If in the teeth of the storm like a raging fire and the bright future of Alfa, the other side, the capital of the past few years has been touted as the hottest share of the economy in recent years.

When it comes to the sharing economy, the first one to bear the brunt is the sharing bike, which is known as the representative of the sharing economy.

During the boom of bike sharing venture capital in the past two years, the industry touted it countless times, and even the official media touted it as one of the four great inventions of the new era that can keep pace with mobile payment.

But all this has changed quietly since last year.

Under Fang Zhe's butterfly effect, the sharing economy and bike sharing in this life are earlier than those in the previous life.

From the slight signs at the end of 2013 to the admission of well-known venture capital funds and Internet giants such as Jinsha River, Jingwei China, Zhongying capital, Huizhong and Alibaba in 2014, the whole sharing economy industry and sharing bicycle startups have achieved rapid expansion.

Just take the two representatives of sharing bicycles, ofo and Moby bicycles, for example. At the end of 2013, the two start-up companies were only making small fuss on campus or in a few blocks. Now the bicycles of the two companies have spread all over the country and many places around the world.

Even when Fang zhe visited Africa some time ago, he saw Moby bikes at the United Nations Africa headquarters, which shows how fast the two companies are expanding their markets.

Corresponding to the speed of market expansion is the valuation of the crazy growth of the two companies.

At the beginning of 2014, when Zhongying capital just started to participate in the pre-A round of financing of ofo, the valuation of ofo was only RMB 40 million. From the second half of 2014 to the first half of 2015, ofo successively completed five rounds of financing such as a, a +, B, B +, C in just one year.

Nowadays, the valuation of ofo in the market has reached US $4 billion!

From RMB 40 million to US $4 billion, the valuation of ofo has increased nearly 700 times in three years. At the same time, it is the ofo bicycles nowhere to be placed in the streets and the ambition of Founder Dai Wei.

"We hope to build a big city sharing plan around ofo to meet people's diverse needs. The goal of ofo is not just at home, but the whole world!"

Last summer, when ofo bicycles began to be launched in Singapore, David, the founder of ofo's top student, once said heroically.

However, after a year, times have changed. Under the bright glory of ofo, hidden dangers and undercurrent have begun to surge quietly.

"The company's account is running out of money!" when Zhang Zheng, chief financial officer of ofo, told Dai Wei the news, Dai Wei just nodded with indifference. Then he picked up the map on his desk, handed it over and said:

"I also marked cities in 18 countries on the map, which is our goal in the second half of this year. We will strive to have more than 50 countries and regions in which we ofo operate globally by the end of this year!"

Looking at Zhang Zheng's worried face, Dai Wei went up to him, put the map in his hand, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:

"Well, my God of wealth, you don't have to worry about money. You can't see how much the market pursues us. Later, you will call several investors and disclose the news that we intend to carry out a new round of financing. At that time, you will see if you can count the money and get cramps!

The main strategic goal of our company now is to seize the world's valuable markets before moBay. I believe that when our bicycles are put on the streets of Wall Street, our ofo valuation will exceed 10 billion US dollars!

At that time, we will be listed on Nasdaq, and all investors will make a lot of money. In their dreams, they have to thank us for giving them the opportunity to get on the bus! "

Dai Wei's confident tone infected Zhang Zheng. Maybe other start-ups need to worry about money, but it's not necessary for ofo who has a smooth journey and is pursued by countless well-known venture capital funds!

"Tonight I'll be the East, Sanlitun old place. You call everyone else, and we won't return until we get drunk!"

When Zhang Zheng left, Dai Wei gave a special instruction. In his opinion, it's time to engage in league construction and release pressure for everyone.

Late at night in Sanlitun, he was full of noise, sex and wine. At this time, Dai Wei would never think that a week later, he would have the same worries and anxieties as Zhang Zheng.

"Several investors are very cold and not as enthusiastic as before. I heard from one of them that they seem to be interested in promoting moBay to buy us. Otherwise, they will not consider investing in any of us alone!"

"Moby buys us?" Dai Wei almost threw the cup on his desk to the ground.

"Our valuation is higher than it and our market share is larger than it. Why did it buy us instead of us?" Dai Wei asked angrily.

Zhang Zheng hesitated for a moment and gave an answer:

"Because Huizhong is the biggest promoter behind this acquisition, and Huizhong is the largest shareholder of moBay. Here, Huizhong is only the second largest shareholder after you!"

"Huizhong! Fang zhe!" mentioned the two names, and Dai Wei's teeth squeaked.

David has been in business for more than three years, and his attitude towards Huizhong is also changing.

At the beginning, crowwin capital entered the pre-A round of financing of ofo, which made Dai Wei very grateful and excited. At that time, Dai Wei was like a grass-roots citizen received by the emperor. He didn't expect to receive the favor of crowwin capital, a top venture capital, with the obscurity of ofo.

It is also because of the investment of win-win capital that ofo is famous in the venture capital circle, which has opened the brilliant road of ofo for nearly three years.

In the past three years, numerous well-known venture capitalists at home and abroad have scrambled to invest ofo and catch the express train of sharing the economic outlet.

Including Huizhong, a top giant, has also invested in ofo in several rounds of financing, such as a round, a +, B + and B +.

However, since the c-round financing of ofo in 2015, Huizhong no longer participated in the financing. From 2015 to now, in the six rounds of financing of ofo, Huizhong just stood by.

But even so, Huizhong, who took over the equity of Zhongying capital, is still the second largest shareholder of ofo, which makes Dai Wei itch.

In David's opinion, it is precisely because Huizhong doesn't support it that the valuation of ofo can't be improved rapidly. Otherwise, the current valuation of ofo should have exceeded 10 billion US dollars.

Now, Huizhong is against itself. Even if it doesn't invest, it's even 'bewitching' other investors not to invest.

Want to eat ofo? you must be dreaming!

David definitely can't accept the fate of ofo being acquired created by himself!