"Maybe many of you here are curious. How do people like me who are not on the African continent get their impression of Africa?

In a word, it can be traced back to the courses of nature, geography, history and so on I studied in my student days.

In the earliest days, Africa was the kingdom of animals in my impression.

Here live zebras, lions, elephants and many other rare animals I only heard of when I was a child, but never saw.

Later, I began to study geography, learned that the world has seven continents, studied history, and learned that human beings originated in Africa.

Human beings originated in Africa, which is my most profound impression of Africa when I was a student.

I have always been amazed that in ancient times, human beings could go from the African continent to the world with only one foot.

Africa is the birthplace and root of mankind.

Since modern times, great changes have taken place in the world.

Like China, Africa has experienced a lot of suffering, poverty and turbulence.

Before I came, many people told me that Africa was chaotic and poor, that Africans were lazy and lazy, and that there would never be developed countries in Africa.

These impressions are the stereotypes of many people, including me, about Africa.

Until the end of last month, I went to Kenya for the first time and set foot on the hot land of Central Africa for the first time.

My impression has quietly changed.

I see many people working hard in the scorching sun in the streets and alleys of Africa.

Africa has prosperous streets, clean and modern office buildings, cleaner air and blue sky than many countries.

In Masai Mara National Park, I saw the most wild animals I've ever seen in my life.

I was shocked. I believe that Africa is the heaven left by God.

Since then, I also understand that Africa has its unique advantages.

The people here do not work hard, but lack sufficient opportunities and conditions.

The confusion here is because there are still few educated people, and many people can't find the direction and method to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Therefore, I believe that Africa now needs more outstanding talents with higher education, more ambitious young people with courage and ability, outstanding young leaders, and all of you here to lead you to create a better life.

Looking back 40 years ago, China at that time was as confused, impoverished, poor and backward as the African continent today.

However, with the efforts and dedication of many outstanding young people, today's China has made remarkable achievements.

And I believe that what China can do, Africa can do the same.

Today's China is tomorrow's Africa! "

Fang Zhe's impassioned speech aroused warm applause from the young audience.

Every young audience here is worthy of the outstanding young people from the top, and they are the hope and backbone of the future of the African continent.

To exaggerate, the future of the African continent depends on the future of these young audiences.

In Fang Zhe's speech, they raised their value and highlighted their role, which made the young people present excited and blood boiling.

"Fang Shoufu is right. The reason why our African continent is poor and backward is that there are not enough excellent talents. We are the future of the African continent!" many young viewers resonate in their hearts.

When it came to the audience interaction, all the audience enthusiastically raised their hands to ask Fang zhe questions.

"The audience wearing yellow short sleeves in the middle of the fourth row."

As the first audience selected by Fang Zhe, the African youth stood up with great excitement.

After calming his mood, he thought carefully and said:

"Hello, Fang Shoufu. I'm a sophomore in the computer department of Cape Town University. I've always admired you.

I was inspired by your entrepreneurial story before I chose to apply for computer major.

I admire and envy you for accumulating original capital with two small games in the early stage of entrepreneurship, but I have been thinking hard for a long time and don't know how to complete the accumulation of original capital like you.

So what I want to ask you is, how can ordinary students like me quickly complete the accumulation of original capital? "

"Primitive capital accumulation?" Fang zhe smiled faintly. On many occasions in the past, especially when he was a guest speaker at various universities, he was often asked such questions. This is the first time he answered this question on the African continent:

"I know that many people in the audience may have the same confusion as this audience.

Throughout all entrepreneurial stories, 1-100 are different, while 0-1 is different.

Some entrepreneurs' original funds are saved by their hard work for several years, some borrowed from their parents, relatives and friends, and some invested by virtue of their extraordinary ability.

There are many ways to accumulate original capital, and I mentioned several main ways.

I think the best way for everyone to find their own way of primitive capital accumulation is to constantly examine themselves and position themselves.

Understand your abilities, understand your resources and understand your goals.

When you want to understand these things, I think you can find your own method of primitive capital accumulation.

What I want to say is that entrepreneurship is a domino. Maybe at the beginning, your original capital is only 100 yuan, but you can use 100 yuan to pry 1000 yuan, 1000 yuan to pry 10000 yuan, and so on. Your energy will be greater and greater. "

"Understand yourself and position yourself!"

"Entrepreneurship is a domino!"

Fang Zhe's words burned into the hearts of the young audience at the scene.

Next, Fang zhe answered the questions of the African youth on the scene. Each answer deeply inspired many African youth.

"The thinking of the world's richest man is really different!"

"It's a great receipt!"

"Learned a lot!"

"Worth the trip!"

This is the inner voice of many African youth.

"I have decided that in order to support all of you and aspiring young people in Africa, I will set up a fund in my own name and spend $10 million a year to support the entrepreneurship of young people in Africa!"

Wow, when Fang zhe said this decision at the scene, the audience broke into unprecedented warm applause.

If Fang Zhe's various experiences and fundamentalism in his speech just now are just empty heads, now Fang zhe plans to invest US $10 million a year to support African youth entrepreneurship, that's a real thing.

For a while, many African entrepreneurs who watched the live broadcast and the whole network were short of breath.

At this time, the African continent, like China a few decades ago, the venture capital industry is immature and the venture capital fund is pitifully small. Fang Zhe is willing to spend $10 million to start their business, which is more precious than the long drought and rain for many African entrepreneurs eager to finance!