The exclamation of the audience made Li Bin smile with a little complacency.

After the video broadcast, Li Binzhi said proudly:

"Now, everyone should have a preliminary understanding of the technical strength of Weilai car making!"

Although there was little response from the audience, many nodded. Weilai ep900 km accelerated for 2.7 seconds, enough to rank among the top sports cars in the world!

However, when the audience expected and imagined whether Li Bin and Wei Lai really planned to bring this ep9 to the market and build a Chinese version of 'Maserati'.

Li Bin poured a basin of cold water on the people.

"I'm sorry to tell you that we only built six sports cars with a cost of nearly $1.2 million, that is, the one on the stage and the five we saw outside.

Moreover, we are not going to produce this sports car again in the future! "

As soon as Li Bin said this, there was a commotion on the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast.

"What the hell, don't you play? You think you're Maserati, making a limited edition sports car!"

"Well, it seems that Fang's richest man's money is really gone!"

"It's not surprising. I said it was a sample car long ago. It's reasonable to build only six cars, but it's a bit of a waste of energy and resources!"

"What's more wasteful is money, 1.2 million US dollars, nearly seven or eight million yuan!"

"No matter how rich Fang is, he can't do that!"

Li Bin didn't care about the comments of the audience. He explained:

"We planned to build this car at the beginning to verify our technical and design capabilities. It can be said that the birth of these six cars has achieved the goals we set.

These six cars will also be used as a thank-you gift for Wei Lai and my other co founders.

Thank them for their help when Wei Lai has nothing! "

"Well, Fang's richest man invested billions and changed into a sports car with millions!" some netizens joked.

"Next, we will release today's second content!

That is, a pure electric 7-seat SUV, Weilai es8, launched by Weilai for the market. "

Li Bin said, press the remote control in his hand.

On the big screen behind him, a picture of an SUV with the Weilai logo was impressively visible.

"Big! Cool! Trench!"

The audience at the scene had a first impression of the car in their mind.

Although it is just a picture, people can feel the domineering and trench spirit of this car from the picture alone.

"This photo you see is the appearance of es8. The next few pictures will show the photos taken by es8 from other angles and some interior decoration pictures.

I have to emphasize that all the photos you see now are not necessarily the final appearance of es8. This is just the version preliminarily designed by our designers.

In the next year or so, we will carry out n iterations and improvements. We will talk about the specific details later.

Let me show you the first version of es8 designed by our designer. "

With Li Bin switching from picture to picture, the audience's mind was also drawn.

Weilai's mysterious veil of the first model es8 tailored for the consumer market has been untied a little.

The streamlined and tough appearance, simple and luxurious interior, angles and details all show the designer's careful design.

"This is a high-end SUV, BBA!" some viewers had such a concept in their mind.

The so-called BBA is the three well-known luxury car brands in China, BMW, Mercedes Benz and Audi.

These three brands are well-known luxury models in China. Viewers can directly associate them when they see es8. It can be seen that the design of es8 has reached the level of BBA.

"I think when you see these photos, you should have a preliminary understanding and concept of our es8.

After seeing these photos, a friend of mine said, it's good enough. Hurry to produce. He wants to buy it!

I said: not enough! Not enough!

What the designer designs is only the style that he thinks consumers like.

But what style consumers really like, we have to let consumers decide! "

"Let consumers decide, what the hell?" many viewers don't understand.

Li Bin solved the mystery.

"In the past two years, VR has been a very hot tuyere and concept.

Although there are still many deficiencies in VR market and product experience, we have also seen excellent VR products such as oculus invested by Huizhong.

Now, we also plan to test drive the car through VR, so that consumers can experience es8 without leaving home before the car goes offline.

In short, our car building mode is VR car building + physical car building, which enables consumers to quickly improve and iterate the ride experience through VR experience! "


The audience exclaimed.

"VR commissioning!"

This is the first time the audience has heard of this trendy playing method and concept.

"666666, awesome. I think this method is great. Let consumers have a good experience through VR in advance!"

"Emmm, what if consumers don't want to buy a car after experiencing it in advance [laugh and cry]"

"I'm not optimistic. The VR test run is so different from the real test run experience that I can't even step on the accelerator!"

"Not necessarily. At least consumers can look at the interior of the car in advance. It's better than nothing!"

Li Bin was very satisfied with the shock of the audience. Weilai is the first car manufacturing enterprise in the world to put forward VR car manufacturing mode and process innovation.

If this method can be accepted by the public, it will not only lay a solid foundation in the automotive industry, but also believe that the VR industry, which has burst, will produce a reliable outlet.

"In the past two years, we have jointly developed a VR driving game with Huizhong and oculus. We have reproduced the vehicle information of ep9 and es8 in this game.

When consumers play this game, they can experience the feeling of driving ep9 and es8.

Now, let's watch a video of our testers playing this game! "

In the curious eyes of the audience, the game screen began to play on the big screen behind Li Bin.

In a realistic city scene block, a virtual game character begins to drive an es8 car in front of him from the first person perspective.

From the vehicle as like as two peas, the virtual ES8 is exactly the same as the car on the photo.

The player opens the door and sits in the cab. The first person player starts to look around and observe the interior of the car.

As like as two peas, the interior details are almost the same as the photos. This fine picture production is like letting the game player sit in the ES8's cab.

"How cool!" was praised by the audience.

Then, the player simulated driving, from ignition to stepping on the accelerator to accelerate, whether the pointer on the dashboard or the lighting details in the car, are very realistic.

Cars act on virtual urban roads, passing vehicles, passers-by and traffic lights are very real.

Players are really driving es8 on the streets of such a busy big city!

"The VR simulation car I opened last year driving license is like that of shit!" make complaints about the way out.

As the car faded away, the video ended.

There was a warm applause at the scene!