Ke Jie's arrogance amazed the reporters on the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast.

"This guy is crazy!" many audiences make complaints about it.

Crazy, Ke Jie does have arrogant capital.

From small to large, Ke Jie has won countless go champions and awards. Even the world's top players such as Yutai Jingshan of Japan and Li Shishi of South Korea are also the losers of Ke Jie's hands.

Ke Jie is only 20 years old this year!

He is a real go genius. There is no reason not to be crazy.

In Ke Jie's opinion, Alpha's ability to win over humans depends entirely on its powerful computing power. In terms of layout and surprise, Alpha's rigid method may not win over humans.

Privately, Ke Jie also repeated the chess game between alpha and Li Shishi many times. He believed that if he fought with alpha, he would have a much greater chance of winning than Li Shishi.

Last year, the war between Li Shishi and alpha attracted worldwide attention.

Although Li Shishi was defeated, he and the Korean go industry made a good show in front of the global audience.

Therefore, some leaders of the China Go Association also wanted to brush their faces in this way, which brought together Ke Jie and Huizhong alpha team to arrange the game.

For the invitation of China Go Association and Ke Jie's challenge, alpha team naturally has no reason to refuse.

Although they are confident that alpha, who has grown up for another year, is almost impossible to lose to Ke Jie, the alpha team is happy to have the opportunity to compete with Ke Jie, the world go champion, to verify alpha's strength.

At the press conference, the leaders of China Go Association and Liu Jiannan, the representative of alpha team, jointly announced the competition arrangement of alpha against Ke Jie.

The competition time is scheduled for may 23-27. The competition system is two wins in three innings.

The venue of the competition is Wuzhen, a famous water town in Jiangnan, China and the permanent site of the world Internet Conference.

In order to host the competition, Wuzhen local government specially named it Wuzhen go summit.

At the same time, in order to increase the popularity of the competition, the organizers also specially set a higher competition amount than alpha challenged Li Shishi as the color head.

A single game is US $5 million, and the total amount of three games is US $15 million. Such a huge bonus makes many people envy and look forward to the game at the same time.

Many go lovers and melon eaters silently count the days, waiting for the game to begin.

In this atmosphere, as the big boss behind alpha, Fang zhe went a long way to Africa at the end of April!

Since he started his business, Fang zhe has traveled to many continents and countries.

However, in this hot land of Africa, Fang zhe never came again except to visit the pyramids in Egypt during his honeymoon with his wife Feng Xue.

During his visit to Africa, Fang zhe has a special identity as a youth leader and youth entrepreneurship consultant of the United Nations.

The purpose of Fang Zhe's visit to Africa this time is not only to practice the mission of the honorary title awarded by the United Nations, but also Fang zhe sincerely wants to come to Africa to consolidate and enhance the internationalized soft power and political relations in Africa.

At 14:05 p.m. Nairobi time on April 28, Fang Zhe's private plane landed at the International Airport in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, a big country in eastern Africa.

Nairobi, a name unfamiliar to many Chinese, is the headquarters of the United Nations Africa headquarters, UN Habitat, UNEP and other international organizations.

Compared with the stranger in Nairobi, the name of Kenya is well known to many Chinese people.

China is one belt, one road China's main trade partner in Africa, and one of the main supporters of China's strategy of implementing the "one belt" strategy in Africa. Kenya is not only one of China's major trading powers in Africa.

One of the most famous projects is the Mombasa Nairobi railway from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to Mombasa, Kenya's second largest city.

One belt, one road that one belt, one road, has not only supported Kenya's rapid economic development, but also become a benchmark project for China's construction in Africa. It has provided a good example for many African countries to take part in and join in the "one belt" road.

On the way to the United Nations headquarters, Fang zhe looked through the window at the street view of Nairobi, a well-known city in East Africa.

The main urban trunk roads are not narrow. They are basically very wide two lane or four lane.

The road is clean.

The cars on the road are basically old Japanese Toyota, Ford, Chevrolet and Alto, which are rare in China.

On both sides of the road, palm trees with long stems and sparse leaves are arranged at different intervals, dotted with the green of the city.

On both sides of the street, a variety of modern buildings and buildings with African characteristics are scattered, highlighting the prosperity of the city.

What attracts Fang Zhe's attention most is the sky of the city. The blue sky is filled with white clouds, which makes people feel comfortable.

On the whole, Fang zhe assessed Nairobi as the level of the second and third tier cities in China. If it were not for the lack of overpasses and other large buildings to improve the city's image, perhaps Nairobi could compete with some provincial capitals in China.

When the motorcade drove into the United Nations compound, Fang zhe was filled with green lawns and small woods.

In contrast, several low office buildings and buildings of the United Nations have become the ornaments of this green park.

The motorcade stopped directly in front of the United Nations building, and more than a dozen men and women of different skin colors were waiting outside to meet.

"Welcome, Mr. Fang zhe!" Fang Zhe, who just got off the bus, was warmly welcomed by everyone.

"I'm musuya, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, this is Adan Muhammad, Minister of industry and trade cooperation of Kenya, and this is..." a middle-aged black woman with eyes introduced to Fang zhe one by one.

Fang zhe responded politely.

"Mr. Fang Zhe, I didn't expect you to come to Africa yourself.

I've heard a lot about you.

I also attended the G20 meeting in China last year.

At that time, I wanted to find a chance to meet you, but my secretary told me that you were too busy. The President alone needed to see four or five, and there was no time to see me at all.

Now, I've finally caught the chance, "said Adan, Minister of industry and trade cooperation of Kenya in suit and suit, with a happy face.

Adan has always wanted to make friends with Fang Zhe. Compared with Fang Zhe's status as the world's richest man, he is really nothing as a Kenyan Minister.

"Sorry, Minister Adan, I was really busy during the G20 last year, but this time I came to Africa, but I have a lot of time. You can say what you want to tell me."

Fang Zhe's politeness made Dan and the people on the scene laugh.

Everyone walked into the United Nations headquarters building with laughter.