It's a wonderful and incomprehensible situation.

"Director Yu, when you came to me today, you didn't just want to know whether I was involved or not?"

Gao Mu really doesn't know what to say about him and the stationery business. In the eyes of most people, it is mysterious and unknown, but in a few people, it is also a semi public secret?

Director Yu is theoretically a person who knows the inside story. What is the reason why he didn't know until today?

This may be a mystery, a mystery that Gao Mu is too lazy to solve.

"I understand that your small business is quite big. Not only in our school, but also in other schools. You should make a lot of money?"

He looked at Gao Mu seriously. Unfortunately, from the perspective of dress, he didn't look like a man who made money.

Ordinary shoes, ordinary clothes and trousers are the standard of spreading goods all over the place. What director Yu doesn't know is that Gao Mu's clothes are on the ground.

But he also has valuable goods. He not only has pagers and mobile phones, but also the backpack behind him is a brand, and the price is not cheap.

Unfortunately, his attention is only on Gao Mu's clothes, and Gao Mu is a person who doesn't pay attention to clothes, or doesn't pay attention to clothes now.

"Since director Yu has inquired about it, I should also know that I must earn some, but if so many people do things, I can't get a few pieces."

Gao Mu is most curious about who he asked about himself.

"Classmate Gao, you're not honest. If you don't earn much, who will help you with the food, accommodation and training expenses in Shanghai during this period? I think since you admire this one and a half month training so much, their fees are not cheap. Wen Meiyu can help you contact, but I don't believe it if you help you pay?"

Money, money, money, every sentence is mentioning money. Director Yu's purpose is obvious, but the goal should also be very clear.

"Hey, director Yu is really a bright eyed person, and there is nothing missing from the analysis. Hey, I don't hide it from you. I managed to make a little money before, and all the money was spent on training." Gao Mu said with a cry.

"The cost of something with good effect is naturally high." director Yu subconsciously touched out a pack of cigarettes, which happened to be the pack of Marlboro: "unfortunately, after spending so much money, you still can't 100% guarantee that today's exam will reach the agreed position."

"Isn't it? After the exam, I have an unspeakable taste in my heart."

"You are still young and still don't understand some truth. The so-called good knife should be used on the blade, and the money must be used in the most correct place to reflect his value."

Director Yu sincerely told Gao Mu his life experience. Then he lit a Marlboro again and smoked silently.

Seconds understand!

This is the real meat play and the reason why director Yu sincerely looks for himself.

It can be seen that this is a change from the tit for tat the day before yesterday. He wants to deal with his attitude. This is to help himself!

"Unfortunately, I know too late. If I had an open and frank conversation with director Yu earlier, maybe I wouldn't be so passive now. If I couldn't get the target position this time, I would regret to die. I spent so much effort for the college entrance examination, moving from the last position in my class to my current position. If I wanted to die, the school wouldn't give me a high score What should I do if I have the chance to take the exam? "

I looked up at the director with sincerity and expectation on my face.

"Xiao Gao, I'm the teaching director of No. 2 middle school and your teacher." director Yu's hand has been gently patting on Marlboro: "for the sake of friendship between teachers and students, I'm still willing to help you."

"Oh, really? Director Yu, can you really help me?"

"Of course, you know, whether you are absent from school or asking for leave in this month depends on the judgment of the headmaster and me. If I decide that you are asking for leave, you will have no problem taking the college entrance examination."

Worried that Gao Mu's life experience is not enough and that he can't understand the meaning of his words, director Yu has almost made his words clear.

Silence, quiet enough time, waiting for the cigarette in his hand to burn half.

Gao Mucai was puzzled and said: "director Yu, you mean as long as you believe that I am asking for leave, I am asking for leave, not absenteeism?"

"Of course, you don't think about what I'm mainly responsible for in school, rules and regulations, school spirit and discipline. Of course, I have the most say in this matter."

I felt that Gao Mu was a little on the road, and director Yu smiled more on his face.

"But where is headmaster Yu? At the beginning, Mr. Wen had an agreement with him on the ranking of the simulation test?"

Gao Mu's meaning is very clear. Headmaster or headmaster, you are just a teaching director. You can ride on the headmaster's head and be his master.

"Hahaha, don't worry about this. I agree. President Yu generally won't disagree."

