In the case of rising costs, huami 3 mobile phone still maintains its original pricing.

Such a pricing strategy has touched the bottom of many rice noodles.

"Mr. Lei is really a kind man. The cost rises and the price doesn't rise!"

Lei always felt the enthusiasm of the rice noodles and the audience, and his face smiled more.

Sure enough, my persistence is correct!

Nowadays, the price of huami series mobile phones is not low. If the price is raised again, although he believes that rice noodles will also buy, more potential consumers may be deterred.

On the contrary, if the price that has been maintained for three years is still maintained, many potential consumers have become accustomed to and accepted this price. Relying on the lethality of the comprehensive screen, huami 3 is afraid to achieve far more sales than huami 1 and huami 2.

This is the main reason why Mr. Lei insists on not raising the price!

As like as two peas, the hardware and function of the three versions are the same.

The 2000 yuan difference between the elite version and the exclusive version is still the difference in service. "

Compared with the huge controversy caused by the same distribution and different prices of the three versions of huami mobile phone three years ago in the whole network and the whole industry, today's rice noodles and audiences have accepted and taken it for granted.

Seeing this scene, Lei Zong was gratified.

"Three years ago, when huami first proposed the same price and different price in the industry, it was scolded by many rice noodles and consumers.

Many people scold us that Xiaomi is crazy about money.

In fact, after three years of verification, rice noodles and consumers who understand and agree with us have accounted for the majority. "

When President Lei said this, a small number of rice noodles and the audience laughed. Three years ago, they were the most vicious people who scolded huami for its fixed price strategy. Now, they just want to say, it's delicious!

"In the past three years, more than 2 million huami mobile phone users have used our free replacement service.

At first, many users didn't believe it and felt incredible.

However, when they took the mobile phone that had been used for nearly a year and exchanged a new huami mobile phone for a free offline Xiaomi store.

Many users are completely convinced.

Now, these people have become the most loyal users of Xiaomi.

I heard from an example given by the after-sales service department that there was a Mr. Liang who worked in Yanjing. Three years ago, out of his trust in Xiaomi, he spent 8888 yuan on the exclusive version of huami 1 mobile phone.

Later, in order to verify whether we huami kept our promise, he specially on the last day of the free replacement period.

That is, after one year and 364 days, I changed a brand-new huami 1 mobile phone in the Xiaomi store of Yanjing colorful mall! "

Hearing what Lei always said, many audience laughed at the scene.

"I'm NIMA, this guy is too extreme! He's taking advantage of everything!"

"It's right for people to change their mobile phones during the free replacement period, but this guy is really that..."

Mr. Lei continued to tell the story of Mr. Liang:

"It's not enough for Mr. Liang to replace his two-year huami 1 with a new mobile phone, but what our staff admire.

Mr. Liang has studied various preferential policies for the exclusive version of huami mobile phone to the extreme in the past three years.

He opened Youku Tudou's membership for 10 years at one go, because he can get a 20% discount at his membership level.

Every time he orders a meal on the hungry, he has to be a few cents to a few dollars cheaper than others.

He bought other products of Xiaomi, such as electric toothbrush, Xiaomi bracelet and so on, and gave a certain discount.

Over the past three years, he has saved thousands of yuan in various ways!

Until last month, he specially called our senior VIP customers and asked our customer service when to sell huami 3. He wanted to add some money and change for an exclusive version of huami 3 mobile phone! "


Many rice noodles and the audience were fried at the scene. If they thought it was nothing to replace Mr. Liang's mobile phone after two years, they simply admired Mr. Liang's series of money saving operations!

"Take this brother! If my husband can save so much money, I will wake up with a smile in my dream!"

"It's awesome. This guy doesn't suffer at all. 8888 used two mobile phones and saved thousands of dollars. It's amazing!"

President Lei looked at the heated discussion of the audience and smiled. He said:

"I heard Mr. Liang's story for the first time. Like everyone else, I admire his ability to save money.

However, this also just shows how affordable and kind our huami mobile phone service is.

The more noble the mobile phone, the more cost-effective the service you enjoy.

According to the statistics of our marketing department, the proportion of users who buy huami 2 Elite Edition and exclusive edition has increased by 15% and 20% respectively compared with those who buy huami 1 Elite Edition and exclusive edition.

This also shows that users recognize our services.

Now, many peers in the whole industry have begun to learn from our huami selling services. It can be said that we huami have created a new model and format of the mobile phone industry! "

After talking about this, Mr. Lei began to introduce the replacement service for old users of huami 1 and huami 2.

The better the first generation of huami 1 mobile phone is saved, the more exchange discounts. As long as 3888 yuan is the minimum, you can exchange a huami 1 mobile phone for a huami 3 mobile phone!

The second generation of huami 2 mobile phone can change to a new huami 3 mobile phone as long as 2888 yuan!

As for the VIP users of the original elite version and exclusive version, the minimum one is only 4888 and the minimum one is only 6888. You can directly change to a huami 3 mobile phone of the same version!

All the exchange services can be said to show the greatest sincerity and discount of huami mobile phone.

"I'll change it when I go back!" there are already audience under the stage, eager and anxious.

A mobile phone that has been used for three years can be replaced with the latest huami 3 high-end mobile phone for less than 4000 yuan. It's cost-effective!

"There is no more cost-effective high-end mobile phone!" many rice noodles commented.

The huami 3 mobile phone press conference has not been completed. Various contents and highlights of the press conference on the whole network have detonated the network.

"Huami 3 press conference"

"The stars are shining"

"Full screen!"

"Off screen fingerprint identification!"

"Mr. Liang, who can save money"

"The more expensive the huami mobile phone is, the more cost-effective it is!"

All kinds of news about huami 3 burst the microblog hot search and wechat circle of friends.

At 16 PM that day, Xiaomi officials struck while the iron was hot and sold huami 3 mobile phones directly on Xiaomi's official website, Jingdong, Taobao and Xiaomi offline stores!

Xiaomi's official website, the first 300000 huami 3 mobile phones, sold out in just 10 minutes!

Jingdong Taobao and other millet flagship stores showed no goods in less than half an hour!

Offline, customers waiting to buy huami 3 mobile phones lined up outside the Xiaomi store in the colorful mall.

The sale of huami 3 is very popular!