not dangerous? A car is in hand. I'm afraid there's no word.

In further chat, Gao Mu knows more about the big man and why he is so courageous.

It turns out that the big man himself is an abducted child. I don't know where his real birthplace is. Shandong is just the home of his adoptive parents behind him.

Two years ago, the adoptive parents had an accident and told him the secret before they died. But for a long time, they didn't leave any information about the real identity of the big man.

The middleman who brought the big man, the adoptive parents, did not disclose who they were until their death.

In this way, the big man is an orphan who has no father or mother, let alone who and where his biological parents are.

Fooled by others, he went all the way south to work in Hong Kong until now.

Because of his own experience, the big man hates selling children.

And because I have worked in a bar with a complex cultural environment for a long time, I have seen a lot of strange stories and wonders in the world. Although it seems simple and naive, I actually have a very lively mind.

When they saw the little girl under their control, they guessed that it might be kidnapped by human traffickers, and then finally confirmed it from their dialogue.

Put yourself in a position, think of your own life, and imagine the tragic life of the little girl in the future. The big man did it without hesitation.

What he didn't expect was that such a little girl dared to return.

see light suddenly!

The big man's story once again helped Gao Mu solve some incomprehensible details.

Finally understand why the big man dares to risk his life for a child he doesn't know.

"After talking so much, I don't know your name?" I chatted and found that the three people didn't even know their names: "my name is Gao mu, happy Gao, Su Wu's shepherd."

"My name is Ding Li. People prefer to call me fat sea. Hey, hey..."

Don't big Ding Li touch his big head like fat sea?

"Ding Li? Xu Wenqiang?"

Instead of his nickname, Gao Mu is interested in his big name.

"It's not Ding Li on the beach. I'm powerful."

"Shanghai beach" is so famous that Ding Li is also a loyal audience. What is Gao Mu talking about?

"Oh. It's Ding Li. I'll call you fat sea in the future!"

Gao Mu said with a smile, and then turned to look at the sensible little girl.

Without his asking, the little girl introduced herself: "brother Gao mu, brother pangdahai, I don't know my name."

The expression is sincere!

"You don't know your name?" Gao Mu and pangdahai looked at each other at the same time: "why?"

Such a clever little girl doesn't know her name. It's ridiculous in the world.

"I really don't know. I've forgotten a lot of things."

Face full of depression!