Fang zhe didn't know how much Kenyatta listened to his words.

Fang zhe will not be foolish enough to believe that just by his words, Kenyatta can make up his mind and firmly stand on the side of China.

In international relations, there are only permanent interests and no permanent friends.

However, looking at Kenyatta's thoughtful expression before leaving, Fang zhe believed that his words had played some role.

For Kenya, firmly holding China's thigh is one of the reliable ways for Kenya to achieve economic take-off. For China, Kenya, which is not ranked in the world in terms of politics, economy and international influence, will only become a small help to China's rise at most.

China's one belt, one road to China's biggest war, is probably the biggest help for China.

Although Kenya does not rank first in the world in terms of politics, economy and international influence, Kenya ranks first in the world in one field.

That is wildlife protection.

Kenya is known as the paradise of wild animals in Africa. There are more than 60 wildlife parks and nearly 30 national wildlife reserves throughout the country.

One of the most famous is Masai Mara National Park, which has a total area of more than 4000 square kilometers and is known as the "king of kings" of wildlife parks.

Masai Mara National Park is the most famous wildlife reserve in the world. There are more than 90 kinds of mammals and 400 kinds of birds in it. It is an unparalleled animal kingdom in the world.

The African prairie, lions, elephants, animal migration, etc. seen by many viewers in animal world are basically taken here.

It can be said that walking into Masai Mara National Park is walking into a real animal world.

Fang zhe will not miss such an opportunity to visit nature in person.

Early in the morning, accompanied by several bodyguards, the head of Masai Mara National Park, guides and many patrolmen, Fang zhe went to the Serengeti prairie in Masai Mara National Park.

Masai Mara National Park is so big that a group of people drive several Hummers and jeeps and gallop on the prairie unscrupulously.

Along the way, Fang Zhe and others saw all kinds of animals, such as horned horses, gazelles, elephants, zebras, rhinoceros, cheetahs, flat headed brothers and so on.

Compared with the animals with three melons and two dates Fang zhe saw in various wildlife parks in China and other countries, the flocks of animals here can be called a real wildlife paradise.

"Mr. Fang Zhe, in half an hour, we will reach the elephant herd of this mission, which is also close to the border between our country and Tanzania. Poachers often hunt elephants and steal Ivory there!"

On the open Hummer in the middle of the team, Peter kagovanga, the director of Masai Mara National Park, introduced Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe looked at several lazy zebras on the grassland in the distance, in a trance.

Along the way, Peter told Fang zhe many stories that took place on the African prairie.

Unlike the animal world, which only tells about natural selection and the law of the jungle here, on the prairie in Peter's mouth, the most terrible enemy of animals is not predators such as lions and cheetahs, but rampant poachers.

Every day, hundreds of animals are hunted by poachers on this vast grassland. As long as they can make money, poachers will kill them without mercy, from elephants to lions and even gazelles.

Once, poachers killed dozens of lions on this grassland in order to pick out the strongest one and sell it to the Middle East Royal family.

Once, there was a gang of poachers who had been active in this grassland for more than ten years, killed thousands of elephants, grabbed ivory and sold it to the black market for profit.

Once, many animals on this grassland were captured by hunters and sold to zoos and circuses all over the world.

After Kenya divided this grassland into Masai Mara National Park and continuously strengthened animal protection, hundreds of patrolmen have been killed by poachers.

This grassland is not only a paradise for animals, but also a hell for animals!

In the distant sky, around several low baobab trees, dozens of elephants are lazily scattered around eating and playing.

This elephant group is the destination of Fang Zhe's party.

Their goal is to install a painless microsatellite locator for each elephant in this elephant herd.

In this way, patrolmen, Masai Mara National Park and Kenya animal protection department can know the movement track of each elephant. When the movement track of the elephant is abnormal, they can also know that the elephant is likely to be killed by poachers, and then quickly go out for protection.

Since the adoption of this advanced means of protection, Kenyan officials have taken this opportunity to kill dozens of small poaching gangs, but many patrolmen are also facing more severe life and death tests and threats.

Therefore, as soon as the car arrived nearby, seven or eight patrolmen armed with AK47 and other weapons and equipment patrolled around vigilantly to prevent the sudden emergence of rampant poachers.

At the same time, Fang zhe was surrounded by two or three bodyguards who were born in a special force in China. They also kept vigilant observation and touched the pistol around their waist from time to time.

A bodyguard took out a laptop and a modified Dajiang UAV from his portable black suitcase, and took off the Dajiang UAV in a few seconds to observe the surrounding environment and vision.

Such a configuration is only the simplest configuration in Fang Zhe's bodyguard team. In fact, the whole bodyguard team is also equipped with satellite phones, micro headphones, surveillance cameras, anti eavesdropping devices and other equipment. There is only one goal and original intention of all these equipment to protect Fang Zhe's safety.

After determining the safety of the surrounding environment, the patrolmen began to install satellite locators for the elephants in the herd.

For safety reasons, although Fang zhe didn't personally approach the elephant group, he was only a few tens of meters away from the elephant group. While watching the patrolmen install the locator, he looked down at the iPad in his hand. The red dots and movement tracks of the elephant with the locator began to appear.

"Moo ~ moo ~ moo ~ moo ~ moo ~ moo ~ moo..."

Suddenly, there was a continuous cry in the elephant group, which caused everyone's tension at the scene.

Several bodyguards hurried to check the field of view of Dajiang UAV feedback on the computer. There was no wave around, and there was no abnormality.

Fang zhe looked up curiously at the elephants.

The two bodyguards standing next to Fang zhe approached Fang zhe slightly to prevent any accidents.

Two or three unknown patrolmen also nervously raised AK47 and aimed around.

"Calm down, calm down, this is the mother of the elephant herd caring about its children. You'll just put the baby elephant back in the elephant herd later!" the black guide who had figured out what was going on explained with a smile.

The crowd looked with the guide's eyes. In front of the elephant group in the distance, several patrolmen were installing a microsatellite locator for a baby elephant. Their move caused the uneasiness and impatience of the elephant mother in the elephant group, which caused the collective roar of the elephant group.

Sure enough, when the little elephant with the locator ran back to the elephant group, the 'roar' of the elephant group gradually stopped.

"An elephant looks gentle, but once it gets angry, even a lion can't beat it!" The black guide praised with a smile.