Originally, before the three, there was a faster person, President Liu of Jingdong. However, after seeing Arima around Fang Zhe, he stubbornly stopped and didn't move forward. How embarrassing the atmosphere on their boat was when the two friends wanted to get together!

"You guys sit still, I'll sail!" Zhang Jingen, the boatman, shouted excitedly, making his efforts to paddle.

The boat slowly left the service dock. The people on the shore looked at several big men on the boat with envy. Li Wen and Ma Zong's assistant and others followed the boat along the shore.

Clear water, white walls, black tiles, bluestone roads, small bridges, running water, pillow water, people.

The people on board were amazed at the beautiful scenery of Wuzhen and the strong historical charm of Jiangnan Water Town. Fang zhe recalled the water city Venice he and Feng Xuedu had been to on their honeymoon. Although they were both beautiful because of water, they had a different cultural charm between China and the West.

"When I retire, I have to stay here for two months!" Xiaomi Lei is always touched by the scenery.

The crowd sneered. As for Lei Zong's strength as a model worker, hasn't he got a monkey's year and a horse's month when he retires?

The six chatted about the beautiful scenery of Wuzhen and expressed their feelings. Mr. Ma talked about the past and the present. Talking about the historical origin of Wuzhen, even Zhang Jingen, the boatman who rowed, turned his head and took a peek from time to time.

About twenty minutes later, Zhang Jingen reluctantly sent them ashore. At the same time, he thought that this was probably the richest boat of guests he had carried in his life.

When they got ashore, they ran straight to the opening ceremony hotel in front of them. At the moment, there are not a few invited guests from all directions outside the hotel. Fang Zhe and his party entered the conference center of the hotel through security check.

When you enter the conference center, you will see rows of white soft chairs. The aisles on both sides are filled with the flags of invited countries or international organizations and institutions around the world. On the background board of the rostrum at the front, the words "World Internet Conference * Wuzhen summit" marked in Chinese and English are eye-catching.

After Fang Zhe and his party found their positions in the front row and the middle row respectively, they quietly waited for the beginning of the conference. Many journalists who had appeared in the conference center watched Fang zhe or Arima, who was alone, occasionally secretly took a few photos.

The theme of this world Internet Conference is "connectivity, sharing and governance".

The so-called interconnection simply means that the Internet is connected and accessible to the world. Without the emergence of the Internet, I'm afraid the world is far less frequently and closely connected than today.

Sharing and co governance involves how the Internet reaches every corner of the world, how to hold the bottom line while opening and sharing the convenience brought by the Internet, respect the network sovereignty of various countries, maintain network security, and establish a multilateral, democratic, transparent, equal and cooperative international Internet governance system.

At 10:55 a.m., director Li, the second leader of Zhejiang Province and director of the Organizing Committee of the conference, officially took the stage to preside over the opening ceremony of the conference.

After an official welcome speech, director Li invited leader Ma, the highest level leader attending the conference today, to deliver a speech.

After leader Ma took office, he first read out a congratulatory message to the conference on behalf of the visiting leaders abroad, and then delivered a speech by himself and the top leader of Zhejiang Province. When Fang zhe delivered a speech on behalf of Chinese entrepreneurs, more than half an hour had passed.

"Dear leader Ma, Secretary Xia, director Li, guests and friends from afar, it's a pleasure to join you in Wuzhen, a beautiful water town, to discuss the past and future of the global Internet.

When I first entered primary school 20 years ago, China was connected to the Internet. Chinese netizens began to understand international events from the Internet. Foreign netizens also saw a beautiful and open China from the Internet.

Six years ago, I just graduated from university. The wave of mobile Internet is sweeping the world. A small smart phone carries people's dream of connecting to the world.

Today, 1.8 billion people around the world use wechat to connect with their relatives, friends, colleagues and partners, sharing their joys and sorrows in the circle of friends. There are over 3 billion people around the world who are connected because of the Internet.

The elderly, children, youth, life, work and the Internet have been integrated into all aspects of society, and have a profound impact on and changed our lives.

The Internet has made outstanding and unparalleled contributions to human society and the progress of human civilization, but at the same time, we should also see that the Internet has not only brought all good changes, but also derived many bad and bad problems.

For example, around the world, all kinds of bad and false information are spreading rapidly because of the convenience of the Internet. The personal information security of many Internet users around the world, and even the sovereign information and financial security information of many countries are subject to various security threats.

Therefore, it is very necessary for us to work together to hold the bottom line of the Internet, respect the network sovereignty of various countries and regions, safeguard the network security of the Internet, and jointly establish a multilateral, democratic, equal, transparent, open and cooperative international Internet governance system.

I always firmly believe that the Internet is a great opportunity for the development and progress of human society and human civilization. I believe that as long as we work together, we can use the Internet to realize a community of human destiny with me and me!

Thank you! "

Fang Zhe's speech aroused warm applause at the scene. Many industry leaders are very concerned about the 1.8 billion wechat users mentioned by Fang zhe!

Since Huizhong went public last year, wechat has deliberately played down the publicity of the total number of wechat users. In Fang Zhe's words, "low key! We want low-key development!".

Wechat's current user volume and market share have hovered at the threshold of antitrust investigation in many western countries. If it were not for Huizhong's strong government relations and deep-rooted localization, as well as its deliberately cultivated competitors such as WhatsApp, I'm afraid the antitrust sword would have been cut on Huizhong.

Therefore, after listing, wechat will no longer announce the total number of users. Various external institutions and media can only guess the total number of users of wechat based on the user growth curve of wechat in the past few years and the current situation.

Today, I heard Fang zhe announce the total number of wechat users, 1.8 billion! Compared with the 1.2 billion before Huizhong's listing last year, the number of users of wechat has increased by as much as 600 million in a year and a half!

600 million! This figure is close to 67 of the total number of Internet users in China. If it is placed in the population ranking of all countries in the world, it can also be ranked in the top three!

Wechat connects the world! Wechat has truly achieved its slogan!