Director Yu is very confident. The confident Gao Mu suddenly realized that the day before yesterday in the headmaster's office, headmaster Yu didn't really care about whether to ask for leave or absenteeism.

It is only director Yu who has been pestering about this problem, and it seems that the re mention of the ranking agreement is just to kill director Yu.

So, in terms of probability, as long as Gao Mu takes care of the director, he can even take care of everything.

In fact, his words have his reason.

Gao Mu took the backpack off his back, fiddled with it and pressed something.

"Director Yu, you see I'm just a student. Just tell the truth. How can you help me and determine that my leave is a leave?"

"Hahaha, look at what you said. I'm your teacher. How can I ask you?"

Since Gao Mu entered the office, it was the time when the smile on director Yu's face was the brightest. One hand kept holding Marlboro on the table, sliding back and forth.

"Director Yu, I still have several bags of Marlboro here. Why don't you take them all to smoke. Anyway, I can't smoke."

Gao Mu found three packs of Marlboro from his backpack and put them on director Yu's desk.

"Oh, what's the matter with your classmate? He doesn't smoke and puts so many cigarettes in his schoolbag."

Director Yu's right hand, holding half a cigarette, quickly scratched on the table. The empty drawer in his left hand opened and closed and flashed past. Three bags of new Marlboro, which he had smoked two before unpacking, had disappeared.

"Hey, didn't you see something strange and spend hundreds of yuan to buy fresh food for your family? But it's more appropriate for director Yu to smoke. You're the one who knows this cigarette!"

Gao Mu's voice beat inexplicably. He seemed worried that director Yu couldn't hear clearly.

"You're a nice guy, but foreign cigarettes are really more fierce than domestic cigarettes. Most people don't have the habit of smoking. I'll try my best to smoke!" they are all experts in speech. They're almost going through fire and water: "but after all, this cigarette is a cigarette. Smoking too much is bad for your health."

"The director is right. Smoking is harmful to health. It's better to smoke less for health."

Gao Mu has been pretending to be a fool. Of course, he can't be too smart, and director Yu can't give too simply what he really wants.

"Look, you all know this truth, let alone me. To be honest, smoking a few packs of your cigarettes is really no good for my health. If I'm not careful, I may have to go to the hospital. It's all a matter of money!"

Smoking is harmful to health. In order to make others smoke less cigarettes, director Yu took out the spirit of cutting meat and feeding the eagle, took a big bite and directly sucked the flame to the butt of the cigarette.

"Director, your words are really classics and famous truths. Hey, isn't it? It's easy to get sick if you smoke too much. Now hospitals charge too much, which is really expensive."

Gao Mu nodded his head with a look of worship.

"Yes, I have a point!"

Director Yu smiled and MMP in his heart. I really don't know whether Gao Mu really understood or falsely understood. Why didn't he respond and act?

"Yes, that's reasonable. Now I know what's wrong with me. I really shouldn't give you cigarettes. It's hurting you! Why don't you give me back my cigarettes?"

Isn't that bullshit? Gao Mu is good at it. He knows what director Yu's idea is, but he just doesn't want him to get it so comfortably.

For himself, the result may not change, but how does this process go? Or has the final say.

If you can't get the interest back, you can always put it out!

There are thousands of calculations. It's impossible to calculate that Gao Mu will want to get back the cigarettes. It's really like lifting a stone and smashing his own feet.

Half a day later, he reacted. His belly was subconsciously and firmly on the top of the drawer.

After entering his drawer, there is no reason to go back.

"I still have the spirit of helping others. Let me have a baby if I'm sick!"

I know this is absurd, but I don't care about anything else. I can only say it as an absurd reason.

However, what he never thought of was that Gao Mu agreed with such an absurd reason.

"Director Yu, what you said is also reasonable. Well, I won't come back and leave these cigarettes for you. But I can't let you suffer in vain at the risk of going to the hospital. So, in order to make up for my fault, take the money!"

Gao Mu's picture is poor, and director Yu's dagger of hope is gone.

A thick, long prepared envelope appeared in Gao Mu's hand and was placed on director Yu's desk.

"What are you doing?"

Director Yu's hand heavily covered the envelope.

His eyes were red, but he didn't know whether he saw the red thickness of the envelope or because he and Gao Mu finally understood his meaning and swept away the previous grievances.