When Fang zhe returned to the classroom, the students were still discussing what President Ma had just said. It is hard to imagine that a group of students aged 30 or 40 have regained their youth and passion here.

When Fang zhe came in, the voices of the students gradually decreased until they disappeared. Ma and the other seven honorary teachers and the teachers by the lake also found seats to wait for class. Although the class was for the students, they could be inspired by listening to each other's classes.

Fang zhe looked at his watch and felt that the time was almost up, so he was ready to start class. Lakeside University didn't have anything like class bells. There were 36 students in total, and they were all 30-40-year-old enterprise CEOs. They were not as old-fashioned and serious as the real school.

Even when we sit casually in class, drink tea, whisper a few words, ask questions and make impromptu speeches are allowed. In short, the indoor classroom by the lake is more like a salon.

"OK, let's start our class. From the morning till now, we have introduced ourselves and listened to President Ma's lecture on a dry and full class. I think many students have taken notes. I think they have gained some results.

The next thing I want to talk about is to respond to the questions and puzzles that some of our students said during their self introduction this morning, and put forward my own opinions. If there is something bad or wrong, you and teachers can also directly interrupt me to put it forward. "

"Wow!" Fang Zhe's words brightened the eyes of the students under the stage. If President Ma's lecture is like theoretical knowledge in a teaching book, Fang Zhe is now directly helping you with questions and helping you examine puzzles and problems with his vision pattern as the world's top boss!

"First of all, Wang Xiaochuan and Sogou, you were the first to introduce yourself and the one I remember most clearly. You said that Sogou input method was a little slow because of the transformation of mobile Internet. You met two powerful competitors, happy input method of our company and iFLYTEK input method of iFLYTEK. You felt difficult and laborious in development, and didn't know what to do.

What I want to say is that you are a bit of a bull's horn. You see that you have a very thorough analysis of the advantages and core competitiveness of our happy input method and iFLYTEK input method. What about your Sogou input method?

When all input methods have little difference in basic input functions, users must have their needs outside the basic input functions when choosing an input method. For example, users choose happy input method because of rich expressions and many expression packages, and iFLYTEK because of voice.

And Sogou?

If you can make users' first impression of Sogou input method with labels such as expression package or voice, Sogou input method must have its core competitiveness. What to do later is to continuously optimize and improve around the core competitiveness, so that more users like your core functions.

The competition of the same type of products has never been the competition of basic product functions and needs, but the competition of differentiation!

You may ask how to find the differentiated part or core competitiveness of Sogou, which requires you, everyone in your company, to be patient to contact users and understand the unmet needs of users in input method.

What Sogou should do is to do a good job. It is to forget its glory on the PC and start again, rather than thinking about its competitors. It is useless to complain about its competitors all day. It is more important to polish its products with these time. "

Fang Zhe's remarks are quite intended to attack and educate Wang Xiaochuan and Sogou. Although Wang Xiaochuan doesn't sound very comfortable, he knows that president Fang's words are reasonable. Neither he nor the senior executives of many Sogou companies can let go of Sogou's brilliance on the PC side and always think with resentment, It was Kaixin input method and iFLYTEK input method that robbed themselves of the opportunity and market at the mobile terminal.

However, the opportunity is there. Why do you think the opportunity is yours before you get it?

To say who has the closest mentality to Wang Xiaochuan among the leaders of domestic Internet enterprises, it is Mr. Ma of Tencent. Compared with the opportunity that Tencent was robbed by Huizhong on the mobile terminal, Wang Xiaochuan and Sogou really don't pay enough attention. So far, Mr. Ma hasn't completely adjusted his mentality. Every time he sees Fang Zhe, his blood pressure will rise.

After talking about Wang Xiaochuan and Sogou, Fang Zhe's eyes turned to the next student, 58 city Yao Jinbo.

58 in the same city, as one of the Internet enterprises of Huizhong department, Fang zhe naturally has a good relationship with Yao Jinbo. 58 is good in the same city, and Huizhong, as the largest shareholder of 58 in the same city, will also be good. Therefore, Fang zhe said unreservedly about Yao Jinbo's confusion and problems:

"Next, Jinbo and 58 are in the same city. The problems encountered by 58 should be the problems encountered or to be encountered by most enterprises here. That is, what should we do when enterprises develop, approach or touch the ceiling?

The road is long and the tree is high and low. Many times, how much an enterprise can achieve is determined from the beginning of its establishment. Therefore, in recent years, there is a saying in both the domestic and global Internet industry, that is, there are only three tracks with the most potential in the Internet industry, social networking, e-commerce and search. Only these three tracks can produce and cultivate hundreds of billions A US dollar giant.

