Li Zhipeng's suggestions aroused the recognition of many representatives of mobile phone manufacturers present.

Indeed, perhaps one of their mobile phone manufacturers may be afraid of Qualcomm, but a group of mobile phone manufacturers hold together, and the fear is Qualcomm.

Following Li Zhipeng's proposal, many delegates continued in-depth discussions. While trying to find ways, they also determined the principle that all members of the alliance should adhere to and advance and retreat together.

The mainstream media and even the state-owned media have unanimously pointed the spearhead at Qualcomm, accusing Qualcomm stores of bullying customers, suspected monopoly, operating prices, etc. at the same time, the relevant leaders of a bureau that just concluded the antitrust investigation of Qualcomm two months ago also pointed out in an interview with CCTV news reporters:

"If mainland manufacturers can provide sufficient relevant evidence, they will launch a new round of antitrust investigation against Qualcomm!"

Qualcomm: "excume?"

Derek arboli and Steve molenkov counselled. They paid a fine of $1 billion to the mainland two months ago. If they toss about another round of antitrust investigation, wouldn't they become leeks?

Soon, Qualcomm issued a public statement, constantly explaining that the reason for the price increase was that TSMC had insufficient capacity, and Qualcomm's price increase was helpless.

Qualcomm tries to throw the pot to TSMC.

Fang Zhe, who has been watching developments, knows that Qualcomm's attitude has been loosened. As Li Zhipeng said, the alliance between Qualcomm and TSMC is not as strong as expected.

Therefore, Fang zhe commented on the matter in public: "Qualcomm had to raise its price because of TSMC's insufficient capacity, which shows that Qualcomm was stuck by TSMC. This time, Qualcomm was denounced by the whole people, and TSMC did not speak for Qualcomm. Qualcomm should take this as a warning to support SMIC and reduce the risk in the upstream chip manufacturing field!

China's mobile phone mobile phone brand Chinese mainland and China's mobile phone brand success, the success of China's mobile phone brand globalization is the success of Qualcomm, Qualcomm should be with mainland and China Mobile brand standing together, not TSMC! "


Originally, Qualcomm intended to firmly stay with TSMC power station, but now, Qualcomm suddenly feels that Fang zhe seems to have a good point.

Does SMIC rise up do any harm to Qualcomm? No, SMIC is a chip manufacturer, while Qualcomm does chip design. There is no competitive relationship between the two. On the contrary, if SMIC can be used, Qualcomm can also, as Fang zhe said, do not have to look at TSMC's face.

For a while, Qualcomm's position began to waver, its hostility to the chip attack and defense alliance established by mainland mobile phone manufacturers weakened, and it was less enthusiastic about the anti mainland chip alliance led by TSMC.

On the contrary, Qualcomm listened to Fang Zhe's words. The success of the globalization of Chinese mobile phone brands is Qualcomm's success. Looking at the top mobile phone brands in the world, only Chinese customers are indeed Qualcomm's most loyal customers. In contrast, other Samsung and apple are more bitch customers.

The impact of the establishment of the mainland chip attack and defense alliance slowly cooled down. Qualcomm gradually accepted the compromise from the initial fierce opposition to the later. Even later, it began to make a false compromise with TSMC, took the initiative to compromise with mainland manufacturers, and even promised to hand over more Qualcomm low-end chip orders to SMIC for OEM. After SMIC's international technology was improved, it will OEM Qualcomm's medium and high-end chips, It's not impossible.

On the other hand, TSMC has nothing to do with Qualcomm's lukewarm attitude and even its intention to move closer to the mainland. The relationship between TSMC and Qualcomm is like the relationship between Qualcomm and mainland manufacturers. They are each other's customers that can not be lost. TSMC can only take the lead and continue to win over its anti China and anti mainland chip forces.

The situation of the chip industry on both sides of the Strait stirred the whole April. In this April, 58 cities embarked on the road of merging as Fang zhe expected and Yao Jinbo expected.