Is that right? Yes, but not exactly.

We have a broader and longer-term vision, look back on the past and look forward to the future. With the advent of the mobile Internet era, Baidu, which only relies on search to eat its old capital, has not stepped up the threshold of hundreds of billions of dollars, which shows that with the changes of the times and market environment, the so-called most potential track is also changing.

I ask you again, do you think the US mission is going to travel safely and tiktok? Is there any chance to achieve 100 billion US dollars?

Fang Zhe's problem caused the students to talk and talk to each other, and even several leaders and teachers who attended the class discussed with each other.

"The United States and the fast on may also be able to go out," said one student, who shouted to the other students. Fang Zhe tiktok also obviously looked at him.

"Ha ha!" Fang zhe smiled and said, "I can tell you that I have more than 80% confidence that these three can achieve a market value of 100 billion US dollars in the next five years!"

"Wow!" when Fang zhe said this, the students present were in an uproar.

Tiktok can also be not a little bewildered. Many students are puzzled that the US group is a leader in the O2O field. It can achieve 100 billion US dollars. It is considered possible that the valuation of the fast lane is nearly 50 billion dollars. With the expansion of overseas markets and the tiktok of the future, the probability of achieving 100 billion dollars in 5 years is also very great.

Tiktok, an ordinary video entertainment app, is even too much for the Chinese people to do so. Ten billion dollars is still possible!

What many students do not understand is that tiktok is so simple that it is more than ten thousand times more than the logic of their own businesses, and what is the value of 100 billion US dollars.

The tiktok, who was sitting in the audience, was thinking or nodding, or they had not fully understood the potential of the jitter, but this did not prevent their recognition from the other's philosophical judgment. After all, Fang zhe said this.

Tiktok didn't explain to everyone why there was a potential of 100 billion US dollars in the voice because it was not what the lecture was about today.

"Thinking about chattering, you can do homework as well as thinking about it later. I want to help you with your mental exercise. We will continue to talk about the topic just now." Fang zhe has shifted tiktok in the eyes of many students eager to know the answer.

"Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, you will find that the potential of the track is constantly changing and changing with the development of the times, which teaches us not to stick to the old rules at any time, stick to our own one mu and three parts of the world.

If we touch the ceiling on our own track, we can try to touch other tracks, but we must pay attention to that this new track is as close as possible to our existing track.

For example, Huizhong first made games and later made Internet products. These two tracks belong to the large scope of the Internet and have many similarities. If Huizhong directly transforms from games to real estate, it's over. We can't achieve today's results.

A little touch is slow, but the victory is stable. If you take too big steps and cross too many tracks at once, it is easy to pull eggs and overturn, which not only wastes the enterprise's resources and energy, but also weakens the enterprise's ambition and confidence in exploring business boundaries.

I'm talking about a failed case, Baidu. As we all know, Baidu has shouted slogans to spend 20 billion on takeout in recent years, which has attracted the ridicule of many people in the industry. In the end, it hasn't done well.

Why? It's because takeout is too far away from Baidu's core business track. It's not so easy to use in strategic planning, market strategy or talent reserve, and the combat effectiveness is very weak.

On the contrary, when we look at meituan, whether it's taking out or eating, drinking and playing, it's basically done, because its core is local services. It can plug in any business related to local services, which is why it has a potential of 100 billion US dollars.

Third, we have just talked about two things. One is to tell everyone not to abide by the old rules and not to keep their own three-thirds of an acre. The other is to touch the boundary and look for nearby tracks. The third is to open up new markets through mergers or defeating competitors and continue to be bigger, stronger and better in this field!

The third point is the one I most recommend to you, or you may be most willing to take, because after all, you still develop in your familiar fields and get twice the result with half the effort.

The third point needs to be taken apart. Many people may think that it is very difficult to merge or defeat competitors. If you can easily merge or defeat competitors, such as 58 city and ganji.com, you don't have to kill the competition for nearly 10 years. It's obvious that they belong to each other and can't do anything about each other! Isn't it? "

Yao Jinbo smiled bitterly and nodded. If he could win his opponent, why would he seek strategy here.

Fang zhe continued: "this belongs to cage thinking, or Lushan thinking, because you two fight in the same track and pool. You are very familiar with and understand each other, and no one can do anything. At this time, the best way to break this situation is to use external forces, with the help of powerful external forces that can merge or defeat competitors.

When it comes to 58 in the same city, if you really want to merge with ganji.com, I mean merger, not defeat, because the price of defeat is too high. If you think enough, you can rely on our collective strength. Of course, you need to be in the same city with 58 and are willing to pay enough. "

Shock! All the students and several teachers by the lake were shocked. This... Is this doing business at the class site?